12 Detailed D&D Ranger Backstories + Generator

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Need a D&D ranger backstory? Here are some D&D Character Backstory Ideas for rangers! Also suitable for Pathfinder and other tabletop RPG systems. Several examples available, including a way for you to create your own with AI at LitRPG Adventures Workshop.

D&D Ranger Backstory Ideas

I have examples of a few standard barbarian races and some special ones that you might not have thought about before! Written by AI at LitRPG Adventures Workshop. Try the DnD Character Generator today! I’ve also got a new guide on the ranger class in DND 5e if you’re interested!

L (no full first name)

Male Human Ranger

Born in Grolgoth Town (Village)

D&D Ranger’s Backstory:

L is an orphan. His parents were killed when a rival village raided the town when he was a young boy. He was taken in by an older man whom he called his grandfather. He adopted the man’s name, and became known as L.

He taught him the ways of the ranger, training him in the bow, the blade, and the spell. As a boy, L showed a tremendous amount of potential and was quite adept in all of the skills.

When he came of age, he went out into the world to serve as a protector. He travels Grabisco, offering his services as a protector to those who would pay for them. While he may be young, he is a capable fighter. He has learned much from his mentor, and he is sure to learn more as he travels Grabisco.


Righteous, L is always seeking to help those who need it. He believes deeply in the ideals of his mentor and seeks to uphold them in his life.


He is a very handsome young man who is quite fit. He won’t hesitate to fight if pushed, but he is a rather charming individual in the first place. He has brown hair and eyes. He wears leather armor and carries a short sword and a bow. He is also usually seen with his hat on, even indoors.

Start of Character:

A wanderer by nature, L seeks to explore the world and learn more of it, rather than travel for a specific purpose. He travels Grabisco and is willing to offer his services to those who need his protection.


Female Wood Elf Ranger

Born in Nallin (Megalopolis)

Ranger Character Backstory:

Erika was born a citizen of Nallin, an elf of the wood. However, she felt no connection to her home city. She felt the forest calling her out, and so she left the city at the earliest opportunity.

She was a ranger for many years until she was attacked by a green dragon. She was rescued by a druid in the woods, who taught her the ways of the forest.

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She was taught the power of nature and the importance of protecting the forest. The druid allowed her to stay with him for a time and learn, but she knew she would never be truly happy until she had traveled the lands and learned all that it had to teach her.

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Erika is a quiet soul and doesn’t enjoy conversation or interaction with others. She finds that people are too busy and too self-involved to truly desire to learn anything new. She loves to be alone and to be in the forest, to train with her bow and seek out the secrets of the world around her.


Erika is a normal wood elf, with a very fair complexion. She has long brown hair which she keeps in a ponytail. She wears little clothing, and so she wears a belt to hold her bow and arrows around her waist. She also wears a necklace with a small picture frame on it, with a picture of a person she loved and lost.

Start of Character:

Erika is a Ranger captain in the Wood Elves army. She is seeking a new adventure and hopes to explore the world the way she always wanted to. If you don’t like the name, check out our wood elf name generator at ARNAMGEN.


Female Troglodyte Ranger

Born in Ondtland (Megalopolis)

D&D Ranger Backstory:

Jelena was born in a small village on the fringes of the Swamp of Ondtland . She was born to a family of hunters and travelers, but unfortunately the family’s best hunters died in a battle with werewolves. Jelena’s parents were killed in the same battle, and she was left with her younger brother, Vadislav, to grow up alone. When Jelena was old enough, she and her brother left to find other Troglodyte families, but they were ambushed by Werewolves and taken to the city of Ondtland, where the werewolves kept them as slaves and prisoners. Jelena escaped her captors by befriending one of the werewolves and convincing him to let her go, but she knew she would have to get her brother back. As a result of that fateful night, Jelena has developed a keen sense of smell, and she uses it to help her hunt out her prey.


Jelena is a strong-willed troglodyte who is determined to save her brother and find her place in the world. She is also a tomboy, with a love of hunting and fishing. She doesn’t much like the city life, but she understands that it’s necessary to survive. She is fairly young, having not yet reached puberty when she escaped.


Jelena is short for a troglodyte, which has made her a target for the more aggressive and stronger Troglodytes who are looking for mates and who want to bully the smaller Troglodytes. Jelena has a strong build and uses her fists when it comes to fighting. She is broad-shouldered and muscular, and she is built for the outdoors. Her skin is a dark gray, and her hair is a light brown.

Start of Character:

Jelena is traveling with a group of Troglodytes whom she met on the way. She is currently a member of the Troglodyte Army.


