100 Fun Random Potion Effects Table for DND 5e+

I’ve put together a handy list of 100 fantasy random random potion effects you can use to keep your players on their toes.

100 Fantasy Potion Effects Table

Enjoy my list of 100 fantasy potion effects. Feel free to change them up as needed.

1) The moment you ingest the vile blue liquid, your stomach begins to churn. You are beset by nightmarish visions of the thirteen dwarves, pickaxes in hand, descending upon you. They proceed to beat you mercilessly. You realize, with horror, that this is not a dream – it’s your worst nightmare!

2) A burst of energy fills your body. Your reflexes are accelerated tenfold. You pop up from the chair and, without thinking, do a triple backflip off the balcony. It is only when you are in the air that you realize you are in a room that is three stories up. You manage miraculously to land on your feet. From the sidewalk you hear cries of “Show-off!” and “Watch what ye be doing, ya bloody idiot!”

3) You feel an overwhelming urge to sing, but the only song you can remember is the song of your god. You are, however, unable to sing it in your normal voice. Instead you sing in the voice of an elderly lady, in the style of a Norwegian troll.

4) You suddenly become very, very sleepy. You yawn a few times and then nod off into a deep slumber.

5) You find that you can now speak and understand all the languages you know. Unfortunately, you also find yourself speaking in a language that no one else understands.

6) Your fingers turn into small, pink insect appendages. There is little sensation in them, but you can use them to pick up small objects, and they can detect magic items.

7) Your eyes change color. Your irises become green (with black pupils), your sclera becomes black (with green irises), and you can now see into the infravision spectrum.

8) You feel yourself becoming very, very thirsty. Your tongue dries up completely, and you can no longer swallow. You also find that your skin is changing color. It has turned pale green, and you are becoming fuzzy.

9) Your body feels as if it is burning up with fever, and you break out in a sweat. This sweat is clear and odorless, but your body temperature does not return to normal for two days.

10) You feel yourself becoming very, very sleepy. You yawn a few times and then nod off into a deep slumber.

11) You feel an overwhelming urge to sing, but the only song you can remember is the song of your god. You are, however, unable to sing it in your normal voice. Instead you sing in the voice of an elderly lady, in the style of a Norwegian troll.

12) You suddenly levitate five feet into the air. You feel your body melting out of your clothes, and your clothes become your skin. You find that you are becoming an amorphous creature with an ethereal body. You can still speak, but you cannot eat. This lasts for one day.

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13) As you finish the last drop of the potion, you begin to feel light-headed. You vanish from sight. The effects of this invisibility potion will last for 1d6 hours.

14) Your body feels as if it is burning up with fever, and you break out in a sweat. You strength increases by 1d4 points for 2d20 hours. You lose 1 point of Constitution permanently.

15) Your body begins to glow with an eerie light. You can produce a number of light effects equal to your level. These light effects last for 3d6 hours.

16) Your body feels as if it is burning up with fever, and you break out in a sweat. You lose 2d4 points of Strength for 2d10 days but gain the ability to go through solid walls. The effects last for 2d10 hours.

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17) Your body feels as if it is burning up with fever, and you break out in a sweat. You gain the ability to send your consciousness into another’s sleeping body and root around in their mind. The ability lasts for 2d10 hours.

18) As you finish the potion, your body feels hot. You gain the ability to cast magic missile as the spell twice per hour with one missile per level. This spell lasts for 2d10 hours.

19) Your body feels light. You find that you are now able to walk on water. This ability lasts for 2d20 hours.

20) The potion’s healing magic heals all of your wounds, but the process makes your skin feel as if it is on fire. The fiery skin lasts for 2d6 days. You gain 1 point of Strength permanently.

21) Your body feels as if it is burning up with fever, and you break out in a sweat. You gain 1d8 points of Dexterity for 1d10 days, but you lose 1 point of Dexterity permanently after the potion wears off.

22) You feel your body changing, and you begin to shake all over. Your skin hardens, and you take on an unnatural appearance. Your armor class is improved. The effects of this potion will last for 2d20+4 hours.

23) Finishing the potion, you feel as if your body is on fire. Your body becomes covered with a thin, tough shell of horn. You gain a +1 natural armor bonus to your AC. The effects of this potion last for 1d10 days.

24) You drink the potion, and your body feels gassy. As you release the gas into the world, you gain the ability to fly for 1d10 minutes.

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25) As you finish the potion, your body feels light. You can float up to 12 feet off the ground. The effects of this potion last for 1d6 days.

