Homebrew D&D Adventures: Hawkstone Village

This is a collection of related NPCs and random encounters around Hawkstone Village – or whatever you want to name your town. Feel free to use this for your tabletop campaign. If you like this content, be sure to check out LitRPG Adventures Workshop.

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Homebrew D&D Adventure

Notable Locations

Hawkstone Village

Hawkstone Village was formed in the hilly forests south of the Volgah mountains and to the west of the Zellgoth Mountains. The city of Crowthorne, one of the larger cities in the Kingdom of Grabisco, lies to the west. The village came into being over four hundred years earlier when some of the region’s nomadic tribes settled in the area. The area was also home to a small band of Newgrange rangers who built a fort to the north and to the east of the village.

The village has a population of around one thousand residents. Most are humans, halflings, or gnomes. Its name was derived from the large, stone hawk which sits atop the village’s central temple of the god Meloria. Hawkstone’s main marketplace is located to the east of the settlement and is the intersection of two major trade roads. The village today is quite chaotic. Soldiers from Crowthorne have shown up to protect humans and others from the elves and half-elves in the region.

At the same time, the Dark Lord Zan the Wizard is working with the half-elves to cause trouble and bring him more power. The buildings in the village are built of wood and stone. Many have tiled roofs and gables. Very few have glass windows. The streets are cobblestone and the sidewalks and paths are covered with wood. Most of the houses are single or two stories.

The meeting hall in the village is made of stone and is the tallest building in town. It is called the Citystone and is where the Mayor of the village meets with the city council when needed. A low stone wall surrounds the village to ward off city invaders. The city hall and the Temple of Beldaroon are located to the north of the village. Forests and hills surround the village and are filled with wild animals, monsters, bandits, and monsters.

The Tomb of Zan

The tomb of Zan is located in the Zellgoth Mountains to the east of Hawkstone Village. Despite its name, the forty-two foot high pyramid holds no dead bodies, mummified or otherwise. Instead, the tomb is a secret hideout for the Wizard Zan and his cultist followers. The pyramid is heavily fortified and defended. If players manage to sneak in, they will discover that Zan and his followers are attempting to raise the Dark Lord Zan the Fourth through a ritual that involves the blood of defenseless victims.

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Zan’s body is actually in a hidden tomb in the wilderness to the north. Zan is a very old human wizard in the form of a mummy. He has powers like a lich and is able to animate dead bodies to do his bidding. He is also working with  Zorak King. Male Half-Elf Warden of the unnamed forest surrounding Hawkstone Village. The tomb of Zan contains a powerful, evil artifact that is being used to drain the souls of victims. Once enough souls have been collected, The Dark Lord Zan the Fourth will be released upon the world. He is much worse than the Wizard Zan the players have been dealing with. It’s important for players to find this location as early as possible.

The Tomb of Sargon

The tomb of Sargon is located in the Volgah mountains to the north. A great underground city under the mountains is called Volgah and is where the mountain range gets its name. The abandoned dwarven city is immense and filled with all sorts of undead creatures, including wraiths, skeletons, and more with a wide range of challenge ratings.

If players find the tomb of Sargon, they will need a key to enter. The key can be found in the The tomb in the Chasm of the Deep. Players can spend literally years of game-time exploring the vast reaches of Volgah. (See list of random encounters below.) Many other adventurers are looting the tomb of Sargon and will help or hinder players as they try to find the artifact. The tomb of Sargon is located in the Volgah Mountains to the north. The mountain range is named for this tomb.

The tomb of Sargon is the resting place for an ancient dwarven king and is guarded by stone statues and traps. The tomb also contains a powerful artifact called the Hammer of Sargon. It is a magical item that gives +3 to all attack rolls, +6 to all strike rolls, and +12 to all damage rolls. In addition, the hammer gives the wielder +3 to AC. In the main chamber of the tomb, there is a statue that stands about six feet tall. The statue is the tomb keeper and is magically animated. It will attack the intruders.

Hundreds of years ago, an evil necromancer named Sargon the Unspeakable, the Dwarf King of Volgah, tried to use the Hammer of Sargon to create a powerful, undead army so he could take over all of the surrounding kingdoms. He failed and was buried in his tomb along with the artifact. The Hammer is also known as the Hammer of the Dwarves. Players will need to complete a Trapped Room puzzle to get the key to the tomb. 

The tomb in the Chasm of the Deep

The tomb in the Chasm of the Deep. Located in the hills to the south of the Volgah mountains, this tomb contains the remains of The Dark Lord Zan the Seventh, one of the most miserable of all the Zans found throughout the land. To find the key hidden inside this tomb, players will need to enlist the services of someone familiar with local legends of the area, including the foundation of Hawkstone Village. The tomb contains many historic clues to the area’s history. The tomb is located in the hills to the south of the Volgah mountains.

A small village lies on the edge of a forest. A small stream flows through the village and comes out of a large chasm in the hills. A crumbled, old bridge spans the chasm. Only half of the bridge remains. The tomb is inside the ruins of a building at the bottom of the chasm. The tomb of Zan the Seventh is the final resting place of an ancient cobra spirit who took over the body of Zan the Seventh, a local necromancer who was a devotee of the High Priest Yalarg.

Zan the Seventh was killed in the Temple of Yalarg in a fight with a group of treasure hunters. His body was brought back to his tomb and he was buried with several powerful artifacts, including the Staff of the High Priest Yalarg, a magical item that increases the power of all spells cast by ten percent. Players will have to complete a simple magical puzzle to open the tomb.

The halfling village of Everfall

The halfling village of Everfall is located south of Hawkstone Village. Located approximately thirty miles away, the village is heavily guarded due to the war with the elves. The halflings have been clearing the forest for farming while the elves have been fighting their attempts to exploit the land. The war between the two has been going on for two decades and shows no signs of stopping. Each side pushes back the other, never able to completely destroy the other. This is why both sides are trying to enlist the help of a local tribe of wild magic gnolls. With human soldiers from Crowthorne showing up more in the area, both sides are eager to get the gnolls and others on their side.