Male Goblin Ranger

STR 14 INT 12 WIS 14 DEX 16 CON 12 CHA 15

Born in Eshan (The City of Steam) (Grabisco Kingdom)


Pralion (pronounced “pray-lee-un”) was born into a tribe of goblins in the city of Eshan. His family was nothing special, and Pralion soon realized that his talents wouldn’t allow him to stand out from the crowd. As a dutiful son, Pralion honored his father by following in his footsteps and joining the city guard. After several years of service, Pralion had grown tired of the monotony of his job and he decided to seek adventure. He saved up all of his money and purchased a small ship that he dubbed “The Lucky Goblin”. He hired a crew of sailors and set sail for adventure.


Pralion is a proud goblin, but he doesn’t fall into the common stereotype of his kin. He is sincere and kind, and will always help those in need. He’s always willing to share his food and beer with those who are in need. He is loyal to his friends.


Pralion is a small goblin standing at only 2’ 6”. He is extremely strong and can easily carry 4 people on his shoulders at once. His skin is a greenish blue color and he has white eyes. He is covered in short red hairs. He wears a captain’s hat, dull leather armor, and carries a dagger at his waste.

Start of Character:

Pralion is currently out on the sea, sailing the seas in search of adventure.

Fionnuala Petinnear

Female Centaur Ranger

STR 15 INT 10 WIS 15 DEX 14 CON 11 CHA 18

Born in Tundra (Grabisco Kingdom)


Fionnuala has spent most of her life in the rough environments outside of the walls of the Grabisco Kingdom. Her mother left her in the woods when she was an infant, although Fionnuala’s ability to turn into a Centaur might have something to do with that. She has spent her life learning how to survive on her own, relying on her instincts and her power to sense danger. Fionnuala is fiercely loyal to her friends and ready to lay down her life for them. Her love for the wilderness and its inhabitants is deep and intensely personal.

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Make life as a Game Master easier.... If you play Dungeon & Dragons, Pathfinder, or other fantasy tabletop role-playing games, check out my DND AI backstory generator and other fine AI RPG tools at LitRPG Adventures Workshop today.


Fionnuala is a bit of a wild child. She tends to be impulsive and lacking in tact. The best way to get her to do something is to just point her in the direction of the action and let her figure out the rest on her own.


Fionnuala is a centaur. She has a dark, black mane with red highlights, and a reddish-brown coat. She is a little larger than most other centaurs, but her build and musculature are still feminine. Her mother’s staff is a trusted and familiar companion in battle, but a bow is her preferred weapon. She has been known to use a greatsword and the axe from time to time.

Start of Character:

Fionnuala is tired of wandering the wilderness and has decided to wander the kingdom of Grabisco. She’s on the lookout for a good adventure, a quick buck, and a place to call home.

Written by AI at LitRPG Adventures Workshop. Try the DnD Character Generator today!

Wills Blackhammer

Male Dwarf Ranger

STR 17 INT 15 WIS 12 DEX 15 CON 15 CHA 17

Born in The Dwarven Kingdom in the Sussurian Jungle

Ranger Backstory:

Wills Blackhammer was born and raised in the dwarven kingdom of Harkenstone, where his parents were good friends with King Norin Stonehammer. He was only 10 when the orcs invaded the area, and everyone was forced to defend their territory.

Being fighters at heart, his parents went to the front lines. Wills never saw them again. When Harkenstone was razed to the ground, Wills escaped and fled the battlefield.

He’s been living as a fugitive ever since, looking for a way to take his revenge on the orcs of the Sussurian Jungle. He’s learned a few things about the ways of war along the way. One day, he’ll defeat the orcs and avenge his parents.


Wills is an easygoing individual, but he gets angry when it comes to defending his honor or the honor of his family. He has a short temper, but is a good man at heart. He hopes one day to settle down and find a good woman to settle down with.


Wills is a hard-working dwarf who is well-muscled. He has a devilish gleam in his eye when a fight is on the horizon. He wears his black beard in a ponytail and wears a chain shirt with a plate armor cuirass.

Start of Character:

Having learned a few tricks of the trade, Wills hopes to provide his services as a protector throughout Grabisco, and perhaps beyond. (See the Dwarf Name Generator if you want more name ideas.


Female Centaur Ranger

STR 19 INT 17 WIS 14 DEX 13 CON 15 CHA 12

Born in The Village of Andeiona

Ranger Backstory:

Gwyllynna was born in a small village in the expanse of Neverwood Forest. Her mother was a beast hunter from a nearby village. Her father was a druid who was also born in Neverwood Forest. Her parents met on a hunt and fell in love. Gwyllynna enjoys living in the wilderness with her mother and father. She spends most of her time hunting with her father and practicing her archery with her mother. She has high aspirations of entering the woods and becoming a beast hunter like her mother.


Gwyllynna is quiet and shy, but she is respectful and friendly to those she gets to know. She is fiercely independent and cares deeply for those she loves. She loves archery and will hunt any animal that she desires.


