6 Best D&D City Generator Examples

Check out my D&D random city generator samples!

I’ve got some example output from the D&D city generator I created over at LitRPG Adventures workshop. If you want to generate your own fantasy towns and cities, head over to LitRPG Adventures and become a member today. You’ll also get access to our growing RPG content library, featuring thousands of backstories, cities, taverns, magic shops, creatures, and much more!

D&D Random City Generator Examples

Here’s my list of five examples from the D&D random city generator I built.


Small City (Walls) (Castle) (Oceanside) (Magical)


Horsk was once the eastern most city of the large nation of Aquaria. The city was built around a Castle, which was the home of the great king of Aquaria. The castle is where the council meetings were held. The council consisted of the king and his best advisors. The city grew very large, and was for a time the capital city of Aquaria.

The city was built on the shore of the ocean. It is surrounded by mountains on all sides except the ocean. The castle itself sits on top of a large hill overlooking the rest of the town. The town has grown to slowly become the largest city in the area. The castle still sits in the middle of the city, but it is not the center of the city anymore.

The city was at peace for a long while, but when the great king died, a dispute began on who should be the new king. This divided the city and a war soon followed.


The old castle of Horsk was a small castle. It was chosen because it was close to the ocean. The king decided that the ocean would be a good place to build a castle. The king also knew that the ocean would be a good place for a distraction.

The castle was built in a week, and it has been there ever since. The castle has been replaced by a new castle, which has been added on to many times. The old castle is rotting rotting away.


Large City (Ancient) (Fortified) (Walls) (Trading Hub)


Zar-Adare is a trading city built on the coast of the ocean. It’s name comes from the ancient language of the elves. It means “The City of Wealth and Power”. The city is built along the back of a steep cliff that goes into the ocean. Many docks dot the shore, and ships and boats come and go from the city.

The city is dominated by the giant castle that sits at the head of the city. This castle is the home of the royal family of Zar-Adare. The city is a trading hub for the Elves, and the Elves bring many goods from other lands to trade with those in Zar-Adare. Zaz-Adare is also home to the Elves court, and the Elves Queen and King reside in the castle.

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The city of Zaz-Adare was built by a group of Elves that had lost their home to a group of Orcs. The Elves were charged with the task of making a city that could house the entire Elven race. The Elves built a large fort that was designed to withstand a siege. They built a large fort to withstand a siege, and named the fort Zar-Adare.

The fort was built at the head of a steep cliff that went into the ocean. Many Elves from the surrounding area would flock to the fort, and they would make it their home. The fort was named Zar-Adare. The fort was a trading hub for the Elves. They would trade goods with the cities of the surface to the north and south.

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The fort was a trading hub for all of the Elves, and they would trade goods with the outside world. The fort was a trading hub for the Elves, and they would trade goods with the cities of the surface to the north and south.


City (Dwarves) (Fortified) (Mountains) (Underground) (Forbidden)


The largest city in the land of Grada, Ionia is a city built in the side of a mountain. The city is home to many dwarves, halflings, and humans. The city is also located in the center of the kingdom, located in the large basin created by the Great Mountain Range.

It is the only city in the kingdom that is located in the basin, all other cities are located on the sides of the mountain range. The only way to access the city is through two large stone tunnels that are located on either side of the city.

The city is the capital of the kingdom. The city was built by the dwarves to protect them from the warlike humans. The city was built in the side of a mountain by the dwarves in the north.

The city was built to help protect the dwarves from the humans in the south. The city was built in the side of a large mountain.


The history of Ionia is a very long one. Ionia was built by the dwarves in the north looking to protect them from the humans in the south. The city was built in the side of a large mountain by the dwarves in the north.

The city was built to help protect the dwarves from the humans in the south. The city was built in the side of a large mountain.

D&D Random City Generator
D&D Random City Generator


City (New) (Humans) (Peaceful) (Trading Hub) (Clean) (Modern)


Wren is a city at the edge of the major portions of the kingdom of Wren. The city was once a farming community, but overtime it grew to become a major trade hub. The city is known for its many markets, and large amount of traffic.

The city is located at the foot of a mountain. The mountain is where the dwarves of Wren mine for iron and gold. The city is a home to mostly humans, but also has a decent elven population. The city is built into the hill behind the mountain.

The city is filled with many beautiful homes that are built using a variety of materials. The city is a peaceful place, with a relatively low crime rate.