26) Your body feels as if it is burning up with fever, and you break out in a sweat. Your body hardens like stone, and you gain several natural weapon attacks. The effects last for 1d6 days.

27) Your hair falls out, and your skin dries up. You feel your body aging rapidly. You gain 2d20+20 years to your physical age. The effects will last for 1d6 days.

28) The effects of the potion are very brief. As you finish the last drop, you hear a loud explosion. You are knocked prone, and you take 1d8 points of damage.

29) You feel your body changing, and you begin to shake all over. You feel as if your body is changing into an animal. Your alignment changes to neutral. The effect lasts for 2d10 hours.

30) You drink the potion, and you feel your mind and body deteriorating. You become insane and violent. The effects of the potion last for 1d10 days.

31) You feel your skin changing and becoming hard. Your skin changes into a dark, metallic hue. Your appearance changes, and your race changes to a dwarf. The effects of this potion last for 1d10 days.

32) You feel as if your body is turning to stone. You gain 2 points of Constitution and 1 point of Wisdom permanently. You lose 4d4 intelligence points permanently.

33) Your body feels as if it is burning up with fever, and you break out in a sweat. Your body feels as if it is turning into a lizard. Your race changes to a lizard man. The effects last for 1d10 days.

34) Your body feels as if it is burning up with fever, and you break out in a sweat. Your body’s eyes dry up and fall out. You gain a gaze attack as a basilisk with a range of 30 feet. Your eyes grow back in 2d20 days.

35) The world appears to fade away as you gain the ability to detect magic up to 30 feet away. The effect lasts for 1d4 days.

36) Your body feels as if it is burning up with fever, and you break out in a sweat. You gain the ability to cast polymorph 1d4 times per day. This ability lasts for 2d6 months. At the end of the effects, you lose 1d6 hit points permanently.

37) Your body feels as if it is turning into an insect. You gain the ability to walk on walls and ceilings. The effects last for 1d10 days.

38) Your body feels light. You feel your body changing, and you begin to shake all over. Your eyes fall out of their sockets, and you gain the ability to shoot fireballs as a seventh level caster out of them. The effects last for 2d10 hours.

39) Your body feels hot, and you sweat. Your body becomes extremely thin, and you feel your body becoming lighter. You lose 1d4 points of Strength permanently, but you gain 1d20+20 feet to your base movement speed. The effects last for 1d6 days.

40) Your body feels hot, and you sweat. Your body feels as if it is turning into a bat. Your race changes to a bat. The effect will last for 1d10 minutes.

41) As you finish the potion, your body feels hot. You gain the ability to fly at a speed of 30 feet per round. The effects last for 2d10 minutes.

42) The potion causes you to instantly age 1d20+20 years permanently.

43) Your body feels hot. You feel your mind and body deteriorating. Your body feels like it is turning to stone. You lose 1d4 points of Constitution permanently.

44) As you finish the last drop of the potion, you feel your mind slipping. Your alignment changes to chaotic evil. This change is permanent.

45) As you finish the last drop of the potion, you feel your body changing, and you begin to shake all over. Your body feels like it is turning to stone, but you gain the ability to petrify living creatures with your gaze. The effect lasts for 1d4 days.

46) The potion causes you to grow an extra pair of arms. The arms are weak, and you can’t rely on them in combat. However, you do gain the ability to cast spells with each arm. The effect lasts for 1d4 days.

47) Your body feels hot. You feel your body changing, and you begin to shake all over. Your body feels like it is turning to stone. You gain the ability to turn into a stone statue at will. The effect lasts for 1d4 weeks, and the transformation takes 5 rounds to complete.

48) You feel your body changing. You feel your head change into that of an animal’s. Your race changes to the animal that you selected, and you gain its special abilities. The effect lasts for 2d4 days.

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49) You feel your body changing. You stretch out your neck, and your neck becomes long and thin with a long tongue. Your race changes to a snake, and you gain the ability to spit poison at a range of 30 feet. The effect lasts for 1d4 days.

50) Your body feels hot. You feel your body changing, and you begin to shake all over. You gain the ability to walk on water. The effects last for 2d6 days.

Fantasy Potion Effects
Fantasy Potion Effects

51) The potion causes you to grow a tail that you can use to wield a weapon or fire a wand. You can’t rely on the tail, and it isn’t very strong, but it is extremely useful if you’re ever without a weapon. The effects last for 1d4 hours.