Halflings will offer the players wealth beyond their imagination if they help the halflings in their war efforts. If players refuse, the halflings will send a group of their best warriors to kill the players. The halflings are a curious bunch. They have been living in this area for about two hundred years now. They originally came from an area to the north, outside the lands controlled by the Dark Lord Zan the Second. They were driven from their home during a war, fought by a group of mages. They were victorious and took over the small forest in which they now reside. They are friendly toward outsiders, but are deeply suspicious of orcs of all sorts.

The area around the halfling village is open and made up of meadows, hills, and occasional forests. There is a river to the south that eventually flows into the Black Marsh where the gnoll tribe lives. The halfling village is a small, compact community. Most of the buildings are made of wood with thatched roofs. They are single or two-story buildings. The main building is a two-story structure that acts as the town hall. This is where meetings are held and village decisions are made. The rest of the buildings are for single families. There are a few horse barns and chicken coops. The woods surrounding the village are filled with game of all sorts, including deer, boars, and rabbits.

Windfall Camp

Windfall Camp is located east of Everfall and is the primary location the elves and half-elves work together against the halflings and all others that would invade their forests. The camp is the site of one of the many battles going on between the elves and halflings.  Syla of the Old Wood, a female Elf Druid, will not step foot in the camp. She believes in peace between all the races. The forest is big enough for all to share according to her. Windfall Camp will always have a different group of elves and half-elves around if players visit. This shows their massive numbers and how they come and go from the camp at random.

The camp is located in a hilly forest. The forest is made up of many streams, small lakes, and many animals of all sorts. The camp itself is two hidden and guarded areas. One is a storage facility made of wood and the other is a fort made of wood and stone. Both are heavily guarded by elves and half-elves. The camp is the site of one of the many battles going on between elves and halflings. A small, nasty war has been going on between the two for decades, each trying to push the other out of their territory. The camp holds a large amount of supplies and building materials, making it hard to capture. The elves and half-elves are a cruel lot, though not as cruel as the wild gnolls. Players may be hired by either side or both sides to fight against the other and/or to retrieve supplies. If they take either side, they will be allied with elves and half-elves and will gain access to their goods.

The Black Marsh

The Black Marsh is located south of Windfall Camp and the halfling village of Everfall and is home to a small band of wild magic gnolls. The gnolls are a strange band of gnolls that have no home and neither live with nor are affected by the Dark Lord Zan in any of his incarnations. The gnolls live in huge underground caves. The caves are beneath a swampy area of the Black Marsh. The gnolls are small, humanoids that have rat-like tails. They are smart enough to wear clothing and to use weapons. If players befriend them and do not attack, the gnolls will tell tales of the past four hundred years in the area. The gnolls know about the lich Zan and fears him more than the Wizard Zan and his cultists. The gnolls will tell players about the four Zan incarnations and the evil that has plagued the lands around the Black Marsh for centuries. The gnolls have been pretty much left alone by the other races in the area, including the elves, halflings, and humans. The gnolls have stayed out of the wars between them. The gnolls are however, at war with the forest trolls to the southwest of the marsh.

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The Old Wildwood

The Old Wildwood is located to the north of Hawkstone Village. Located approximately two days away on foot, the woods are filled with different species of animals of all sorts. The woods lie at the northern edge of a forest that stretches up north to the Great Northern Sea. The woods are filled with different varieties of trees and bushes. It was this forest that made up the home of the halflings until about two hundred years ago. The woods are also home to a small band of Centaurs. The Centaurs are a warring group of warriors that have been fighting each other for decades. They are known to raid villages and caravans for food and valuables. They live in a huge, underground cavern deep within the woods. The cavern is large enough to hold hundreds of Centaurs and their families. Centaurs are said to have an untold number of treasure and valuables in their cavern, only adding to their reputation as a fierce and dangerous foe. The cavern entrance is hidden to non-Centaur eyes and is made up of a huge tree stump that opens into an underground tunnel. The tree stump will only open for Centaurs. The woods are filled with animals and monsters, including bears, small dragons, and other creatures. The area around the Old Wildwood is open, filled with trees and small forests of bushes and shrubs. There are also small mountains in the area. There are a few streams and rivers, but the water is not always safe to drink.

Notable NPCs in the Area

Horace Rockbridge: Male Dwarf Paladin, Lawful Good.

A muscular dwarf with a shaven head, Horace has blue eyes, a short beard, and average height. He has a gnarled brow and long arms. Horace is of average intelligence compared to humans. Horace is a kind dwarf, who enjoys drinking ale and ale. He is always ready to lend a hand to those in need and his trust rarely betrayed. Horace is a mercenary and adventurer. He is constantly on the lookout for offers of good work. He has a strong attachment to his family and clan, and feels a kinship with fellow dwarves. Horace is an expert in battle, specializing as a two-handed fighter and wearing dwarven plate mail armor. On a mission from the clan, Horace is looking for a way to destroy the cult of the dark god. Horace is also a cleric with healing and other spells. Horace is sent by his clan to find out as much as possible about the cult. Horace will try to convince players to join him or at least to stay with him for a while. He will try to get the players  to take on the cult.

Merrick Stonehand: Male Dwarf Fighter, Lawful Neutral.

A short dwarf with gray eyes, black hair, and a full beard. Merrick wears the traditional Waywatch armor and wields a battle axe. Merrick is a tough and strong dwarf, who can best any human in a straight fight. Merrick is determined to find a place in the world for his people. He is looking for an expedition group or a mercenary company to travel the world and make his fortune. He wants to travel the world and at present has no purpose in his life. He will be very friendly and try to get characters to join him; however, he is impatient and will leave PCs behind if they cannot keep up if he is hired by them. His prices are steep, but he knows the forest around Hawkstone Village very well, including the Volgah mountains to the north where his people originate. He will also try to convince the PCs to fight the dark god’s cultists.

Royce Lan: Male Human Rogue, Neutral.