Wren was a farming community at the foot of a mountain for a few centuries. The farmers traded with passing merchants, but nothing was significant. Over time, the farmers began to make a decent living from the passing merchants.

Fantasy RPG AI Generators with ChatGPT+

Make life as a Game Master easier.... If you play Dungeon & Dragons, Pathfinder, or other fantasy tabletop role-playing games, check out my DND AI backstory generator and other fine AI RPG tools at LitRPG Adventures Workshop today.

With the money coming in from the merchants, the farmers began to build nicer homes, including a few shops. As the population grew the city began to grow into a trading hub.

The city struggled at first, but after a few decades the city was able to support itself just from trade alone. The city grew in size over the next few centuries until it became one of the major trade centers in Wren.

The king has a market set in a public area in the city, and pays the city a large sum of money every year to have a market in the city.


City (Abandoned) (Elves) (Humans) (Halflings) (Lakeside) (Good) (Forest) (Woods)


Tumar is a city tucked away in the forest not far from the coast. The city is home to many traders who travel inland to visit the city. The city is also home to an army of warriors that protect the city from the evils that come out of the forest.

The city is surrounded by a large wall that is constantly patrolled by guards. The city is home to many halflings. The city has many inns and taverns that are often frequented by the city guard.


Tumar was founded by a group of humans who were traveling by sea. The group was sailing past the coast when the ship started to take on water. The group was unable to make it to shore, so they were forced to abandon the ship. The group of people was stranded on the island.

Over the next few weeks, the group of people were able to construct a small hut using wood that was on the island. The people worked hard to survive on the island for years. The group of people were rescued by a ship that was traveling on the coastline of the island.

The captain of the ship was a halfling who was traveling home to his home city. He offered to take the group of people to his home city. The group was grateful for the captain’s offer, so they took him up on the offer.

When the group arrived to the city, the people were amazed. The city was unlike anything they had ever seen. The halfling took the group out of the city and showed them the beautiful forests on the island.

The people were amazed by the beauty of the forests. The people decided that they too wanted to live on the island. They decided that they would create their own city. The city was built around the forest. The people erected a stone wall around the entire forest. The city prospered.

The people constructed a massive port outside of the city walls. The port is a massive bustling hub of trade every day. The people have maintained good relations with the elves, but have had a few skirmishes with the orcs. The city survives thanks to the money from the port.


City (Ancient) (Elves) (Dwarves) (Lakeside) (Forest) (Woods)


Caelum is an ancient city made of white stone. Caelum is the only city in the world that is completely made of stone. It is located at the end of the great northern mountain range. The reason the city was made of stone is because of the city’s strategic importance to trade. The city is located at the end of the great mountain range that is the only path into the continent from the sea.

The city is a hub for trade with traders from all different countries. Caelum is also one of the only ports on the continent that is big enough to handle a ship of a reasonable size. The city is a thriving city with a very active economy. The city has a deep history as it is one of the longest cities in the world.


The city is one of the only two cities to have been built before the first great war. The city was built by a group of people from a small island called Zephyr. The people from Zephyr were a very technologically advanced people that had developed a form of protein that was a food that grew on trees. This protein was a great success and was a staple for a long time.

The protein was a very simple protein that was a food for the lower class. The protein was a great success and was a staple for a long time. When the first war started the Zephyr ship was destroyed by a group of people from the north. None of the people from Zephyr survived. The city was lost for a long time until the ship’s creator’s great grandson found the city. The city was restored and the population grew again.

Advanced D&D Random City Generator

Want access to an advanced D&D random city generator? Head over to LitRPG Adventures and check out over two dozen advanced RPG generators I created with GPT-3 from OpenAI. Members also get access to our ever-growing library of RPG content, including towns, cities, planets, governments, shops, taverns, monsters, spells, and more!

Paul Bellow

LitRPG Author Paul Bellow

Paul Bellow is a LitRPG author, gamer, RPG game developer, and publisher of several online communities. In other words, an old school webmaster. He also developed and runs LitRPG Adventures, a set of advanced RPG generators powered by GPT-3 AI. Here at LitRPG Reads, he publishes articles about LitRPG books, tabletop RPG books, and all sorts of DND content that's free to use in your personal tabletop campaign - i.e. non-commercial use. Enjoy your stay and reach out on Twitter or Discord if you want to make contact.