Looking for a kingdom description generator? I’ve built one powered by GPT-3 from OpenAI. It’s available at LitRPG Adventures and can help with you fantasy tabletop RPG whether it’s D&D, Pathfinder, or something else entirely. I’ve got several examples of the output below that you can check out. Members of LitRPG Adventures can generate their own RPG content and access our library of thousands of already generated pieces of content. Join the hundreds of members who have already made their lives as a DM easier!
Kingdom Description Generator Samples
This is a collection of samples generated with my kingdom description generator at LitRPG Adventures.
Vorn Province
Terrain: Any Environment
Nearest City: Rognor’s Campsite (Campsite)
(Big Lake) (Remote Location)
The surrounding countryside is well traveled. You’re certain you have reached one of the most beautiful regions of the realm. Its vibrant green meadows and flowery rose gardens, not to mention the rich and diverse culture of its inhabitants, make it a must see destination. Looking around, you notice the city of Rognor’s Campsite in the distance.
The sound of passing travelers warms your heart. Rognor’s Campsite is a place you will never forget. The region is known for its fine architecture and its unique blend of traditions and customs, making it a place of interest for tourists and travelers. Many adventurers in this overland region stay at the local inns and taverns.
To the north is the magnificent Yggdrassil Lake. The city of Bevermoor is to the east. This region was first discovered in the year of the Great Cataclysm. Towns and cities continue to develop in this region. Further south, the cities of Brocken and Vorn are major hubs for commerce in the realm. The Eternal Plains are home to a wide variety of wildlife and vegetation, even with most of the land farmed.
- Rognor’s Campsite is being infiltrated by Zannite cultists.
- The Mayor of Rognor’s Campsite has a secret.
- The best tavern in Rognor’s Campsite is The Overlander Inn.
- The local farmers are not happy with the Mayor of Rognor’s Campsite .
- Rognor’s Campsite is a center of learning in the region.
- The local bard sings about the beauty of the region.
- The Eternal Plains is famous for its delicious peaches.
- Zannites first appeared in The Eternal Plains 5 years ago.
Terrain: Forest Environment
Nearest City: Wix (City)
(Small Lakes) (Large Woods) (Hills) (Region at Peace)
The surrounding countryside is well traveled. You’re certain you have reached one of the most beautiful regions of the realm. Its vibrant green meadows and flowery rose gardens, not to mention the rich and diverse culture of its inhabitants, make it a must see destination.
The city of Wix is to the northeast, and the city of Yggdrassil is to the southwest. The sound of passing travelers warms your heart. As you examine the area you notice the following: To the north is a small lake. There is a large forest to the east.
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A large lake is to the south. The Overlander Inn is to the southwest. The southern region of the region is known as Lowlands. This region was first discovered in the year of the Great Cataclysm.
Towns and cities continue to develop in this region. Further north, the cities of Brocken and Vorn are major hubs for commerce in the realm. This region is home to dozens of settlements, including the city of Yggdrassil.
- The local inn is in a beautiful location.
- The local inn is a quiet place.
- The local inn is a popular place.
- The local inn is a place where people meet.
- The local inn is a place where a traveler can relax.
- The local inn is a place where a traveler can feel at home.
- The local inn is a center for activity.
- The local inn is a place of rest for weary travelers.
- The local inn is a place where travelers congregate.
- The local inn is a place where the locals gather.
Terrain: Jungle Environment
Nearest City: Jamber (Village)
(Low Crime) (Inland Trade) (Remote Location)
The surrounding countryside is well traveled. You’re certain you have reached one of the most beautiful regions of the realm. Its vibrant green meadows and flowery rose gardens, not to mention the rich and diverse culture of its inhabitants, make it a must see destination.
Looking around, you notice the city of Jamber in the distance. The sound of passing travelers warms your heart. Jamber is a place you will never forget. The region is known for its fine architecture and its unique blend of traditions and customs, making it a place of interest for tourists and travelers.
Many adventurers in this overland region stay at the local inns and taverns. To the north is the magnificent Yggdrassil Lake. The city of Bevermoor is to the east. This region was first discovered in the year of the Great Cataclysm. Towns and cities continue to develop in this region.
Further south, the cities of Brocken and Vorn are major hubs for commerce in the realm. The Eternal Plains are home to a wide variety of wildlife and vegetation, even with most of the land farmed.
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- Zannites are trying to re-establish the former Zannite Kingdom.
- The local priests pay tribute to a mysterious god.
- The local druids worship nature.
- The local wizards are more open to outsiders than in other parts.
- Cannibals are hiding in the jungles.
- There are many local merchants, allowing good trade.
- There is a large population of elves in the region.
- This part of the Realm is home to the most powerful wizards.
- There are many bandit groups in the region.
- The local bard sings about the wildlife of the region.
- The best service can be found in the local inns.
- The local lords and ladies are devout worshippers of the Wildmother.