Royce is an attractive red-haired young human male with green eyes. He is tall and muscular, and his clothing is of the highest quality. Royce is charming and witty. He is extremely ambitious and loves the thrill of adventure but always plans for the worst. Royce has been in Hawkstone Village for a while now and has played the part of an adventurer well. He has spent a lot of time out in the forest with the sprites and elves studying how to control the plants and animals that live there. Royce has been plotting to take over the Dark Lord’s temple and has been gathering a group to do so. He has gathered a group of misfits, criminals, and other adventurers. His goal is to take over the temple, kill the goblins that live there, and take over the town. Royce will try to convince characters to join him in his plot and give them maps and potions to aid them. He will lie to them about who he is and his goals. He will try to get the PCs to help him in his plots and will betray them if they don’t.

Nestor The Unlucky: Male Half-Elf Ranger, Lawful Good.

Nestor is a short half-elf with shoulder-length light brown hair. He is very strong for his size. Nestor is a ranger, cleric, and fighter. He is a man of action. With the elves of Shadowrise, Nestor travels the lands in search of new experiences. Recognized for his courage, Nestor has been attached to the council of elders in Shadowrise. He demonstrates great acumen for diplomacy and is recognized for his loyalty. Nestor is in Hawkstone Village to help the elves understand the human adventurers in the village. He would like to join a group of adventurers and explore the world with them. Nestor will try to convince PCs to let him join them and will assist them with information on the town. He will try to get them to help him find the horses of Shadowrise. In his backpack, he carries a bow, a great-axe, and a long sword. He can  be hired for low wages because of his interest in exploring the lands around Hawkstone Village, particularly the Dark Lord’s temple.

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Nume Dawnrider: Female Elf Ranger, Neutral Good.

Nume is the head of the elves of Shadowrise. She is a tall, slim, female elf with long, dark brown hair. She has dark gray eyes. Nume is a ranger with an animal companion that is a wolf. She is a diplomat, advisor, and protector of her people. Due to her position, she is not actively seeking adventure; however, she is always ready to help others. Nume will try to convince PCs to help her in her goals to defeat the Dark Lord and will freely share information with them if they are friendly. She will get them to help her find the horses of Shadowrise. Nume will also attempt to get them to work with her to destroy the dark god’s cult, which she believes is a threat to all the elves in the world. Nume also has a longbow, a composite longbow, a crossbow, a great-sword, and a short sword.

Gronk Lightfeather: Male Half-Orc Rogue.

Gronk serves the Dark Lord Zan in one of his many forms. Gronk is in Hawkstone Village looking for adventurers to perform certain tasks for him. The first is to kill the sorceress in the old castle just outside of the village. Gronk will try to convince the characters to do so or help them with the task. Gronk is an average half-orc male, with a likeable manner. He has dark, curly hair and large, black eyes. He has a slight build. Gronk is looking for adventurers who can help him in his plans. He knows the Dark Lord Zan’s plans and he has enlisted the help of the dark cultists to help the Dark Lord Zan fulfill his goals. He will try to win the PCs over to the dark god’s cult.

Mayor Zeke. Male Human Mayor.

The mayor of Hawkstone Village, Mayor Zeke is an older male human with silver-gray hair. He is of average height and build. The mayor is a charming man, who enjoyed his position as leader of Hawkstone Village. The villagers, however, can’t stand the man. Perhaps it’s his awful smell or his equally repugnant sense of humor. He has taken a liking to the PCs and will do what he can to help them. He will also give them information on the town and try to help them find work in the area. The mayor has red hair and blue eyes. He wears fine clothes and has a net worth of 100 gold pieces. If players don’t humor him, he will become enraged and make their lives difficult.

Old Brandson. Male Dwarf Fighter.

A short male dwarf with a massive frame. He has long, dark brown hair and blue eyes. Old Brandson is a fighter. He is a short dwarf, with a barrel chest and a large head. He wears fine clothes and has a net worth of 14,000 gold pieces in gems hidden in the Volgah mountains to the north. He is very proud of his axe and will display it for all to see. He can usually be found in The Drunken Duck tavern at the edge of Hawkstone Village. If players approach him and do not buy him alcohol, he will become angry and violent. Old Brandson knows of quite a few dungeons in the area and will talk for as little as a bottle of his favorite ale. He likes to sing and will do so whenever he drinks too much which is quite often.

Hugh Hufflehopper. Male Halfling Bard.

Hugh is an attractive, young halfling with long blond hair and brown eyes. He is frail and weak looking and wears spoiled fine clothes. Hugh is a bard with an animal companion, a raven. Hugh is a singer, minstrel, and storyteller. He will gladly tell stories of his adventures and entertain players for a few coins. He will eagerly talk about his adventures with a group of halflings to the south. Hugh will tell the stories of the halfling temple, of the war between the halflings and the elves, and of the return of the leader of the cult to Hawkstone Village. If asked about the Zan cult, he will suddenly become very tight-lipped. If players are patient, he will tell them about the Zan religion to the north and will hint at the existence of the Zan temple in the forest.

Gustor the Great. Male Gnome Cleric.

Gustor is a short male gnome with sandy-brown hair and blue eyes. He wears fine clothes and wields a morningstar. The gnome cleric is not the friendly sort. He is very quiet and secretive. He will try to get information from players for a little gold. Gustor  is nervous about the presence of the dark god’s followers in Hawkstone Village. He has never seen the Zan cult before and fears that he will not be able to protect the village from them. In combat, Gustor will usually try to use his spells on players. If his spells fail, he will pull out his morningstar and battle. Gustor is not very strong but he is quite agile. He will usually try to use offensive spells to attack others before they can attack him. Gustor is well known in Hawkstone Village for his magical prowess. He usually hangs out in The Drunken Duck tavern and will talk for a price, if he is not too busy.

Merkle the Mouser. Male Human Rogue.

