Barbarian Backstory Generator Examples: GPT-3

Here’s some output from the barbarian backstory generator I built recently. If you’d like to create your own with the power of GPT-3 AI, check out the LitRPG Adventures Workshop today if you want to create your own DND barbarian backstories.

You can browse our library of over 5,000 pieces of content for Dungeons & Dragons or Pathfinder tabletop RPGs. Barbarians in D&D are an iconic class. (Anyone remember the Conan modules for Dungeons & Dragons?)

Keep reading if you’re looking for a good barbarian background for your D&D character or check out today.

Barbarian Backstory Generator Examples

The barbarian is an iconic class in D&D, Pathfinder, and other tabletop RPG games. I’ve used the LitRPG Adventures Workshop to generate these examples for you to check out.

Hilda Hallsworth

Female Human Barbarian

STR 15 INT 10 WIS 15 DEX 14 CON 11 CHA 18

Born in The City of Sharre

Barbarian Backstory:

When she was young, Hilda’s parents were killed by a band of orcs in the night. She was able to escape with an older woman and two boys. She grew up on the streets of Sharre, learning the hard way. Still, she was able to learn much about the world. She grew up a fighter, always proving her own toughness. She learned how to read and write along the way, but she was never really interested in it. It was really just a means to communicate with others. While working as a barmaid, Hilda was impressed by the gold and gems that the lord of the castle wore around his neck and on his fingers. She wanted to find a way to gather her own fortunes and riches. Her childhood friends persuaded her to leave the bar and become a hired sword to make a way for her future.

Barbarian Personality:

Hilda is a fighter, through and through. She’s tough and headstrong, never giving up until her opponent is down. She’s a little dense sometimes, however, and it takes her a while to realize when she’s outmatched by her opponent. She’s very loyal to her friends, and she uses her muscles and brawn to protect them. She also loves to tell a joke or a story, making her a fun person to be around.

Character Appearance:

Hilda is tall and brawny. She has bright red hair, cropped short. Her bright green eyes are constantly assessing her surroundings while she’s out on the road. Her vest is very practical, with a number of small pouches attached all around. She wears a small bag on her side, with a short sword strapped to her back.

Start of Character:

Hilda has decided to adventure through the lands of the Kingdom of Grabisco. She hopes to make a name for herself and enough money to buy her own keep and keep for the future.

Lothar Longstride

Male Wood Elf Barbarian

STR 17 INT 10 WIS 12 DEX 15 CON 18 CHA 12

Born in Feorlindar

Barbarian Backstory:

While he was still a young boy, Lothar attended the prestigious school at Feorlindar. At school, he developed a love for drinking and fighting, which he would work on for the rest of his life. He joined an elite fighting squad that served the Duke of Feorlindar, helping to protect the duke’s lands. When he was a young man, he challenged the duke to a fight. The duke won, and Lothar was exiled from Feorlindar. He traveled to the vast grasslands of the King’s Plains, where he practiced his fighting skills and drank his fill.


Loves: Drinking, fighting, having a good time

Lothar is a very friendly, outgoing person who just loves to share a good drink with anyone willing to listen. He’s never afraid to speak his mind, even if it gets him in trouble. He’s happy with his life as an adventurer and looks forward to seeing the world. He loves a good fight as much as the next barbarian, but he doesn’t like to kill. Well, not all the time. If his life or a friend’s life is in danger, he will totally destroy his enemies. He has a soft spot for other barbarians, however, even if they are from a different tribe.

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Lothar also has a fear of large creatures, like trolls and giants, and he has a crippling fear of bees. This came about because of his childhood, where a giant and a bee attacked him when he was a young boy. He knows this fear isn’t rational, but he can’t help it. If he sees a bee, he will go into a barbarian rage, attacking the bee and anyone who gets in his way. He will stop when the bee is dead or he is dead. Other than the bees and giants, Lothar is a fearless fighter who will attack anyone that gets in his way.