52) Your skin turns a pale shade of purple. You feel your skin and hair becoming cold and hard. Your skin and hair harden and become cold and hard. You gain a +1 natural armor bonus to AC, and your touch deals +1d4 points of cold damage. The effect lasts for 1d4 days.

53) Your skin turns a pale shade of blue. You can survive comfortably in extremely cold temperatures as if they were normal temperatures. The effect lasts for 1d4 days.

54) Your skin turns a pale shade of green. You gain the ability to talk to reptiles for 2d8 days.

55) The potion causes you to belch loudly before you are transformed into a pig. The effect lasts for 1d4 hours.

56) As you finish the last drop of the potion, you feel a terrible urge to drink. You feel compelled to drink water, and you can no longer cast spells until you have quenched your thirst. The effect lasts for 2d6 days.

57) Your skin turns a sickly shade of yellow. You feel your skin and hair becoming slimy. Your skin and hair become slimy. You gain a +5 natural armor bonus to AC for 1d4 hours.

58) Your body feels warm as you finish the last drop of the potion. Your body feels as if it is swelling up as it begins to change. You gain the ability to fly at a speed of 60 feet a round for 2d6 hours.

59) Your skin turns a sickly shade of crimson. You feel a burning sensation in your veins. Your veins become filled with boiling blood. You gain fire resistance for 1d6 hours.

60) Your skin turns a sickly shade of black. You feel a burning sensation in your veins. Your veins become filled with boiling blood. You gain a +4 attack bonus for 2d6 hours.

61) You feel an overwhelming urge to roll the dice. You feel compelled to play some sort of game of chance, and you can no longer cast spells until you have played.

62) A cloud of thick black smoke begins to form around you. The cloud of smoke is of a thick material that it chokes you until you are unconscious. The smoke lasts for 2d4 rounds before dissipating.

63) The potion smells of dirt and mold. You feel yourself become immune to poison for 2d4 hours.

64) The potion smells of lemon and cinnamon. You can clearly see up to twice as far as you normally could for 2d4 hours.

66) Your skin turns a sickly shade of green. Your tongue and lips become forked and your face lengthens and widens. You gain a +4 bonus on Appraise and Bluff checks for 2d6 rounds.

67) The potion smells of flowers and herbs. You gain the ability to understand and speak with animals for 2d4 hours.

68) A long forked tongue slips out of your mouth. Your mouth and tongue become able to deliver a poisonous venom for 2d4 minutes.

69) A strong wind begins to blow around you and you feel a great heat coming from your feet. Your feet begin to smolder and smoke, and they become fireproof for 1d4 hours.

70) Your skin turns a sickly shade of gray. You gain the ability to see in the dark for 2d4 hours.

71) You hear a loud buzzing in your ears and your vision becomes blurry. Your movement is slowed and you become blinded for 2d4 rounds.

72) The potion smells of rotting eggs and sulfur. The smell makes you nauseated and you can no longer cast spells. The effect lasts for 1d4 hours.

73) Your skin turns a pale shade of blue. You can breathe underwater for 1d4 days.

74) Your skin turns a pale shade of green. Your skin becomes dry and you are blinded for 2d4 minutes.

75) The potion is black with tints of red. Your skin tints red and you become resistant to fire damage for 1d4 hours.

76) The potion is black with tints of white. Your skin tints white and you become resistant to cold damage for 1d4 hours.

77) The potion is white with tints of green. Your hair tints green and your thin hair becomes thick for 1d4 hours.

78) A blue halo of light forms around your head. You gain the ability to speak to animals for 1d4 minutes.

79) A thin layer of ice forms on your skin. You gain the ability to cast the ray of frost spell once.

80) The potion is thick and gray. Your skin becomes slightly thickened and you can cast the mage armor spell for 1d4 hours.

81) The potion is thin and red with tints of black. Your skin feels warm and you can cast the endure elements spell for 1d4 minutes.

82) The potion is red with tints of black. Your skin feels warm and you can cast the endure elements spell for 1d4 minutes.

83) The potion is thick and light green. Your skin becomes hardened and you are immune to non-magical bludgeoning damage for 1d4 hours.

84) You are suddenly stricken with blindness. You are blinded for 1d4 days.

85) The potion is thick and green. Your skin becomes hardened, increasing your natural armor class by 2 for 2d4 minutes.

86) The potion is green with tints of orange. Your hair becomes curly and you gain a +5 bonus on Bluff checks for 1d4 hours.