With a long scar running down his left cheek, Merkle is a dangerous looking man. He wears fine clothes but is armed with a flail. Merkle is a short, broad-shouldered man with dark hair and black eyes. He has a charming, friendly attitude. Merkle is an adventurer, who has recently come to Hawkstone Village. He is looking for new prospects for his treasure hunting business. He is looking for someone to help him get to the bottom of the mysterious disappearance of a friend of his. He will relate that his friend had told him about the Zan cult and how to find it. Then he mysteriously disappeared. Merkle is looking for a group of adventurers to head out into the forest and search for his friend. Merkle is a cunning fighter and rogue. He is looking for a group of adventurers with whom he can share in the profits of his venture.

Hiskar Moonstar. Male Centaur Ranger.

Hiskar rarely comes into Hawkstone Village proper, but he can be found roaming the land around the village. The story goes that Hiskar is half centaur and half elf. He is extremely unkempt, with dirty blonde hair and brown eyes. He wears tattered clothing and is armed with a bow and dagger. Hiskar is a ranger and is more at home in the forests and hills of Hawkstone Village. He is a quiet man and will talk for awhile if the players ask him about his past. Hiskar will be happy to tell players about the war in the south. He tells tales of the elven temple in the Zellgoth Mountains to the far east and of the war between the elves and halflings. He will also tell tales of the Dark Lord Zan and of how the other gods are fighting over him. He will also tell of how the other gods do not really exist and that the Zan cult is really a religion. If players mention their intent to stop the Zan worship, he will become enraged and attempt to persuade players to join the Cult of Zan.

Brog Theta. Male Dwarven Fighter.

A very tall, male dwarf with dark hair and brown eyes. He commonly wears fine clothes like his cousin, Old Brandson. Brog has a large mace and chainmail on his person. He is the cousin of Old Brandson, but the two are very different in attitude. He is taciturn and will not talk much to anyone. He stays in Hawkstone Village because he has a job to do. Brog is in Hawkstone Village on a mission from the dwarven king in Dagnor. He is looking for certain books and relics in the Zellgoth Mountains to the east. He has been told that the Zan cult has followers in the mountains and he is looking for the books and relics to prove it. He will agree to help any adventurers on the way to the mountains.

Dallan Maclaff. Male Human Soldier.

Dallan is a short, male human with dark brown hair and brown eyes. He wears fine clothes and a dagger. Dallan is the watch commander in Hawkstone Village. He is the only member of the town guard and he is trying to recruit anyone who will help him protect the village. Dallan is a competent fighter in battle and a shrewd warrior. He will usually try to use his size and strength to his advantage in combat. He will also make sure that the adventurers he recruits can be counted on in battle. Dallan has a sort of motherly attitude and will try to protect anyone who he deems helpless. He will do his best to protect the children of Hawkstone Village and will go to great lengths to protect them. He is also looking for a group of adventurers to help protect the village and to take care of any Zan cultist he may find.

Kargolf. Male Orc.

Kargolf is the second in command to Gronk the Half-Orc. He will usually be found in close proximity to Gronk. Kargolf is a large male orc with long, dark brown hair and black eyes. He has large, tusk-like teeth protruding from his mouth. Kargolf is a large, strong creature with a bludgeoning weapon. On his forehead there is a permanent tattoo that shows him as a follower of the Dark Lord Zan. He will try to intimidate players out of conversing with Gronk. If players engage in combat with him or his brethren, Kargolf will issue forth orders in an attempt to block the party’s entrance into the castle. If necessary, he will engage players in hand-to-hand combat, instead of throwing his weapons from a distance.

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Jennifer Johnstone. Female Human Wizard.

Jennifer is in Hawkstone Village waiting to meet with her mentor, Kerth the War Wizard. She is a thin, female human with dark hair and brown eyes. She wears fine clothes and has a dagger and staff on her person. She is a powerful wizard with the ability to use many spells. She is still learning from her mentor and doesn’t know much about the local area. She is very curious about the military presence in the village. She will ask about the stone wall and the fence that has been erected. She will ask about the heavy presence in the village and wasn’t expecting to see anyone else but her mentor. She will be happy to talk to the adventurers, if they talk to her first. She will tell the players about her mentor and how he is in the Zellgoth Mountains to the east looking for the tomb of Zan. She will also tell the player what she has been tasked to do by her master. She is to find the tomb of Zan and bring back the Grimoire of Zan. If the players ask, she will tell them of the military presence in the village. She tells them that the military has been there for several months and that soldiers have been patrolling the village ever since. She will also tell them of the strange occurrences near the military camp not far from Hawkstone Village.

Kelsey Grey. Female Human Sorcerer.

Filled with wild magical energies she can barely control, Kelsey has come to Hawkstone Village to hide from her former master, Aleron the War Wizard. She is a thin, female human with light brown hair and light brown eyes. She wears fine clothes and carries a dagger and staff. She is extremely paranoid and will not talk to anyone without assurances that she is safe. She has a paranoid attitude and will not leave her room inside the local Inn, The Crooked Owl’s Nest. She believes that her former master is trying to kill her and that he will stop at nothing to accomplish his goal. Kelsey will tell the adventurers about her former master. She will tell them about his evil experiments in the Zellgoth Mountains and how he has been conducting them for over a year. She will tell them that he is looking for a way to extend the life of his master, Lord Zan. Kelsey will ask the adventurers to help her find a way to stop him. She will tell the players about the military camp that is not far from the village and will tell them about the strange occurrences near the camp involving a local gnoll tribe.

Denton Kyle. Male Human Rogue.

A tall, male human with curly, brown hair and brown eyes. He wears fine clothes and is armed with a dagger. Denton has a sarcastic attitude and a shrewd mind. He has a mysterious past and will not discuss it with anyone. He will stay in the local Inn in Hawkstone Village but will not talk to anyone except if they talk to him first. He will tell about the military presence in the village and will tell the players the reason they are in the village. He has heard rumors about a book and a possible tomb to the east. He will also tell of the strange occurrences involving the gnolls to the south. He thinks the gnolls might enter the war between the halflings and elves, but he’s not sure which side they will join. Denton loves to drink and will usually spend his nights in the local Inn. He will tell players that the Inn is usually packed on the weekend.