Fantasy Government Description Generator Samples
Here’s a few samples of my fantasy government generator in action.
Sverikh Republicore
High-Magic Setting Government
(Ancient) (Rebellion) (Aristocratic)
In the land of Avernhyr, a republic rules three separate lands: The Sverikh Republic, Gravell, and Parthe. The Sverikh Republic is the most cosmopolitan of the three areas. The area is filled with cors ship ports, warm oceans, and coastal farmland.
The neighboring lands of Gravell and Parthe are rocky, mountainous lands with snow-capped peaks, towering cliffs, and northern ocean. The land of Avernhyr has been ruled by a Sverikh for well over a thousand years, and is the most powerful and influential of the three Sveriks.
The Avernhyran Sverikh army is known to have a massive standing army, and its long-standing military tradition has made it the most powerful. The Avernhyran Sverikh is also more than willing to pay for the lives of his men. In the last war, the Sverikh Republic was able to pay for the lives of their men, and the Avernhyran Sverikh often takes advantage of that.
The Sverikh Republica judicial system consists of the Sverikh Court, Gravell Court, and Parthe Court parliamentary courts within each of the three areas, with the three courts hearing each case and making a ruling. The three courts come together when a criminal case is heard, and each court sends two representatives to serve on a committee of nine jurors.
The nine jurors sit down with the offender and vote whether to accept or reject the offender’s pleas. If the nine jurors vote “Guilty” and the offender is found to be guilty, then the criminal is fined. If the nine jurors vote “Not Guilty,” then the defendant is released.
The fine also depends on how many representatives from the three courts vote guilty. For example, if three representatives from the three courts vote guilty, then the fine is twice as high as if only one representative votes guilty.
Sowtheraalite Dictatorship.
Prehistoric Setting Government
(Dictatorship) (Lax Laws) (Chaos)
The Sautharaalite government is a government in which the strong always triumph over the weak, and the Sowtheraals are the strongest. Sowtheraals are feared and detested by their own people, and any Sowtheraal that shows any sign of mercy towards the weak is hunted down, beaten, and killed by a mob of her own people.
The Sowtheraals hold no laws to be infallible and to be in the right until proven wrong by making a mistake or something goes wrong in a badly planned scheme. The Sowtheraals hold no laws to be infallible and to be in the right until proven wrong, and they do not take any responsibility for their actions.
Make life as a Gamemaster easier.... If you play Dungeon & Dragons, Pathfinder, or other fantasy tabletop role-playing games, this RPG random tables book is full of encounters, NPCs, and more. Available as an eBook or in a classic print format. Either way, you'll have a wealth of adventure ideas at your fingertips.

A rule of thumb is held by the strong to be infallible and to be right until it is proven wrong or something goes wrong in a poorly planned scheme. Their judicial system follows the rule of thumb and consists of the Sowtheraalite Jarl Republicore, who rules their land with absolute dictatorial power.

Fantasy RPG AI Generators with ChatGPT+
Make life as a Game Master easier.... If you play Dungeon & Dragons, Pathfinder, or other fantasy tabletop role-playing games, check out my DND AI backstory generator and other fine AI RPG tools at LitRPG Adventures Workshop today.
The Sowtheraalite Jarl’s law is held to be infallible and is held to be right until proven to be wrong. The Sowtheraals hold no laws to be infallible and to be in the right until proven wrong, and they do not take any responsibility for their actions. A rule of thumb is held by the strong to be infallible and to be right until it is proven wrong or something goes wrong in a poorly planned scheme.
Their judicial system follows the rule of thumb and consists of the Sowtheraalite Jarl Republicore, who rules their land with absolute dictatorial power. The Sowtheraalite Jarl’s law is held to be infallible and is held to be right until proven to be wrong.
Kingdom Description Generator
Head over to LitRPG Adventures to try my kingdom description generator powered by GPT-3 from OpenAI.