87) The potion is green with tints of white. Your hair becomes straight and you gain a +5 bonus on Concentration checks for 1d4 hours.

88) The potion is green with tints of yellow. Your hair becomes wavy and you gain a +5 bonus on Diplomacy checks for 1d4 hours.

89) The potion is green with tints of blue. Your hair becomes tightly curled and you gain a +5 bonus on Disguise checks for 1d4 hours.

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90) The potion is gray with tints of green. Your hair becomes tightly curled and you can cast the sleep spell once.

91) The potion is gray with tints of green. You gain the ability to cast the summon swarm spell once.

92) The potion is gray with tints of gray. Your hair becomes wavy and you can cast the sleep spell once.

93) The potion is gray with tints of gray. You gain the ability to cast the summon swarm spell once.

94) The potion is thick and yellow. Your skin becomes dry and you can cast the animate rope spell once.

95) The potion is thick and brown. Your skin becomes itchy and you can cast the charm person spell once.

96) The potion is thick and yellow. After drinking it, you become violently sick for 1d8+4 rounds. After being sick, you gain the powers of a barbarian for 1d4 hours.

97) The potion is thick and brown. After drinking it, you become violently sick for 1d8+4 rounds. After being sick, you gain +10 strength for 1d4 hours.

98) The potion is thick and green. The potion tastes bitter. You can speak with plants once for five minutes.

99) The potion is thick and green. The potion tastes bitter. You gain the ability to speak with plants for ten minutes.

100) The potion is thick and green. It tastes bitter. Your skin becomes green and you can breathe water for 30 minutes.

DND Random Potion Table 5e

Here’s a list of 100 random potion effects you can use in your fantasy tabletop RPG campaign.

1) You feel an overwhelming urge to sing, but the only song you can remember is the song of your god. You are, however, unable to sing it in your normal voice. Instead you sing in the voice of an elderly lady, in the style of a Norwegian troll. The effect is strangely haunting and beautiful, and everyone within hearing distance is entranced.

2) As you drink this potion, your body feels lighter and airier. You feel like you could literally fly away. And so you do. You take to the sky, soaring over the rooftops of the city. The sun is shining and the birds are singing. It’s a beautiful day. You cannot stop singing for 1d10 hours.

3) The potion takes effect almost immediately. You feel a burning sensation in your chest, and then a searing pain as your lungs fill with fire. You try to scream, but no sound comes out. You feel your body start to twitch and convulse. Then, just as quickly as it began, the pain subsides. You take a deep breath and feel oddly invigorated. Your lungs feel stronger than ever before, and you can breathe in deeply without any difficulty. You are also resistant to fire for 1d6 hours.

4) This pink liquid potion causes you to grow an extra set of arms that have the same strength and dexterity as your original arms. They are, however, covered in soft, downy feathers.

5) As you drink the potion, you feel a warm, tingling sensation all over your body. Suddenly, you feel like you can do anything. You feel strong, brave, and fearless. You feel like you can take on the world. The effect lasts for 1d6 hours. It’s a confidence booster and has no real magical effect.

6) This potion causes your skin to change color. It turns a deep, inky black, and your eyes turn a bright, luminous green. You feel powerful and dangerous, like a predator. The effect lasts for 1d6 hours.

7) As you drink the potion, you feel a sense of euphoria wash over you. You feel happy and content, like there’s nothing you can’t do. The effect lasts for 1d6 hours.

8) This potion turns your hair into a luxurious, shiny waterfall of gold permanently. Also, it won’t stop growing and cannot be cut.

9) The potion makes your voice change. It becomes much deeper and throatier, and you have a sudden urge to speak in alliteration. The effect lasts for 2d6+2 hours.

10) This potion causes your skin to become rough and scaly, like a snake’s. You feel strong and powerful, and you have a sudden urge to hiss and strike out at anyone who crosses your path. You are better protected. The effect lasts for 3d6 hours.

11) The potion makes your eyes change color. They become a deep, shimmering blue, and you have a sudden urge to stare into people’s souls. Strangers may become alarmed if you’re around. The effect lasts for 1d6 hours.

12) The potion makes your teeth grow into sharp, jagged fangs. You feel like a wild animal, and you have a sudden urge to hunt and kill. The effect lasts for 1d6 days.

13) The potion causes your body to become covered in thick, black fur. You feel strong and powerful, like a wild beast. The effect lasts for 1d6 days.

14) The potion causes you to become incredibly bloated. Your stomach swells up like a balloon, and you find it difficult to move. However, you feel incredibly content and happy, like you’re finally full after a long journey. The effect lasts for 1d6 days.