Gundar Goodnight. Male Human Fighter.

Gundar is a tall, male human with long, dark brown hair and light brown eyes. He wears fine clothes and is armed with a sword. Gundar is a quiet man and keeps to himself. He is a good man and will not hurt anyone without good reason. He is in the village because he has arrived in Hawkstone Village in order to help the Mayor just in case the military troops from the city of Crowthorne to the West do not outstay their welcome. When he’s not working, Gundar can be seen patrolling the woods and hills around Hawkstone Village. If provoked, he will defend himself and is a competent fighter. He carries a longsword and can use it well in a fight. Players will often see him and Mayor Zeke together if they spend much time in Hawkstone Village.

Todd Mills. Male Human Paladin of Life.

Underneath his golden plate mail armor, Todd Mills is a tall, male human with long, dark brown hair and light blue eyes. He has a high charisma and will always try to help someone in need. He is a skilled fighter and will always take action. He has come to Hawkstone Village to destroy the half-elves that are hiding in the woods outside the village. He is a devout follower of Tridori the god of life. He will act with extreme prejudice towards anyone that has the taint of magic within them and will attack them on sight. He will also attack beasts with the taint of magic and will kill them if need be. Todd will tell the players that he is a Knight of the Order of the White Rose, a militant organization of villagers and farmers from the city of Crowthorne. His job is to ensure the protection of the human race from the taint of magic and to destroy the half-elves once and for all. He will tell them of the location of the half-elf stronghold and will ask them to join him in his quest to destroy the half-elves. If the players deny his request, he will attack them. If they agree to help him, they will have to fight the half-elves in the woods south of Hawkstone Village. The elves in the area will not like this one bit.

Rosemary Oakheart. Female Half-Elf Bard.

Rosemary is a tall, female half-elf with long, blonde hair and blue eyes. She wears fine clothes and is carrying a loaded crossbow and dagger. She is a talented musician and is always looking for an adventure. She is not very well known, so she will be happy to tell the players about the events in Hawkstone Village. She knows the history of the area very well. From the Volgah mountains to the north to the Zellgoth Mountains to the east, she knows a lot about the history of the land. She has lived in Hawkstone Village for several years and can tell the players about the military presence in the village. She has heard rumors of a tomb to the east and wonders why the military are in the village. She will tell the players about the strange occurrences near the military camp and will ask if they have heard the rumors about Zan the Wizard being the leader of the half-elves. She will also tell them of the gnolls to the south. She is a talented musician and will play for the players in the local Inn, The Crooked Owl’s Nest. If the players are in the Inn and have heard the rumors about Zan the Wizard and the half-elves, they will hear her play a song called The Gnoll and The Master. This song is about the gnoll’s master Zan and his half-elven commander, Zorak. Rosemary will ask if the players have heard the song before. If they say they do not know the song, she will start to cry.

Sara Stout. Female Human Ranger.

Sara is a tall, female human with long, blonde hair and green eyes. She wears fine clothes and is armed with a longsword. Sara is a confident woman with a strong belief in herself. She is a lone ranger and will only leave her home in the forest if needed. She is in Hawkstone Village to kill the half-elves that have been raiding farmers and villagers to the south. She will tell the players of the history of the area and tell them of the strange occurrences near the military camp involving the gnolls. She will also tell them of the tomb that the soldiers are looking for, including the location and hints about what they may face in the location. Sara will tell the players about the half-elves and about their leader Zan who is actually a wizard. She will tell them about the raid by the half-elves on the farmers and villagers to the south. She will tell them that she wants to kill the half-elves but is waiting for the soldiers from the city of Crowthorne to the west to take care of the half-elves. She is not too thrilled with the military because she thinks they are not doing enough to protect the local farmers and villagers. She will offer to help the players in their quest to find Zan and the half-elves. If the players ask her about the ancient Volgah hunting grounds to the north, she will tell them that she had been there several years ago and had faced a great white wyrm named Zenphelidon, the Huntsman of the Snow. She will not speak of the beast for long, preferring to talk about the task at hand. She feels that the half-elves are the bigger threat than some ancient wyrm.

Fantasy RPG AI Generators with ChatGPT+

Make life as a Game Master easier.... If you play Dungeon & Dragons, Pathfinder, or other fantasy tabletop role-playing games, check out my DND AI backstory generator and other fine AI RPG tools at LitRPG Adventures Workshop today.

Zorak King. Male Half-Elf Warden.

Zorak King appears more human than elven which allows him to stroll through Hawkstone Village without drawing a lot of attention to himself. He is a tall, male half-elf with long, blonde hair and blue eyes. He wears fine clothes and is armed with a shortsword. He is working for Zan the Wizard and is trying to get information about the tomb of Sargon, the ruler of the ancient city of Volgah deep in the mountains to the north. He is a skilled fighter and will use his abilities to get information about the tomb. He is working alone as he is a warden of the Wilds. He will ask the players for information about the tomb. They will of course say no. If they say yes, he will ask if they know where the tomb is. If they say yes, he will ask them if they have possession of the key to the tomb. If they say yes, he will try and get the key from them. If they say no, he will tell them that he has heard that the key is to be found in the tomb in the Chasm of the Deep. He will say that he is going to go talk to the Mayor about the tomb of Sargon. If the players ask what the tomb is, he will tell the players that it is rumored that the tomb of Sargon contains a magical key that will be used to unlock the location of a lost city of gold called the City of Eternal Light. He will then talk about the location of the tomb and will give the players the location but will ask if they want to go with him. If the players say yes, he will ask them to meet him outside the Mayor’s house in 2 days. If they say no, he will walk off in digust and become a bitter enemy for the players.

Zan the Wizard. Male Human Lich.

