Here’s a quick list of 100 5e DND bard songs to use in your fantasy tabletop campaign.
1) The Top of the Hill – A song about an evil dragon that rules a nearby hill. In this song the heroes plan to attack the dragon as a team and take it down as a team. They will climb to the top of the hill, fight as a team, and bring the dragon to the ground as a team.
2) My Favorite Monster – This bard song is a hit with children and adults alike. It is about the bandit king that the bard’s party has been hunting for weeks. He has been killing and robbing everyone along the road and he is, indeed, the bandit king himself.
3) Duh Duh Duh Duuuuuuh – A song about a Dwarf who thinks he is a half-orc. He is not good at speaking Common so everytime he wants to ask for something he says “Duh Duh Duh Duuuuuuh” and the storekeeper keeps giving him the wrong thing.
4) The Battle of the Butterfly – This song is about the party’s final battle with a local dragon. The dragon is armed with a poison spray and a weakening poison. In this song the party decides that the only way to beat the dragon is to get in close enough for melee attacks.
5) The Girl On Fire – This song is about a group of adventures going to rescue a princess from a dragon. They face a long road and they will face many dangers along the way, but the princess is a girl on fire and she is worth the fight.
6) The Black Dragon – This bard song is a hit with anyone who is from a harsh environment. It is about a black dragon that made its home in a dark cave when the snow fell one too many times. In this song, the party plans to sneak into the dragon’s cave and kill it when it is asleep.
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7) Everyone Sang – This song is a song about a group of heroes going on a quest to save a princess from a dragon. They have a long road ahead of them and many will fall along the way, but everyone, in the end, sang a song of triumph.
8) The Dragon’s Fall – This song is about a dragon that was slain by a party of adventurers. The last verse talks about how the dragon fell and the adventurers walked away with a tale of glory and riches.
9) I Just Killed A Human, and I Liked It – This song is about a Half-Orc who just killed a party of adventurers. It is a sad song with a morbid chorus. I just killed a party, I just killed a party, I just killed a party and everyone died.
10) The Adventurers Who Do Nothing – This song is sung about a party of adventurers who live in a remote town and do nothing but drink, gamble, and try to pick-up girls. They spend each night at the local tavern and spend each day in the local brothel and then they wonder why they never get any work.

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11) I’m A Bad Guy – This song is sung by the villain who is the main focus of the party’s early adventures. It is a song about how he is a bad guy and he does bad things. In this song he says don’t be a hero, just walk away, because he is a bad guy and he is not afraid to die.
12) The Cutie Pie’s Jig – This adorable song is about a group of woodland adventurers who were captured by a group of bandits. They sang this song while the bandits were distracted and they escaped.
13) The Meatball King – This song is about a group of adventurers who are sent to kill the meatball king, but they never get past the front door. The meatball king sends the adventurers a gift every month. He sends a steel helmet, and a masterwork greataxe.
14) Tales of Ronny the Conny – This bard’s song is best sung when drunk. The song is all about the adventures of the bard’s brother named Ronny the Conny. Ronny the Conny is a thief who steals from the rich and gives to the poor. He is fast on his feet, but not so fast on his fingers.
15) The Cowardly Captain – This song is sung about a foolhardy captain who is leading his men into certain death. The first verse is about the captain being scared of the first fight, but being too proud to admit it. The second verse is about the fight with the first dragon. The third verse is about the captain being scared of the second dragon. The fourth verse is about the fight that killed the captain.
16) The Warriors Three – This song is about three great warriors who are always getting into trouble. The first verse is about the first warrior who is always getting into fights. The second verse is about the second warrior who is always drinking. The third verse is about the third warrior who is always chasing women.
17) The Amazing Adventurer – This song is sung by the party’s bard. The bard sings about how the party’s wizard is amazing. He is amazing because he can turn into a rat, because he can turn into a cat, because he can turn into a dog, because he can turn into a snake, and because he can turn into a rope.
18) The Cowardly Blackguard – This song is sung about a blackguard who is not very good at fighting. He wears heavy armor and wields a sword and shield, but he is still bad at fighting. He is the coward blackguard and his reward is an early grave.
19) The Party’s Wizard – This song is sung by the party’s bard after the party’s wizard casts his first spell. The wizard casts a lightning bolt and it makes a wall of fire and the party’s cleric drinks a potion and he turns into a lizard and then starts running around on fire.
20) The Bard’s Son – This song is sung about a bard whose son is always getting into trouble. His son is always sneaking out and getting into fights and throwing the first punch.