15) This potion makes you shrink in size until you are one inch tall. You will be this size for 2d10 minutes but won’t know how long it will last.

16) As you drink the potion, you feel a sense of warmth and well-being spreading through your body. You feel sleepy and content, like you could just curl up and take a nap. The effect lasts for 1d6 hours.

17) The potion makes your skin turn a deep, blood red. You feel hot and feverish, and you have a sudden urge to attack and kill anything that moves. You also get a bonus to hit during attack. The effect lasts for 1d6 hours.

18) The potion makes your eyes turn a milky white. You can’t see anything at all, but you can feel the presence of other beings around you. They’re cold and dangerous, and you can smell their blood in the air. The See Ghost effect lasts for 1d6 hours.

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19) The licorice flavored potion causes you to become incredibly strong and fast. You feel like you could take on any opponent and win. The effect lasts for 1d6 hours.

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20) A yellow-green potion imbues you with the strength of ten men (+3 strength for 2d20 hours).

21) Contained in a crystal bottle tinged pink, this potion will heal all wounds and restore all hit points, and you immediately vomit up 3d6x10 gp worth of treasure.

22) After drinking this potion you feel as light as a feather and can jump incredible heights and distances. Your movement speed is also doubled for the next 1d10 hours.

23) A black potion which smells of death and decay. When ingested you feel a coldness spreading through your body, a sense of emptiness. For the next 1d6 hours you will be immune to all damage, but cannot attack or be attacked. You are also completely immobile.

24) A cloudy white potion with a sweet vanilla scent. Drinking it will make you feel drowsy and content, like all your worries have been washed away. The effect lasts for 1d6 hours.

25) A bubbling, green potion that smells like sulfur and decay. When ingested you feel a burning sensation in your gut, and then an intense thirst. For the next 1d6 hours you will take double damage from all sources, but will be able to drink any amount of water without penalty. The potion was created by Zan the Wizard in order to win a water-drinking contest.

26) A deep, dark purple potion with a bitter licorice aftertaste. Drinking it will make you feel powerful and confident, like you could take on the world. It’s a false sense of bravado. The effect lasts for 1d6 hours.

27) A bright, sunny yellow potion that smells like lemons. Drinking it will make you feel energetic and happy. You gain +2 wisdom for 2d10 days. After the effects wear off, you permanently lose one point of wisdom.

28) A dark, murky, liquid that glows green when exposed to light. Drinking it will make you feel calm and centered, and filled with negative energy. The effect lasts for 1d4 hours. After the effects wear off, you gain 100 xp.

29) A dark, purple potion that smells like berries and tastes like berries, too. Drinking it will make you feel giddy and uplifted. It will make you immune to fear for 2d6 minutes.

30) A green liquid that doesn’t smell like much of anything, but tastes like boiled vegetables. Drinking it will give you the uncanny ability to move silently for 1d4 hours.

31) A bright, clear potion that smells like roses and tastes like strawberries. Drinking it will make you feel energetic and beautiful. You will get a +1 bonus to charisma, dexterity and wisdom for 2d12 hours. After effects wears off, you gain 100 xp, but also suffer a -1 penalty to charisma, dexterity and wisdom for 2d10 days.

32) A brown liquid that smells like fermented fruit and tastes like peach. Drinking it will make you feel strong and powerful. You will get a +1 bonus to strength and constitution for 1d12 hours. After effects wears off, you will gain 100 xp, but also suffer a -1 penalty to strength and constitution for 1d10 days.

33) A deep, red potion that smells strongly like wine and tastes of berries. Drinking it will make you feel strong and empowered. You will get a +1 bonus to strength, constitution and charisma for 2d10 days. After effects wears off, you gain 100 xp, but also suffer a -1 penalty to strength, constitution and charisma for 2d12 hours.

34) A bright, clear potion that is tinted yellow from the herbs used to make it. Drinking it will give you an ample amount of belly laughs for 1d4 hours. Your companions may not take kindly to this.

35) A murky green potion that smells like mint and tastes like asparagus. Drinking it will make you feel alert and on top of the world. It will give you +1 bonus to intellect for 1d12 hours.

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36) A light blue potion that smells like the sea and tastes like olives. Drinking it will make you feel calm, relaxed, and ready to take on the world! It will give you +1 bonus to perception, intelligence, wisdom and dexterity for 1d12 hours.