Fantasy RPG AI Generators with ChatGPT+

Make life as a Game Master easier.... If you play Dungeon & Dragons, Pathfinder, or other fantasy tabletop role-playing games, check out my DND AI backstory generator and other fine AI RPG tools at LitRPG Adventures Workshop today.

“I don’t like to see the world in black and white. I like to see it in color. I love to talk to new people and learn about their culture, their life and their history. I just wish it didn’t always come down to fighting.”


Lothar is a tall man with slightly long brown hair. He tends to wear whatever is comfortable, usually something unusual, like a cloak made from a lion’s hide. He’s not a very handsome man, but he moves with great, athletic strength. When in battle, he usually wears next to nothing, save for a metal breast-plate taken from a slain berserker. He carries a war hammer, which he forged himself from the metal of a fallen statue. He keeps his hair greasy so opponents can’t get a good grip on him.

Lothar has a scar running along the left side of his face, from his forehead down to his chin. He got this from a duel with a baby dragon that got out of hand, as his previous battle scars testify. His left ear is also slightly deformed, but he wears an earring in it. Lothar speaks with a thick accent and swears a lot. He’s a loud, boisterous man who laughs and tells stories constantly. He acts like a berserker who fights for the fun of it. Overall, his appearance tends to scare people away, and he’s fine with that.

Start of Character:

Lothar likes his life of adventure, traveling the countryside, earning gold, and drinking. He has no interest in settling down, but he’s always open to hearing about it. He is traveling the Kingdom of Grabisco, trying to make his fortune fighting the orcs and goblins. He’s been looking for a unique magic item that many say don’t exist – a lute of persuasion. He’s heard rumors of such an item but has never seen it. He has to go to the Shrine of Thumathes and then travel on to Tor Thumathes to investigate these rumors.

Xivm R’n’Kynnyn

Male Spyderling Barbarian

STR 17 INT 10 WIS 12 DEX 15 CON 18 CHA 12

Born in The Thief House of R’n’Kynnyn

Barbarian Backstory:

Xivm lived his entire life in the shadows, practicing his family’s ancient profession of stealing from the rich and giving to the poor. When he was old enough, he took to the streets and let the thieves’ guild know that he was open for business. Eventually, he made a name for himself as a master thief, and he was selected to steal a very valuable artifact from the Royal Palace of Grabisco. When he was caught, he was thrown into the dungeons for a year, but he escaped with the help of his old friend S’tani. He’s now living life the way he knows how: stealing from the rich and giving to the poor.


Xivm likes to keep everything clean and organized, but he tends to get a little distracted when he’s working on a kleptomaniacal streak. He went through a period in his life where he wanted to make a difference, and he joined a group called the thieves’ guild that was trying to topple the establishment. After a few years, he had had enough and escaped from the guild with S’tani. He’s happy to do a bit of good, but he spends most of his life getting things from people that don’t necessarily want to give them up.


Xivm has long dark hair and sharp yellow eyes. He has rough, black fur covering his body, and he has sharp fingernails and long, sharp teeth. He wears dark blue and black clothes, but he often carries around a black cloak and hood in case he needs to hide in the shadows.

Start of Character:

Xivm has found himself in the kingdom of Grabisco, and he plans on spending a few years there getting back into his profession of thievery. He wants to grab as much as he can, and then give it away to people who need it more than he does.

Aonar Vloslink (ah-OON-ar VLOSS-link)

Male Halfling Barbarian

STR 11 INT 9 WIS 11 DEX 13 CON 9 CHA 14

Born in Zardot Village (Grabisco Kingdom)


Aonar was born in Zardot Village, a small halfling settlement that struggled to survive against the surrounding forests. He never knew his father, and with his mother dying in childbirth, he was raised by his grandmother. She was a small and frail woman who had lost the use of her legs due to some ancient curse that had befallen her family generations earlier.