One of the many incarnations of Zan the Wizard, he is a tall, male human with long, black hair and blue eyes. He wears fine clothes and is armed with a staff and a dagger. Zan is not like most men. He is a powerful wizard and rules over the half-elves in Hawkstone Village in the shadows. He is a scheming man who cares little for the villagers or farmers. He bent his mind to evil long ago and has been controlling the half-elves for several years. He has strong feelings for his half-elven commander Zorak King, who is actually a warden of the Wilds that hunts the half-elves, but he will not show the other side of his personality too often. He loves music and is a master musician. He spends most of his time in his tower to the west of Hawkstone Village. He will walk into the village and frequent the Inn, The Crooked Owl’s Nest, to listen to music. His favorite band is the band known as The Drowsy Knights. He will always be polite to the players but will only talk about music. If confronted about his evil plan to control the world, he will become an enemy of the players and attack them on sight along with all his minions.

Syla of the Old Wood. Female Elf Druid.

Syla is a male elf of the wilds who has spent years in the old forest to the north of Hawkstone Village. She has gigantic horns and a thick mat of hair on her body. She is an elf of the Wilds and is a worshiper of the goddess Ceres. She has lived for many years in the forest and is protected by a pack of dire wolves that she has trained in the ways of the Wilds. She will tell the players about herself and ask the players about their adventures in the area. She will tell the players that she has seen Zan the Wizard walking about Hawkstone Village. She will tell the players that she knows about the tomb of the ancient ruler of the city of Volgah. She will tell the players that the location of the tomb is to the north of Hawkstone Village.

She will tell the players that she had been to the tomb. She will tell the players that the tomb was guarded by a great white wyrm named Zenphelidon, the Huntsman of the Snow. She will tell the players that the tomb is at the end of the Chasm of the Deep. She will tell the players that the tomb has been disturbed by some evil force that is to the south of Hawkstone Village. She will give the players a clue about the locations of the tomb and the City of Eternal Light and will also give them one of her homing pigeons to use to communicate with her. She will tell the players to remember a location near an old cedar tree in the old forest to the north where she will meet them for a festival. If the players say that they do not understand, she will explain where the festival is and will have it marked on a map for the players.

Devon the Knave. Male Human Mage.

He is a tall, male human with long, black hair and blue eyes. He wears fine clothes and is armed with a staff. Devon is a member of the local thieves guild in Hawkstone Village. He was sent out to spy on Zan and the half-elves to find out what they are planning. He has been posing as a traveling merchant in order to blend in with the half-elves. He has been a member of the thieves guild for a long time and has even worked for Zan at one time. He will tell the players that he is interested in what Zan is doing in Hawkstone village. For the right price, he will give up information about anything he knows about the half-elves or Zan. He will tell the players about the new mayor, the Corrupt Mayor, who is just a puppet for Zan.

Johnson Johnson. Male Human Soldier.

The leading lieutenant in charge of the troops camped outside Hawkstone Village, “JJ” is a gruff man with brown hair and eyes. He is still young and has a lot to learn from the challenges the Zan cultists may bring to Hawkstone Village. He is looking to recruit adventurers to help defend the village and maybe get some help taking back his friend from the Zan Cult. He is a good fighter but will have to learn to be more cautious if he wants to avoid losing any troops. Johnson does not like Dallan but will follow any orders from the watch commander. He has a strong sense of duty and will not shirk a challenge. Johnson is also looking for adventurers who can take care of the Zan Cultists.

Filamena MacClintock. Female Half Elf Barbarian.

This fierce woman has brown hair and green eyes. She is a tall and muscular woman. She is civilized but will always fight with an axe in her hand. She has a good sense of humor and does not take herself too seriously. Filamena is looking for adventure and hopes to find a group of adventurers she can travel with. She is also looking for a group to take out the Zan cultists and free her friend from their prison. She has come to Hawkstone village to find out what happened to her friend who disappeared.

Ester Cloudhopper. Female Halfling Rogue.

Ester Cloudhopper is staying in Hawkstone Village in order to spy on the half-elves and elves in the town along with the human soldiers from Crowthorne. She is a pudgy woman who knows how to wield a knife. In combat, she will try to take advantage of her small size to improve her odds of escaping. She is also quite good at picking locks and will try to open any lock she is given. She is also looking for adventurers to help her find out more about the elves and half-elves in Hawkstone Village. She will use any information she can find to gather information in order to take over the town.

Sir Arthur. Male Human Paladin.

Sir Arthur is a large man with long black hair and blue eyes. He is missing his left eye and his right eye is hard to look at. He is a man of honor and will not tolerate any infamy or violence committed by the Zan Cultists. He wears plate mail and wields a sword. He is looking for adventurers to help defend Hawkstone Village. He is also looking for adventurers to help him retrieve a sword that was stolen from him by the Zan Cultists since it was a gift from his father. He is looking for adventurers to help him seek revenge on the Zan Cultist who took his sword. He is also looking for adventurers to rescue his daughter from the Zan Cultists.

Ithaca Idlebottom. Male Halfling Ranger.

A halfling dedicated to Everfall village, Ithaca roams the woods around Hawkstone Village, looking for easy targets. He knows the area very well and will always try to use the terrain to his advantage in combat. He will try to flank his enemies and attack them from the rear. He is an expert tracker and will try to avoid direct combat. He will fire arrows from a distance and then retreat into the woods. He will try to avoid the dangerous combat in the village streets. Ithaca is also looking for adventurers to help defend the village.

Edwin MacCloud. Male Human Ranger.

This gruff ranger left his home to avoid responsibility and is looking to cause trouble in Hawkstone Village. He is short and has long brown hair and green eyes. He is an expert with a bow and arrow and will try to shoot his enemies with arrows from a distance, if possible. He is very sneaky and will try to avoid combat in the village streets. If he has to fight, he will rely on his bow and will try to strike his enemy from the back. Edwin is good at hiding and will do his best to run away if he is losing a fight. He is also looking for adventurers to help him cause trouble in Hawkstone Village.