37) A light, bubbling liquid that smells like wet fish and tastes like lobster bisque. Drinking it will make you feel energetic and positive! It will give you +1 bonus to dexterity, intelligence and perception for 1d12 hours.

38) This bright blue potion will cause you to care less about how others see you, and more about how you see yourself. For 1d4 hours, you get +2 wisdom, but -1 charisma.

39) This orange potion smells strongly of pumpkin spice, and tastes like cinnamon. It will make you feel warm, safe and loved. You get +1 dexterity, perception, intelligence and wisdom to 2d12 hours, but suffer -1 dexterity, perception, intelligence and wisdom to the same amount on the other side.

40) This red potion smells strongly of peaches, and tastes like strawberries. It will make you feel energized, but also reckless and aggressive. You get +1 strength, dexterity and constitution for 1d12 hours.

41) This red potion smells like burnt peaches, and tastes like burnt bacon. It will give you +2 to combat rolls for 12 hours.

42) This slimy, red potion smells bittersweet, and tastes like dark chocolate. It will make you feel energetic, and a little giddy. You will get a +2 bonus to dexterity and intellect for 1d12 hours.

43) This slimy, blue potion smells like peaches and cream, and tastes like blueberries. It will make you feel happy and positive, but also a bit tired. You get a +1 bonus to wisdom and intellect for 1d12 hours.

44) This green, bubbling potion smells like peach, and tastes like sour cream. Drinking it will make you feel wiry and energetic, but also a bit sad. You get +1 dexterity and wisdom for 1d12 hours.

45) This bright blue potion smells like chocolate, and tastes like coffee. Drinking it will make you feel alert, awake and confident. You will also heal 2d10 damage.

46) A bright, bubbling potion that smells like apples and tastes like grapes. Drinking it will make you feel energetic and confident. You will get +1 strength and constitution for 1d12 hours.

47) A dark, murky potion that smells like raspberries and tastes like blackberries. Drinking it will make you feel warm, content and full. You will also get 2 points of natural healing.

48) A clear, bubbling brew that smells like warmed metal and tastes like butter. It will give you super fast reflexes. You gain +2 dexterity and +2 to initiative rolls for 1d4 hours.

49) A murky green potion that smells like rotten eggs. It tastes worse. Drinking it will make you feel healthy, but not very smart. You gain 2 hit points per level of your character, and a -1 penalty to wisdom and intellect for 1d4 hours.

50) A clear, bubbling brew that smells like coffee and tastes like blueberries. Drinking it will make you feel alert, and a little giddy. It will also grant you a +1 bonus to wisdom and intelligence for 1d12 hours.

51) This violet potion smells like smoke and tastes like tobacco. Drinking it will make you feel confident, but also uncomfortable in your own skin. You get a +2 bonus to dexterity, constitution and charisma for 1d12 hours, but suffer a -1 penalty to dexterity, constitution and charisma for 1d12 hours after the effect wears off.

52) A bright green potion that smells of waterfalls and tastes like honeydew. Drinking it will make you feel energetic and fast. You get +1 to dexterity, constitution and perception for 1d12 hours.

53) A blue potion that smells of bread and tastes like sour milk. Drinking it will make you feel happy and relaxed. You get a +1 bonus to intellect and perception for 1d12 hours.

54) A yellow potion that smells strongly of peaches and tastes like olives. Drinking it will make you feel lucky…or is it unlucky? You get +2 to all combat rolls except damage rolls for 1d12 hours.

55) A blue potion that smells like cinnamon and tastes like pumpkin pie. Drinking it will make you feel warm, safe and loved. You get a +1 bonus to intelligence, wisdom and dexterity for 1d12 hours.

56) A smoky red potion that smells like tobacco, and tastes like licorice. Drinking it will give you the uncanny ability to move quietly for 1d4 hours.

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57) This light, murky potion smells strongly of cinnamon and tastes of maple syrup. Drinking it will give you the power to magically smell danger before it’s too late! For 1d4 hours you will gain +1 perception when rolling initiative and +1 initiative when rolling perception, but the effect wears off after the first encounter with danger.

58) This bubbling, green potion smells slightly of rotten eggs, but tastes of corn on the cob! Drinking it will make you feel giddy and crazy-like! You will get +200% on all damage rolls, tripling the damage.

59) This brownish-orange potion smells of milk, and tastes like chicken. Drinking it will make your skin as tough as leather – but only for 1d12 minutes!

