D&D Random Weapon Generator Examples

If you’re looking for a D&D random weapon generator, I’ve got you covered. You can create magic items (and a lot more) over at LitRPG Adventures – you can sign-up for free and generate one at no cost or buy credits to create what you want. We also have a growing library of thousands of magic items, backstories, and more for our monthly members. Below are some examples of various weapons created at LitRPG Adventures.

D&D Random Weapon Generator Output

Here’s a few magic weapons generated at LitRPG Adventures workshop.

Dungeons and Dragons Weapons

A few samples of various magic weapons generated by GPT-3 from OpenAI.

Bughunter’s Beloved (Bo)Tineer

Created by Bughunter

Item Type: Weapon (Short Sword)

For Levels: 1 – 5

Rarity: Common

Special Abilities:

(To Hit Bonus)


This short sword is slightly curved and made of good quality steel. The pommel is in the shape of a boar head and the guard is in the shape of the boar’s body. This short sword gives its owner a +1 bonus to hit and damage rolls when fighting boars and other large creatures with thick hides, such as trolls and dragons. This weapon is considered a non-magical item and can be used by any class.


Bughunter and the boar(s) that befriended him couldn’t agree that it was time to part well enough alone. The strange thing about their friendship was that they couldn’t agree on anything. This led to a fight between the two of them. As the boar was about to strike Bughunter down, his short sword made contact with the boar’s side and stabbed it.

The boar was mortally wounded and upon seeing that he would end up dying, he asked Bughunter to kill him. Bughunter did not want to kill his friend but couldn’t bring himself to end the boars life. The boar did not want to die and did not want his friend to kill him. Fortunately for Bughunter, his short sword pushed the boar across the ground.

After a few minutes of limping, the boar had finally died from his wounds. It is said that this short sword was created from the boar’s bones. It is also said that this short sword is haunted by the boar’s spirit and that it is the reason why the sword is slightly curved. It is also said that this sword can be used to summon a boar during a fight. However, the summoner must be a good friend of a boar.

Maces of Gnomekin

Created by Varda the Sage

Item Type: Weapon (Mace)

For Levels: 1 – 44

Rarity: Common

Special Abilities:

(To Hit Bonus) (Symbol) (Symbolism) (Shrink) (Small)


This mace has been enchanted with the powers of the Third Age. It has been named ‘Maces of Gnomekin’ since it is a Gnome who made the mace. The Gnome used it to battle many monsters. The mace is a great weapon for a Gnome because it is light and easy to carry. It is a weapon that can be used by anyone. It has a silver colored handle.

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The handle has a small leather band around it. The handle is a little short for a Gnome to handle, even though it is a small mace. The mace itself is a dull green color and it is made from a strong metal. It has been made from a hard stone by a master craftsman. The master craftsman worked for three days to make this mace, which is a very long time for a Gnome. The mace is fifteen inches long. Maces of Gnomekin is a powerful weapon against the forces of Darkness.


The Gnome, Neblin, used to be a powerful warrior. He was a fierce warrior and killed many monsters and demons. He would go into the Netherworld and return with many treasure and great stories. He fought and not many people could challenge him. When he was seventy years old, he retired from the Gnome army and the people thought he would spend his life at his house in Gnome Valley. It was thought that he would spend time with his children and grandchildren.

As time went on, Neblin realized he did not have much time left. His life was ending and he still had not done much with it. He had not traveled much or explored the outside world. He had only explored the Netherworld and the world of Gnomekin. Then one day, he decided to do something in his life. He announced to the people of Gnomekin that he was going to travel. Many people thought he was crazy.

It seemed like a crazy idea when they thought about it. He had never traveled outside Gnomekin except the Netherworld when he was in the army. Gnomes like to stay in their valley and their homes. The people were disappointed in Neblin when he announced he was traveling. Many of his relatives did not want him to leave because he was so old.

Fantasy RPG AI Generators with ChatGPT+

Make life as a Game Master easier.... If you play Dungeon & Dragons, Pathfinder, or other fantasy tabletop role-playing games, check out my DND AI backstory generator and other fine AI RPG tools at LitRPG Adventures Workshop today.

They thought he was senile and should stay home. He did not care what they thought. He was going to see the world. After he announced he was leaving, people begged him not to go. Nothing could stop him though. He did not care if he was old. He wanted to travel before he died.

Flail of Fury

Created by Seshriel

Item Type: Weapon (Flail)

For Levels: 100 – 434

Rarity: Epic

Special Abilities:

(Chaos Magic) (Animate Object ) (Bad Luck) (Zan) (Zan the Wizard) (Zanite Cult)


This weapon is one of the most powerful flails ever made. The flail is made of black metal on the head of it and the handle is made of some kind of bone of unknown origin. It is carved with dragon claws on it of all colors. The flail has the power to tear apart the very land it touches. It can animate objects around it to attack enemies of its wielder.