She was a druidess, and taught Aonar to respect the land and know the ways of the natural world. With his grandmother’s guidance, the boy learned much about nature. He knew the ways of animals and plants, and how to heal the injured creatures of the forest. He grew up with an appreciation for the world around him. However, since his grandmother was the only family he had, his carefree days came to a halt when she passed away.

Left alone in the world with no one to guide him, Aonar became a recluse, ashamed of his lack of direction. He lived in fear of the outside world and sought solace only in his books. He devoted himself to learning more about the world, and of the glory of man. He dreamed of becoming a hero to those around him, and felt that he could do this by mastering the magical arts. With that in mind, he set off on his journey.

Fantasy RPG AI Generators with ChatGPT+

Make life as a Game Master easier.... If you play Dungeon & Dragons, Pathfinder, or other fantasy tabletop role-playing games, check out my DND AI backstory generator and other fine AI RPG tools at LitRPG Adventures Workshop today.


Aonar is a mild-mannered introvert. He knows all there is to know about nature, but has little to no knowledge about the real world. He is unsure of himself and tends to doubt his abilities. He is very polite and respectful of all those around him.


Aonar is a slight, dark-haired halfling. He has a small, oval-shaped head, and a long, thin chin. He has a thin, scraggly mustache and a beard of the same color. His eyes are deep-set and sad. He wears a small golden necklace of his grandmother’s, and a small brown belt with a shiny buckle. He wears simple clothes, and a nice, brown vest. Aonar wears a small, multi-colored backpack with a picture of a tree on it.

Start of Character:

Aonar is traveling around the world in search of fame and fortune. He wants to find out what the world is like, and see what he can do to make it a better place.


Female Gnome Barbarian

STR 14 INT 12 WIS 14 DEX 13 CON 13 CHA 7

Born in Eltayl (Grabisco Kingdom)


Aylah was, at first, equal parts surprised and flattered when she was contacted by the Society of Mystics and Magicians, who believed that she had the potential to do good work for them. The Society, which she later found out was made up of unprincipled people, was eager to get their hands on an artifact that was in her possession.

Learning the true nature of the Society was a shock to Aylah. She refused to help the Society and, after a struggle, got her artifact back. It was at this point that she began to hear a voice in her head that said it could teach her how to harness and control her inner power to understand her enemies’ minds.

At first, she thought it was a trick of the Society, but as she came to trust the voice, she began to learn some new things and hone her skills. Now, having lost faith in the Society, she has set out to see the world.


Aylah is almost always calm and polite, although sometimes she can be a bit reckless. She is very friendly to everyone she meets and is always eager to help. Usually she will try to avoid conflict, but she will fight if provoked.


Aylah has shoulder-length brown hair, almond-shaped brown eyes, and a freckled nose.

Start of Character:

Aylah is still traveling, trying to find the Society and get her artifact back from them. She hopes that she can learn to harness her power so that she can help people throughout the world.


Male Centaur Barbarian

STR 17 INT 15 WIS 17 DEX 11 CON 9 CHA 16

Born in Tissandara (Grabisco Kingdom)

Barbarian Backstory:

Gaunt was born into a long line of miners. His father was dark and one day disappeared during a dark storm. He was out in the mines, and never returned. His mother was heartbroken, and left with him. They moved to Vale City, and lived there for many years. He grew up on a farm on the outskirts of Vale City, in the Mowbray Family Orchard. He received lessons on how to farm, and learned from the many farmers around him. Soon, he was old enough to fight and he decided to join the army.


Gaunt is a calm and collected fellow. He is a very quiet man who enjoys spending time alone. He is wise and very mature, but he can sometimes be a bit short-tempered. He’s a kind man and will help anyone out who needs it.


Gaunt has a dark brown coat and has large, pierced ears. He has a long, black mane and always has a cloak on.

Start of Character:

Gaunt is currently adventuring with the party, as he met them when they were guarding a caravan of wine. He had a clever plan to save the caravan from bandits and was impressed with the party. He decided to join and fight alongside them.

