Need some Shadowrun character ideas? I’ve got you covered. The examples below were created with LitRPG Adventures. Members can create their own content with advanced RPG generators powered by GPT-3. You also get access to our growing library of RPG content for your fantasy tabletop RPG campaign. Enjoy these free five samples for Shadowrun characters, but be sure to check out the generator if you have the time. Thanks!
Izo “Lucky” Hanzo – Male Human Street Samurai
Shadowrun Backstory:
As a child, Izo was always in trouble. Every school he attended he was constantly getting into fights. Most people thought of him as a thug and a hoodlum. He didn’t disagree with the description. Then one day he was saved by a group of samurais. They took him in and trained him as a samurai. Now he uses that training to keep his head up and stay out of trouble.
Izo’s philosophy is that trouble will eventually find you, so it’s best to make it find you by not causing it in the first place. He’s friendly toward those who deserve it and wise enough to know when someone doesn’t.
Izo has a mean build, with a buzzed head and a scary scar running from the top of his forehead to his nose. He’s never without his samurai robes.
Start of Character:
In Seattle, Izo still seeks more training. He wants to learn the way of the samurai. He hopes that the “spirit” of his ancestors will guide him to learn their ways.
Qlzqqlze – Female Ork Shaman
Qlzqqlze is an ork who started out as a thief and has moved into a shaman. She’s a regular patron at a bar in the Redmond Barrens and knows most of the people who live there. She’s generally well liked, but isn’t very flashy with her magical powers. She prefers to stay out of the spotlight.
Qlzqqlze gets along well with people. She’s quiet and reserved, but she’s always willing to lend a hand to those in need.
Qlzqqlze wears simple clothing and keeps her hair short. She’s not very intimidating, but still approaches problems with a deadly serious demeanor.
Start of Character:
With a gang of orcs that have several times robbed her, Qlzqqlze is looking to get revenge on them. She wants to find an adventuring group that’ll help her do it.
Daedalus – Female Elf Decker
A product of Aztechnology’s elite education, Daedalus grew up in one of Seattle’s nicer neighbourhoods. Everything she ever wanted was at her fingertips. But then she made a mistake; she had a relationship with an elf and it got out, leading to her being kicked out of the family. Then she was betrayed by one of her professors. She fled to the streets, becoming a runner in a local gang. Currently she’s working to acquire the debt of her superior who has left the city.
Daedalus is arrogant. She knows that she’s a phenomenal technology user and she puts herself above the rest of the world.
Daedalus is all natural beauty. With wavy brown hair, green eyes, and flawless skin, she looks like a model. She’s a little taller than average, and she’s strong, with toned muscles. She wears a black leather jacket and pants with a tight-fitting tank top and a blue bandanna.
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Start of Character:
Daedalus wants to be a better version of herself. Despite her upbringing, she knows she’s better off without the Aztechnology family. She’s always on the lookout for a big score or a great adventure.

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Aiden – Male Dwarf Rigger
Aiden has been on the run for awhile now. He’s been hunting and shooting at slavers and those who would enslave others. He’s eked out a living so far, but deep down he knows its temporary. His life has been pretty solitary, with only his own inner voice for company.
Aiden’s isolation has left him a bit paranoid. He’s even been known to talk to himself from time to time. He’s very egotistical, though he hides it well while dealing with others.
With a long, grey beard and high forehead, Aiden is a bit of a stereotype. He usually wears a leather tunic and pants. On the right side of his chest is a giant scar. In battle, he is quick and accurate, using his sniper rifle to take down targets.
Start of Character:
Aiden is looking for a group to help him with his mission. He’s looking to get in touch with someone who can help him down the path to a better life.

Crayton – Male Human Mage
Crayton left his native country when he was young. He spent several years in the military, eventually leaving with a dishonorable discharge. He’s never known where to call a home and has been traveling the globe ever since. He’s recently come to Seattle to locate a friend, who he hopes will be able to help him find a place to settle.
Crayton is laid back and easy going. He’s loyal to his wife and children, and he’s done whatever he could to help care for them. He’s a bit of a smart ass.
Crayton is balding and has a scraggly beard growing on his chin. He’s a big guy and wears a worn leather jacket over a shirt and jeans. His clothes are covered in dirt from travel. He has an air of fatigue about him.
Start of Character:
Crayton is looking for a group to help him find some important documents and steal some valuable cargo. Afterwards, he’d like for the group to help him break into a corporate facility. He plans to use the loot from the raid to start a small business.
Shadowrun Character Ideas Generator
As mentioned above, if you want even more Shadowrun character ideas, check out LitRPG Adventures, a set of advanced RPG generators powered by GPT-3 from OpenAI.