21) The Monsters Have No Tails – This song is about a party’s cleric who has cast the spell “Nymph’s Kiss” on his party’s fighter. The spell gives her a tail and as she runs around the cleric sings…

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22) The Butcher Boy – This song is sung about a boy who is a butcher and his father is a butcher and his grandfather was a butcher and his great-grandfather was a butcher and his great-great grandfather was a butcher and his great-great-great grandfather was a butcher and his great-great-great-great grandfather was a butcher and everyone in the family was a butcher.
23) The Girl at the Tavern – This bard song is sung about a tavern keeper’s daughter who is a very good target for the party’s rogue to pick-up. She is a young girl with a pretty smile and she is always sitting at the tavern and she is always looking bored.
24) The Girl at the Tavern – This bard song is sung about a tavern keeper’s daughter who is a very good target for the party’s sorcerer to pick-up. She is a young girl with a pretty smile and she is always sitting at the tavern and she is always looking bored.
25) A Collection of Cook’s Curses – This song is sung about a party of adventurers who are about to fight a dragon. The bard sings about how the battle is not fair, because the dragon is big, but the dragon is slow, but the dragon is high in the air, but the dragon has many heads, but the dragon has many scales, but the dragon has many teeth, but the dragon has many horns, but the dragon has many eyes.
26) The Songs of My People – When it comes to epic ballads by bards, The Songs of my People will go down in history as one of the best. This ballad is sung about how the bard’s people are trapped in an ancient city surrounded by mountains. The bard’s people are brave and powerful, but they are trapped. The bard sings about how the bard wants to be reunited with his people.
27) The Air is Not Safe – This song is all about how the air is not safe. There are ghosts in the air. There are spirits in the air. There are dragons in the air. There are devils in the air. There are demons in the air. The air is not safe.
28) The Emperor’s New Clothes – This song is usually performed by a bard who is surrounded by the citizens of a town. The song is sung about how the bard is surrounded by people who are blind. No one can see the emperor’s new clothes. No one can see the emperor’s new clothes. No one can see his new clothes. No one can see his new clothes. No one can see his new clothes. No one can see his new clothes.
29) The Day I Died – A melancholy song sung about how the singer died, but the singer doesn’t regret dying. The singer also does not regret dying because the singer has died in battle, and this is what the singer wanted to do in life.
30) The Song of the Zombie Pigman – A song about the journey of a zombie pigman to the forest. The zombie pigman is following a trail of lava to the forest. The zombie pigman is moving slowly, but the zombie pigman is strong. The pigman is wearing a helm made of iron. The pigman is carrying a sack made of leather.
31) The Song of the Hobo – This song is sung about a hobo who is not satisfied with life. The hobo is not satisfied because the hobo doesn’t have a girlfriend, or any friends. The hobo is not satisfied because the hobo is alone. There are no taverns, or bars where the hobo can be drunk.
32) The Song of the Last Man Left in the World – This song is all about how the singer is the last man left in the world. The singer is the only human left in the world. The singer is the only person left in the world. The singer is the only living being left in the world.
33) Stairs are Windows – A silly song sung about how stairs are windows. Stairs are made of wood. Stairs are smooth. Stairs are difficult to climb.
34) The Song of the Lost – This song is sung about a group of adventurers who are lost in the dungeon. The adventurers are lost in the dungeon, but they are not afraid to be lost. They are not afraid because the adventurers have their weapons with them, and their weapons are bright with shiny magic.
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35) Hobo Song – Bards who sing this song are known to be intelligent. This song is about a hobo who is not satisfied with life. The hobo is not satisfied because the hobo doesn’t have a girlfriend, or any friends. The hobo is not satisfied because the hobo is alone. There are no taverns, or bars where the hobo can be drunk.
36) The Song of the Wandering Rose – This song is usually sung by a bard who is by himself. The bard is singing about how the singer is so sad because the singer is too far away from his love. The singer is so sad because the singer is so far away from his love.
37) The Song of the Bard Who Never Was – This song is usually sung by bards who are tired of life. The bard sings about how the bard is so tired of life. The bard is so tired of life. The bard is so miserable. The bard is so depressed. The bard is so sad. The bard is so lonely. The bard is so unhappy. The bard is so depressed. The bard is so miserable. And so on.
38) Sad Song of Rushmore – This tragic love song is usually sung by bards who live in a forest. The bard is singing about a beautiful elf who is a woodcutter. The bard is singing about a beautiful elf who is a young woman who is very sad. The elf is too beautiful to be a woodcutter. The bard is singing to himself.
39) The Cowardly Hero – This song’s meaning is that cowards are sometimes braver than warriors.
40) The Butcher – This song is sung by butchers. The lyrics do not describe the table, the cleaver, or the chopping block. The lyrics describe the horrors of war. The lyrics describe the horror of war through the eyes of a butcher. The lyrics describe the horror of war by comparing it to the slaughter of animals.