Caelum Outbred

Male Dark Elf Barbarian

STR 17 INT 8 WIS 9 DEX 13 CON 13 CHA 8

Born in Eltayl (Grabisco Kingdom)

Barbarian Backstory:

Caelum was born to a one-time Benarh family member and an elven woman who was a mercenary. Caelum grew up in a cast-off village after his mother was killed by Benarh soldiers. He grew up dumping his anger into training, and he was recognized as one of the most powerful warriors in the kingdom of Eltayl by the time he was a teenager.

He is known to be a loyal and dependable fighter, although he can be a bit reckless. Caelum left Eltayl when he was twenty-two in search for more adventure than he could find in his homeland. He found himself in the kingdom of Grabisco where he quickly found work with a blacksmith’s apprentice as a laborer. He often worked under the direction of the blacksmith’s assistant. The assistant was a human named Alford.


Caelum isn’t very trusting of people he doesn’t know, taking a while to warm up to them. He also has very little patience for jokers. Once he knows someone, he’s extremely loyal and a good friend. He’s often prone to being headstrong, but he’s quick to admit when he’s wrong.

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Caelum has green eyes and midnight black hair. His most distinguishing feature is the tattoo of his late mother on his left arm. He’s very muscular and he has a strong, angular face. He wears hide armor and black trousers. The only weapons he requires is a small shield and a large knife.

Start of Character:

Having decided to travel around the world, Caelum has set off for parts unknown. He is not sure what will be in store for him, but he is sure to meet new people and put his trust in them only until they prove him wrong.


Female Gnome Barbarian

STR 16 INT 13 WIS 16 DEX 15 CON 15 CHA 10

Born in Pernaum (Grabisco Kingdom)

Barbarian Backstory:

Vek was the adopted daughter of the Baron. She never knew the identity of her mother, who was known as The Barefoot Woman of Pernaum. Her father had never told her, and she never asked. Vek was a bouncy, happy child who was always seeking new things to explore. She’d always been a bit of a tomboy, identifying more with boys than girls.

By the time she was 10 years old, she could run faster and jump farther than any of the male children around her. She was the best at climbing trees and swimming, and was always the first one chosen for a game of hide-and-seek. She was not afraid to get dirty or bruised.

Her father often wondered if she would end up a fighter, and he taught her to fight well. When she was unable to find someone to play with, she often practiced with her father, and it wasn’t long before she could beat him.


Vek is happy and outgoing. She loves life and is willing to jump into any adventure. She is always looking for a challenge. Vek is also fearless and stubborn. She does not let anyone get in the way of what she wants. When she meets a dragon, she is ready and willing to fight. Vek always wants to be doing something exciting, and she is never afraid to try anything. She is curious about everything around her.


Vek is a short, slender woman with brown hair, blue eyes and a smile that lights up her face. She wears leather armor, always, and her ever-present sword dangling from her waist makes her seem like a fighter. She wears a bright red scarf and a pair of heavy boots, and she is never seen without her dragon-scale-covered shield on her back.

Start of Character:

On an expedition with her companions, she plans to make her way to the Northern Wastes.

GPT-3 AI Powered Barbarian Backstory Generator?

Yes! Head over to LitRPG Adventures and join the community using the Workshop to create a whole bunch of RPG content, including cities, warlock patrons, governments, magic items, spells, creatures, undead, and much more!

Paul Bellow

LitRPG Author Paul Bellow

Paul Bellow is a LitRPG author, gamer, RPG game developer, and publisher of several online communities. In other words, an old school webmaster. He also developed and runs LitRPG Adventures, a set of advanced RPG generators powered by GPT-3 AI. Here at LitRPG Reads, he publishes articles about LitRPG books, tabletop RPG books, and all sorts of DND content that's free to use in your personal tabletop campaign - i.e. non-commercial use. Enjoy your stay and reach out on Twitter or Discord if you want to make contact.