Low Level Volgah Encounters

  1. Two rats scurry by.
  2. Players must make a save against intelligence or suffer from Fear (as the spell) for 1d6 rounds. A spooky sound echoes through the carefully crafted stone halls of Volgah.
  3. A group of 1d6 zombies appear from the shadows.
  4. Rounding a corner, players see a fountain with blood red water flowing out of it. It is steaming, and noxious fumes rise from it.
  5. A section of walls is made of iron bars. A dagger flies through the bars, hitting a playerfor 1d6 damage unless they successfully search the area for traps.
  6. A dead end. A pile of bones lie scattered at the back.
  7. A stench emanates through the hall. The smell intensifies no matter the direction the players take.
  8. The ghost of a dwarf is seen sticking his headout of his door. He looks at the players, points at them, then runs inside.
  9. A group of 1d4 dwarven skeletons rise from their respective locations in the floor or walls.
  10. A grating that usually covers a drain is torn off at one end. Red lights from the sewers shine through the opening.
  11. A skeleton with a giant sword is seen on the ceiling. It drops down on top of one player and attacks.
  12. A group of 1d4 lizardmen attacks the party. They carry spears tipped with razor sharp obsidian.
  13. A group of 1d4 dwarven warriors have gathered near an underground lake. They patrol the area, keeping watch for trouble.
  14. The sound of bells can be heard in the distance.
  15. A group of 1d4 dwarven thugs run through the area, attacking anyone they find.
  16. A group of 1d4 dwarven berserkers are fighting a group of 1d6 skeletons. If the party helps, they will be rewarded.
  17. A giant rat skeleton appears out of the sahdows and attacks.
  18. The smell of burning wood fills the air. Someone has set a bunch of planks on fire in a grand hall in Volgah.
  19. A giant rat skeleton appears out of the sahdows and attacks.
  20. The smell of burning wood fills the air. Someone has set a bunch of planks on fire in a grand hall in Volgah.

Mid-Level Volgah Encounters

  1. A human rogue named Roger runs by the players. If they attempt to stop and talk to him, he will tell the story of a magical beast haunting Volgah. He has more than enough treasure and is trying nto escape the dwarven halls with his life. He will ask to stick with the players if they are leaving Volgah. If not, he will run away.
  2. A flaming sphere floats by the party. If they attack it, it will give off a deafening, ear-splitting noise and shoot a thunderbolt at them before disappearing. This was a magical trap that became sentient decades ago and could no longer deal with his life.If players do not attack right away, they will learn this. The sphere calls itself “Jarello.”
  3. A hooded, cloaked man roams the halls. He is very old-looking. When a player approaches, he will challenge them to a game of chance. If players accept, he will try to cheat them out of money. If he’s discovered, he will try to flee. If attacked, he will defend himself. His name is Dodard and he is a level 2 fighter with a longsword, leather armor, and a shield.
  4. Two glowing orbs float by the party. The orbs will lead players to a dwarven graveyard filled with skeletons and loose stone slabs. There is a small cache of reasure here with nobody guarding it. One of the items is cursed.
  5. A group of 1d20 skeletons rise up from an abandoned chapel and attack the party. These undead are slow and weak but numerous and could easily overcome the party in such a tight space.
  6. A pack of 1d10 dire rats attack the party. They are very, very hungry and will attack on sight.
  7. A party of adventurers is passing through the halls. A chain of lanterns is held up on the ceiling by ancient metal hooks. The party is level 3 (3rd level) and looks like this: one fighter, one cleric, and one magic-user. If the party is friendly, they will tell players that they are going the opposite direction. If the party attacks, they will defend themselves. They have no magic items.
  8. The smell of burnt eggs fills the caverns. A group of 1d8 dwarves are gathered around a table, arguing. They are eating hard, stale bread and fighting about some kind of lost, over dramatized gem.
  9. A party of adventurers are passing through the halls. The party is level 2 (2nd level) and looks like this: three fighters, one cleric, and one magic-user. If the party is friendly, they will give the players information about the Tomb of Sargon. They were not able to find it, but they came close. They are heading back to Hawkstone Village to regroup and rest.
  10. A heavily damaged wraith is lazily floating through the caverns. It is level 2 and is insubstantial. The wraith is intrigued by the party and seems reluctant to attack. If they attack, it will fight back. The wraith has a magical sword. If the party fights and kills it, the sword seems to come alive and attack the party.
  11. A group of adventurers (1d8 dwarves and a fighter) are all checking and cleaning their gear from a recent battle with thugs and mercenaries. They have captured one of the mercenaries and are about to interrogate him. If the adventurers are friendly, they will cooperate with the party. The leader’s name is Vram and he is a level 3 fighter.  
  12. A group of dwarves are nervously guarding this tunnel. They are at war with ancient undead that live in this section of Volgah and will attack on sight. The dwarves are tired, old, and unprepared for another fight. There are 1d6 dwarves and one level 4 cleric with a sword, chain mail, shield, and a crossbow. The cleric has a few spells memorized, but not many.
  13. A group of adventurers (1d6 dwarves, a fighter, and a magic-user. The magic-user is level 2) are trying to repair some damage to the wall. They are lost and have been searching aimlessly for hours. They are exhausted and frustrated. If the players offer to help, they will follow them to the exit. Once they are out, the dwarves will thank them.
  14. A group of dwarves are arguing about a secret passage that they discovered leading into a part of Volgah that they have never seen. They are trying to find the entrance by following the directions a friend gave them years ago. They do not know where this passage goes.
  15. A group of dwarves are arguing with a group of humans over who gets control of this part of the tunnels. The dwarves are arguing that this is the dwarven home, and thus it belongs to them. The dwarves are tired and weary and the party will not attack them. The human adventurers are all fourth level and have been in Volgah a long, long time. They will happily trade knowledge about recent events in Hawkstone Village and the surrounding area. They know a lot about a vast area of Volgah and even have a few maps for sale.
  16. A group of 1d10 zombies and 1d20 skeletons are marching down a wide, stone corridor. They are led by a ghoul wearing tattered chainmail armor. The group will attack on sight. They have several magic items, including a magic sword.
  17. A group of dwarves are arguing about the state of the tunnels and the surrounding areas. They are trying to decide if they should build towards the surface or continue to dig deeper. This group has a lot of opinions.
  18. A group of dwarves are arguing that they should pull out of the tunnels and leave next week. They have found a new source of veins of ore beyond the cavern they are in, but it is in a dangerous area. The dwarves will attack the party if they are not friendly. This group includes 1d4 dwarves and 1d4 halflings from Everfall who really just want to go home.
  19. The shriek of a woman’s voice echoes from a small stone room. When the party investigates, a woman’s ghost is pointing at a red gem on a pedestal on the far side of the room. If the party takes the gem, she will begin to scream and point at the wall to the right. If the party does not take the gem or attacks the ghost, she will explode into a pile of dust and debris. The gem is cursed and will make anyone who holds it cling to it and believe they are the Chosen One.
  20. Fantasy RPG AI Generators with ChatGPT+