41) The Age of Heroes – This song is about ancient wars. The lyrics describe ancient battles. The ancient battles are described like the wars in the age of heroes.
42) The Fey Song – This song was written by elves. The lyrics are about how elves are misunderstood. The elves are the true guardians of the forest. The elves are at home in their forest. The elves are offended when people call their forest a dark place. The elves are offended when people think their music is eerie.
43) The Ballad of the Blacksmith – This song is about how a blacksmith is like a mage. The song is about how a blacksmith is like a dwarf. The song is about how a blacksmith is like a warrior. The song is about how a blacksmith is like a hero.
44) The Song of the Blacksmith – This is a song about blacksmiths. The song is about the greatness of blacksmiths. The song is about the power of blacksmiths. The song is about the beauty of blacksmiths.
45) The Sorceress – This song is about a dark elf sorceress. The song is about a good sorcerer. The song is about a powerful sorcerer. The song is about a beautiful sorcerer.

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46) The Elfsong – This song is about elves and their love of nature. The lyrics compare nature to a lover. The lyrics compare nature to a lover’s embrace. The lyrics compare nature to a lover’s kiss.
47) The Great Khan – This song is about a great horde of warriors. The song is about a great horde of horses. The song is about how the great horde is an unstoppable force. The song is about how the great horde of horses is an unstoppable force. The lyrics describe how the great horde is led by a great warrior.
48) The Bard’s Lament – This song is about bards who are war refugees. The bards are war refugees from a dark elf city. The bards are war refugees from a dwarven kingdom. The bards are war refugees from a human kingdom. The song is about how life is better for bards who are war refugees.
49) The Song of the Hero – This song is about heroes. This song is about heroes who wield magic. This song is about heroes who wield swords. This song is about heroes who are spellswords. It’s quite a rousing song with thirteen verses and a strong chorus.
50) The Song of the King – This song is about the king. This song is about the king who wields magic. This song is about the king who wields swords. This song is about the king who is a spellsword.
51) The Song of the Paladin – This song is about paladins. This song is about paladins who wield magic. This song is about paladins who wield swords. This song is about paladins who are spellswords.
52) The Song of the Ranger – This song is about rangers. This song is about rangers who wield magic. This song is about rangers who wield swords. This song is about rangers who are spellswords.
53) The Song of the Rogue – This song is about rogues. This song is about rogues who wield magic. This song is about rogues who wield swords. This song is about rogues who are spellswords.
54) The Song of the Sorcerer – This song is about a sorcerer named Nicodemus the Third. It’s a sad song.
55) Mountain Song – This Sea Shanty is about dwarves. This Sea Shanty is about dwarves living in the mountains. This Sea Shanty is about dwarves who are miners. This Sea Shanty is about dwarves who are adventurers. This Sea Shanty is about dwarves who are fighters. This Sea Shanty is about dwarves who are heroes. This Sea Shanty is about dwarves who are like dwarves who like to fight.
56) The Death of Drellack – This Sea Shanty is about an orc invasion. This Sea Shanty is about an orc invasion of islands. This Sea Shanty is about an orc invasion of islands in the ocean.
57) The Revenge of Drellack – This Sea Shanty is about orcs. This Sea Shanty is about an orc invasion. This Sea Shanty is about an orc invasion of islands. This Sea Shanty is about an orc invasion of islands in the ocean.
58) Hymn of the Deep – This Sea Shanty is about the ocean. This Sea Shanty is about the ocean depths. This Sea Shanty is about the ocean depths being beautiful. This Sea Shanty is about the ocean depths being terrifying.

59) The Blood Drunken Sailor – This Sea Shanty is about a pirate drinking the blood of his enemies. This Sea Shanty is about a pirate drinking the blood of his friends. This Sea Shanty is about drinking blood and being a bloody pirate, aye!
60) The Song of the Shadow – This song is about shadowdancers. This song is about shadowdancers who are the shadows. This song is about shadowdancers who are assassins. This song is about shadowdancers who are heroes.
61) The Shadow Song – This song is about shadowdancers. This song is about shadowdancers who are shadows. This song is about shadowdancers who are the shadows. This song is about shadowdancers who are assassins. This song is about shadowdancers who are heroes.
62) The Song of the Hunt – This song is about rangers. This song is about rangers who hunt.
63) Tales of the Forbidden Kingdom – This long song has fourteen dozen verses and no chorus. The song is about the adventures of a group of explorers. There are four adventurers in the group. The adventurers are a ranger, an elf, a cleric, and a rogue. The song is about the invasion of a forbidden kingdom. The song is about the forbidden kingdom being a giant spider’s web. The song is about how the adventurers escape the spider’s web.