60) This deep cobalt potion smells like chocolate and tastes of corn on the cob. Drinking it will make you feel tired and relaxed, like you’ve just woken up from a long nap. You start with a +2 bonus to all rolls for 1d4 hours.

61) A pale blue potion that smells strongly of mint and tastes of lemon. Drinking it will make you feel happy! You gain +1 to all stats for 1d4 hours.

Fantasy Potion Effects
Fantasy Potion Effects

62) A murky purple potion that smells of blackberries and tastes like grapes. Drinking it will temporarily cause all animal life forms (excepting rats) in 30ft to become friendly toward you for 1d4 hours.

63) A golden potion that’s so dark it appears black. It smells of cloves and tastes of strong ginger beer. Drinking it will fill you with a sense of foreboding and doom! For 1d12 hours you gain -2 to hit, but +2 to damage.

64) This dark green potion smells like mint and tastes of cilantro. Drinking it will temporarily grant out of this world vision! For 1d4 hours, you will be able to see as if it was twilight even in the brightest daylight. In addition, you gain +1 to your initiative rolls and perception rolls.

65) This shifty, iridescent potion smells of mushrooms, and tastes like gingerbread. Drinking it will give you the power to breath underwater for 1d8 hours or until you hit land again. You also gain +1 to your swimming skill during this time.

66) A jade-colored potion that smells of vanilla extract and tastes like honeyed apples. Drinking it will make you look younger and more vibrant for 1d12 hours! During this time, you gain +1 to charisma and all charm based skills, but also -1 to diplomacy, intimidate, persuasion and perception based rolls.

67) A misty-blue potion that smells strongly of mint and tastes of honey. Drinking it will make your body feel light as a feather! For 1d12 hours your maneuverability is doubled.

68) This forest green potion fizzles slightly and smells of lavender and lemon. Drinking it will make your skin feel cool and tingly! You gain +2 to all dexterity rolls for 1d12 hours!

69) A wispy yellow potion that makes your nose itch and eyes water. It smells like papaya, and tastes of chocolate. Drinking it will make you feel happy, peppy and energized! You gain +1 to all stats for 1d6 hours.

70) This dark violet potion that smells of chocolate and tastes like butterscotch gives incredible insight into your actions! For 1d12 hours you gain +10 perception on all saving throws and perception based rolls.

71) This silvery-blue potion that smells of olives and tastes of almond candy has a copper aftertaste. Drinking it will make you feel fearless and invulnerable! You gain +2 to dexterity and constitution for 1d12 hours.

72) This deep, blood red potion that smells strongly of grapes and tastes like oranges makes you feel fierce and strong like a wild beast! For 1d12 hours you gain +3 strength and a +2 bonus to all combat rolls, but a -2 penalty to dexterity, intelligence and perception based rolls.

73) This shimmering, iridescent potion that smells of vanilla and tastes like raspberries glows with a soft blue light. Drinking it will make you feel like you’re walking on clouds! For 1d12 hours, you gain +1 to dexterity and a +1 bonus to all combat rolls.

74) This lime-green potion that smells of popcorn and tastes like peppermint makes you feel focused and alert! For 1d6 hours you gain +1 to intelligence and perception.

75) This fiery orange potion smells of chocolate and tastes of blueberries. Drinking it will make your mind race, filling it with possibilities! For 1d4 hours you gain +2 to intelligence and wisdom.

76) A silvery-blue potion that smells like vanilla extract and tastes like honeyed apples. Drinking it will give you the uncanny ability to power through only a few hours of sleep per night! For 1d6 months, you won’t need more than 4 hours of sleep.

77) This murky, reddish-purple potion that smells of blackberries and tastes like grapes makes you feel stronger and tougher! For 1d12 hours, you gain +3 grit and +3 damage reduction, but -1 to your dexterity and intelligence stats.

78) A deep red potion that smells strongly of goldenrod and tastes like rye bread gives you the ability to dodge like the wind! For 1d4 hours all dodge checks are made with a +4 bonus.

79) This pale red potion smells of black pepper and tastes like apple cider. Drinking it will make you feel like you’re moving in slow motion! For 1d4 hours, all combat movement is increased by 50%, but your hit rolls are decreased by -2.

80) This dark pink potion smells of vanilla extract and tastes faintly of strawberries. Drinking it will make your wounds heal three times faster! For 1d6 hours, when you spend a healing surge, roll a d6: on a 5 or 6, your surge value increases by an additional +3 healing.

81) A pyrite-colored potion that smells of gingerbread cookies and tastes like roast beef makes your skin tougher! For 1d12 hours your hide gains a +1 natural armor rating.