    Make life as a Game Master easier.... If you play Dungeon & Dragons, Pathfinder, or other fantasy tabletop role-playing games, check out my DND AI backstory generator and other fine AI RPG tools at LitRPG Adventures Workshop today.

  21. A group of 1d8 Bone Naga attacks. They have two potions of healing in the treasure stash if players search and find it.

High-Level Volgah Encounters

  1. A band of 1d6 wraiths attack. They are assisted by 1d20 goblin skeletons and 1d10 halfling skeletons. If players return the bones of the halflings to Everfall, they will be highly rewarded.
  2. Bending a corner of a wide tunnel deep in Volgah and near the center of the ancient city, players see a white dragon curled up on a white mithril chest. She doesn’t notice them and is licking her chops. The dragon is old and very fat…
  3. Fantasy RPG Random Tables Books
    Make life as a Gamemaster easier.... If you play Dungeon & Dragons, Pathfinder, or other fantasy tabletop role-playing games, this RPG random tables book is full of encounters, NPCs, and more. Available as an eBook or in a classic print format. Either way, you'll have a wealth of adventure ideas at your fingertips.

  4. A slaad has rolled a 1 and is lost for a few days in the tunnels. Players can search his pockets for treasure and trinkets.
  5. A group of dwarves carrying weapons for smithing. They are young and boastful.
  6. A group of dwarves carrying food and wine from the surface. They are going to be very drunk soon.
  7. A flash of light reveals a low-level vampire and his skeleton minions (1d20+10). The vampire’s name is Roque. He has been turned into a vampire by his lover. His lover’s name is Rochelle. He wants to feast on players to make himself stronger.
  8. The sound of moans coming from a room. Inside players find a pale, gaunt halfling undead bride. She is waiting for her groom to return from the surface. She is a low-level lich who is not happy and will attack no matter what the players say.
  9. A group of high-level adventurers from a foreign land. They are on a quest to find Sargon’s crypt and the treasure buried with him.
  10. Players encounter Sargon’s mummy. It is weak and needs one of Sargon’s wives alive to restore its strength and resurrect the old king back to life. The mummy is working on creating as many undead beings as it can.
  11. A group of elves are carrying food and water through the tunnels.
  12. In a large temple dedicated to Thorum Proudhammer, several undead dwarven skeletons are busy at work. The party awakens the spirit of Thorum, a high-level boss-lime creature. There’s a lot of treasure to be had in this temple.
  13. Two dark elves are carrying a cage with a blue dragon inside. They are being followed by 1d4+2 goblin guards. They will attack on site. If they’re losing, they will let the dragon out. It will be mad and attack everyone.
  14. The smell of burnt flesh fills the halls. It is coming from a campfire in a room off to the side. 1d4+1 low-level raiders (human barbarians, human and half-orc fighters, half-orc rangers, etc.) are eating rats. This is just their resting place. They are on a mission to reach the surface and storm a human village.
  15. A priest and priestess of Beldaroon are traveling in the tunnels. They are on a mission to find a lost temple deep below the surface. They are being followed by 1d4+2 dire rats.
  16. Players see a throng of 1d12 peasants from Hawkstone Village. They are lost and need to return to the village. One of them is a doppelganger who will attack when it’s least expected.
  17. An adolescent red dragon roams the halls, feasting on anything that moves.
  18. A group of 1d6 halflings from Everfall are carrying a counterfeit cart of dwarven ale.  They will sell this for a high price. The beer is flat. By the time the players realize, the halflings will be gone. If the players attack, they will find the halflings are vampires.
  19. Fantasy RPG Random Tables Books
    Make life as a Gamemaster easier.... If you play Dungeon & Dragons, Pathfinder, or other fantasy tabletop role-playing games, this RPG random tables book is full of encounters, NPCs, and more. Available as an eBook or in a classic print format. Either way, you'll have a wealth of adventure ideas at your fingertips.

  20. Players enter a large room. In the middle, players see a medusa. She turns everything she looks at into stone. She is guardian of the Tomb of Sargon. Once defeated, players will have access to a lot of tresure – and a lot of stone statues of adventurers in various poses.
  21. A Lich named Karl who is envious of the Lich Zan is hiding out deep in the depths of Volgah. He has amassed an army of undead to protect him. He has quite a bit of treausure, including a magical mirror that will help players fight the MEdusa.
  22. A room full of 1d10 chests. They’re all mimics. When the party is fighting the mimics, they will be ambushed by a group of undead, including a vampire named Carlos who is carrying a scroll case. The scroll case may contain the scroll of visage.

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Paul Bellow

LitRPG Author Paul Bellow

Paul Bellow is a LitRPG author, gamer, RPG game developer, and publisher of several online communities. In other words, an old school webmaster. He also developed and runs LitRPG Adventures, a set of advanced RPG generators powered by GPT-3 AI. Here at LitRPG Reads, he publishes articles about LitRPG books, tabletop RPG books, and all sorts of DND content that's free to use in your personal tabletop campaign - i.e. non-commercial use. Enjoy your stay and reach out on Twitter or Discord if you want to make contact.

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