64) Baba Yaga – This song is about a monster in a forbidden kingdom. The song is about a monster who is a giant spider. The song is about a monster who is a giant spider in a forbidden kingdom.
65) The Battle of the Mountains – This song is about a kingdom made out of ice. The song is about a kingdom made out of ice in the mountains. The song is about a winter kingdom. The song is about a kingdom in the winter.
66) The Giants in the Mountains – This song is about a kingdom made out of ice. The song is about a kingdom made out of ice in the mountains. The song is about a winter kingdom. The song is about a kingdom in the winter.
67) The Winter Kingdom – This song is about a kingdom made out of ice. The song is about a kingdom made out of ice in the mountains. The song is about a winter kingdom. The song is about a kingdom in the winter.
68) The Song of the Dwarves – This song is about dwarves. This song is about dwarves in the mountains. This song is about dwarves building strongholds in the mountains. This song is about mining for minerals.

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69) Two Songs of a Winter Morning – This duo of songs was written by a bard named Dirk of the North. One of the songs is about a bad winter morning in the mountains. The other is about a good winter morning in the mountains.
70) Mourning the Morning in the Mountains – This song is about a winter morning in the mountains and how the bard hates them with a passion.
71) The Legend of the Ice Castle – This is a song about a kingdom made out of ice in the mountains and how it is bad.
72) The Ice Song – This is a song about a kingdom made out of ice in the mountains and how it is good.
73) Five Songs of the Ice Castle – This five song set was written by a bard named Dirk of the North.
74) The Ice Song – This song is about a kingdom made out of ice in the mountains. This song is about a winter kingdom in the mountains. This song is about a kingdom in the winter. This song is about winter mountains in the kingdom. This song is about the mountains in the winter.
75) Two Gallons of Beer in my Belly – This dwarven drinking song was written by a bard named Dirk of the North. This song has two stanzas.
76) Jokes of Olde – This song is about jokes in the old north country. This song is about olden jokes. This song is about jokes of olden times.
77) The Merry Olden Days – This song is about the olden days.
78) The Olden Days are Gone – This Elven song is about the time when the elves ruled the northern lands.
79) The Elves’ Red Hair – This song is about elves with red hair.
80) The Elfmaids’ Song – This song was written by a bard named Barley Jones of Tyrn Gorthad. This song is about a ship that is going down with a load of elves.
81) Ship of Elves – This tragic love song was written by a bard named Jonty James.
82) The Song of Helga the Valkyrie – This song was written by a bard named Jonty James. This song is about a powerful valkyrie named Helga. Helga is the Valkyrie of the North.
83) Two Songs of Helga the Valkyrie – This two song set is about the bounty hunter Helga the Valkyrie.
85) The Lay of Keal – This song is about a paladin named Keal. This song is about the paladin Keal of the storm.
86) The Song of Keal – This song is about a paladin named Keal. This song is about the paladin Keal of the storm.
87) Holy Fury – This song is about Keal and his righteous fury.
88) Song of the Two-handed Paladin – This song was written by a bard named Buckeye Johnson of Bartlegaard. This song is about a paladin with two hands.
89) The Elven Paladins – This song is about elven paladins and how they act.
90) The Song of the Paladin – This song was written by a bard named Charles the Bold. This song is about a paladin who stole his cow one time. It’s pretty funny.
91) The Quest for the Sword – A bard named Pinkton Floydson wrote this song. This song is about a paladin who is out looking for his father’s sword and tearing down a wall.
92) Walls of Desolation – Written by a depressed halfling bard named Harry Huffelhouser, this song is about a person who travels down to the sewers and then goes beyond the walls of Desolation.
93) The Song of the Sword – This song was written by a bard named Sheryl O’leary. This song is about a sword that has no name.
94) The Song of the Knight – This song was written by a bard named Zanthar Calimone. This song is about a poor warrior who has no horse.
95) Song of the Elvish Knight – This song was written by a bard named Zanthar Calimone. This song is about an elvish knight who wants his sword back.
96) The Song of the Defender – This song was written by a bard named Zanthar Calimone. This song is about a defender who guards the forest.
97) The Song of the Dwarven Defender – This song was written by a bard named Zanthar Calimone. This song is about a dwarven defender.
98) The Song of the Fighter – This song was written by a bard named Zanthar Calimone. This song is about the fighter who guards the town.
99) The Song of the Knight – This song was written by a bard named Zanthar Calimone. This song is about a knight who is a recluse.
100) The Song of the Knight – This song was written by a bard named Zanthar Calimone. This song is about a knight who is “ever so old.”

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