There are several legends told of this weapon. No one knows which one is true. The first legend speaks of a great war that had erupted between two great tribes. The war lasted for 100 years, each side usurping the other, taking power for themselves. One day, a dragon appeared out of the sky, its wings forming a great storm. It quickly moved across the land setting fire to everything in its path.

The two tribes were great warriors, but they couldn’t do anything against this dragon. It destroyed everything in its path, leaving no survivors. It flew over the corpses of the warriors, its eyes glowing with rage. It pulled back one of its wings and started to tear at the earth. When it finished, the ground began to shake. The dragon flew high into the sky and let loose a great blast of fire. The fire fell down on the earth and destroyed everything. The earth began to change.

A new mountain rose up out of the ground, followed by others. Then, quickly, the ground began to quake. The new mountain broke apart, opening great chasms of darkness. The ground broke apart and the two tribes fell into the chasms of darkness. The dragon flew away, its eyes filled with rage. A new power was born, but it wasn’t good. That was the birth of the current ruler of the land.

The second legend speaks of a great war that had erupted between two great tribes. The war lasted for 100 years, each side usurping the other, taking power for themselves. One day, a dragon appeared out of the sky, its wings forming a great storm. It quickly moved across the land setting fire to everything in its path.

The two tribes were great warriors, but they couldn’t do anything against this dragon. It destroyed everything in its path, leaving no survivors. It flew over the corpses of the warriors, its eyes glowing with rage. It pulled back one of its wings and started to tear at the earth. When it finished, the ground began to shake. The dragon flew high into the sky and let loose a great blast of fire. The fire fell down on the earth and destroyed everything. The earth began to change.

Sword of Slicing Darkness

Created by D. Cook

Item Type: Weapon (Two-Handed Sword)

For Levels: 100 – 101

Rarity: Epic

Special Abilities:

(Electrical Damage) (x2 Damage) (Chaos Magic) (Water Blast) (Aqua Attack)


This large, black sword has a serrated blade that is nearly 20 inches long. It is very heavy and wields like a two-handed club.


This sword was created by the blacksmith who forged it in a cave he had made in a mountain. The cave was only a few miles from a village in a desert. The blacksmith was a devoted follower of a dark god named Davran. He worshiped Davran for many years and in the end, Davran granted him a wish. The blacksmith wished for a sword that could defeat any man.

He was told that he would have to wait weeks for the sword to be forged and sharpened, but when it was ready, he would have his wish granted. The blacksmith was given a large sum of Uros for the sword when it was made, but he used the money to buy a shiny, ornate breast plate to wear in battle. The blacksmith went out into a small village in a desert and killed a drunken man that he knew. He then cut off the man’s head and carried it into a tavern in the village.

The whole village was in an uproar when they saw the blacksmith enter the tavern. He was armed to the teeth and was wearing a helm made of a human skull. Two fighters who were in the tavern attacked the blacksmith, but he was too strong. The blacksmith killed both of these fighters and left the tavern with loud cheering from everyone who saw this display of power.

The blacksmith then went back to his cave and waited for the sword to return to him. Days and days passed and the blacksmith became impatient. He wanted to see what his sword could do and he could not wait for it to return. The blacksmith went back to the tavern and killed three men who were talking about him.

Fantasy RPG AI Generators with ChatGPT+

Make life as a Game Master easier.... If you play Dungeon & Dragons, Pathfinder, or other fantasy tabletop role-playing games, check out my DND AI backstory generator and other fine AI RPG tools at LitRPG Adventures Workshop today.

He told them that he was going to find the sword and kill anyone who stood in his way. He then went to the blacksmith’s shop and waited. Many weeks later, he heard a loud echoing noise coming from the gate outside his shop. It was the blacksmith’s apprentice and he was carrying the sword for the blacksmith.

The apprentice told the blacksmith that he saw a group of men enter the village and kill everyone. The apprentice was able to escape and hide in the same cave where the blacksmith was staying. The apprentice did not know if the blacksmith was still alive and was glad to see the blacksmith standing there. The apprentice told the blacksmith that the sword was forged and sharpened and was ready for battle.

More D&D Random Weapon Generator Examples?

Want even more examples from my D&D weapon generator? Head over to LitRPG Adventures and check it out today. Find us on Discord to get free credits for the RPG generators in exchange for honest feedback.

Paul Bellow

LitRPG Author Paul Bellow

Paul Bellow is a LitRPG author, gamer, RPG game developer, and publisher of several online communities. In other words, an old school webmaster. He also developed and runs LitRPG Adventures, a set of advanced RPG generators powered by GPT-3 AI. Here at LitRPG Reads, he publishes articles about LitRPG books, tabletop RPG books, and all sorts of DND content that's free to use in your personal tabletop campaign - i.e. non-commercial use. Enjoy your stay and reach out on Twitter or Discord if you want to make contact.