82) A bubbling blue potion that smells strongly of pumpkin and tastes like cotton candy grants the ability to move with grace and agility. For 1d12 rounds you gain a +1 to initiative and Dexterity.

83) A tea-colored potion that smells of cinnamon and tastes like cornbread grants the user the ability to slow their heart and breathing. For 1d12 rounds you gain a +2 to Constitution and a +1 saving throws against poisons.

84) A red potion that smells faintly of cinnamon and tastes like rye bread causes you to become slightly hallucinogenic. For 1d12 rounds you gain a +2 to Wisdom and Intelligence, but suffer a -2 penalty to Charisma.

85) A golden-brown potion that smells slightly of steak and tastes of highland mead causes your body to become slightly grimy. For 1d12 hours you gain a +1 natural armor rating, but also suffer a +1 penalty to Charisma.

86) A murky white potion with a bubbly texture and an odd taste of gingerbread cookies causes your body to tingle with magical potential. For 1d12 hours your spellcasting ability is increased by 1d6 points of damage with each spell.

87) A murky purple potion that smells of strawberries and tastes like prune juice makes your muscles stronger. For 1d12 hours your Strength score is increased by 1d6 points.

88) A black potion made of bile and blood that smells like onions and tastes of brandy grants you the ability to ignore the most lethal of wounds. For 1d6 rounds you gain a +3 to all saving throws.

89) A rusty potion made of vinegar and metal dust that smells like chocolate and tastes of blood fills you with energy. For 1d12 rounds your Constitution is increased by 1d6 points.

90) A green potion made of moss and leaves that smells faintly of cedar and tastes like brandy allows you to ignore pain. For 1d12 rounds you gain a +6 to all saving throws against pain.

91) A smoky potion made of charcoal and ash that is cloudy and tastes of mint gives you the ability to regenerate. For 1d12 hours you gain 1 hp for every 4 rounds elapsed.

92) A black-brown potion made of liquid charcoal and coal that is jelly-like and tastes of mint allows you to see the hidden. For 1d12 rounds you can detect magical auras as if using detect magic.

93) A bubbly blue potion that is opaque and tastes faintly of cloves allows you to detect danger. For 1d12 hours you gain the ability to see auras as described under detect chaos/evil/good/law or detect undead if any such creatures are within 100 feet of you.

94) A blood-red potion the consistency of cream that tastes faintly of strawberries offers your mind protection from the powers of the Psi-wielders. For 1d12 rounds you gain resistance to psi-like effects (such as powers, spells, mind control, etc.) of all types except Psionic Blast.

95) A murky yellow potion that tastes faintly of cinnamon allows you to summon forth the powers of good. For 1d12 rounds any good powers cast within 50′ of you (whether a spell, psionic power, or other effect) are automatically absorbed and redeposited at a random location within 100 feet of you whether you wanted to or not. The original caster is not aware this is occurring if they have no psionics or powers themselves.

96) A black-brown potion that is thin and tastes faintly of honey allows you to attune yourself to the elemental plane which most embodies your own alignment (Chaotic, Evil, Good, Lawful). For 1d6 hours you gain resistance to fire and ice.

97) A creamy-white potion that smells like old flesh and tastes like honeyed brandy allows your body to become bloated with power. You gain +2 hp for every level of your character but suffer a -1 penalty to Dexterity for 1d12 hours.

98) A murky green potion that smells like fresh dirt and tastes like prune juice allows you to see into the future. For 1d12 rounds you gain a +1 insight bonus to Armor Class and all saving throws.

99) A cloudy lime-green potion that tastes of strawberries offers you the ability to speak with animals. For 1d12 hours you can understand any animal within 10′.

100) A rusty-brown potion with a texture like pudding and a taste of chicken feet will transform you into an ogre for 1d4 rounds. You gain +4 hp for every level of your character but suffer a -2 penalty to Dexterity.

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Paul Bellow

LitRPG Author Paul Bellow

Paul Bellow is a LitRPG author, gamer, RPG game developer, and publisher of several online communities. In other words, an old school webmaster. He also developed and runs LitRPG Adventures, a set of advanced RPG generators powered by GPT-3 AI. Here at LitRPG Reads, he publishes articles about LitRPG books, tabletop RPG books, and all sorts of DND content that's free to use in your personal tabletop campaign - i.e. non-commercial use. Enjoy your stay and reach out on Twitter or Discord if you want to make contact.