Gwyllynna is a centaur of the most beautiful variety. She has long, black hair with white streaks. Her eyes are dark blue. She dresses in light greens and browns to match the forest in which she lives. Her favorite weapon is her bow which she always carries at her side.

Start of Character:

Gwyllynna has decided to adventure throughout the Kingdom of Grabisco and beyond. She wants to find out what lies beyond the Neverwood Forest she called home.

Ralo the Magnificent

Male Ratling Ranger

STR 12 INT 12 WIS 14 DEX 19 CON 12 CHA 9

Born in The City of Ledale

Ranger Backstory:

Ralo the Magnificent is a heroic ratling adventurer who rose to fame by slaying the fearsome Scavenger of the Mountain Peak, and rescuing the lovely Princess who was captured by the goblins deep in the caverns of the mountain. He then used a combination of quick wit, a strong sword arm, and tremendous luck to win the heart of the fair Princess. They live happily in the kingdom of Scoffalot, guarded by an army of trained rats who allow the land to prosper. Ralo the Magnificent is also a sorcerer, and uses his magical powers to protect all of Grabisco from the darkness that lies beyond the Barrier.


Ralo the Magnificent is a brave and courageous warrior. He’s intelligent, charming and witty. He’s also a bit shy when it comes to talking to women. His magic helps keep him and his friends safe and he is fiercely loyal. His one weakness is that he likes to eat.


In his younger days, Ralo had dark hair and a goatee. He is now older and has long, brown hair. He’s taken up a noble’s lifestyle, dressing in fine clothes and wearing a gold circlet. He carries a long staff with a large red ruby at the top. He has a thick fur-lined cape that he wears while adventuring.

Start of Character:

He is a proud citizen of the Kingdom of Grabisco.


Male Doppelganger Ranger

STR 15 INT 18 WIS 15 DEX 18 CON 9 CHA 10

Born in Kavanna (Grabisco Kingdom)

Ranger Backstory:

Pivkel was born in the city of Kavanna , but he grew up in the Grabizean forest. As a child he had no friends or family and was alone most of the time. He was exposed to the harsh environment of the forest but was able to survive. His only friend was a forest spirit who lived alone in the woods. His companion saw that he was alone and decided to watch over him and kept him safe from harm. He was able to tame and befriend a bear that he named Bleddyn, and the two lived together in the forest until Pivkel was old enough to join the Troglodyte Army.


Pivkel is very different from his other Doppelganger brethren. He has very few negative traits. He doesn’t care about material possessions and is not concerned with his own well-being. He is more concerned with the well-being of others. He is very straightforward and sometimes insensitive. He has a strong will and is able to take care of himself. He is very loyal and self-sacrificing.


Pivkel has dark skin and brown hair. He is very tall and has a strong build and athletic body.

Start of Character:

Pivkel is in the Troglodyte Army.


Male Dwarf Ranger

STR 17 INT 12 WIS 14 DEX 14 CON 18 CHA 11

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Born in Beko (Grabisco Kingdom)

Ranger Backstory:

Qol was born in Beko. His parents were the third generation of dwarves to live in the town and had always lived there. Qol’s father was the town sheriff and his mother was a midwife. When Qol’s father died, his mother was unable to cope with her loss. She killed herself. Word of her death and the loss of his father reached Qol as he was in training in the Beko Temple. He was sent home to help bury his father and take care of his mother, but then a few months later, his mother killed herself. Qol became despondent and retired from his training. He decided to take vengeance on the world, blaming it for taking everything he cared about away from him. He set out on a vengeful rampage. He lost himself in this perilous path for many years, but eventually found his way out. He still finds comfort in the company of others, but has learned to cope with what he suffered. He’s learned to lead others to a better future.

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Qol is a serious and stern individual. He keeps his emotions to himself, but doesn’t hesitate to show his feelings once people get to know him. He’s fiercely loyaly to his friends and lets them know it. He’s had many relationships, but hasn’t met the right one yet.


Qol has short brown hair and a perfectly trimmed beard. He wears sturdy leather armor and carries his weapon in a scabbard.

Start of Character:

Qol has decided to travel around Grabisco and help out where he can.


Female Human Ranger

STR 14 INT 13 WIS 14 DEX 14 CON 11 CHA 13

Born in Durga (Grabisco Kingdom)

Ranger Backstory:

Eowyn watched her father, an archer, shoot his bow for hours on end when she was young. She realized early on that she too wanted to be a great archer. As she reached womanhood, she was taller and leaner than most of the other girls, and she soon learned that this meant she would one day be able to shoot a bow faster and harder than any other woman.

She was eager to prove herself and started hunting and shooting with her father and brother as soon as she was able. She travelled the world with her father, fighting on a number of campaigns, and gained considerable battle experience. When her father retired from the life of a mercenary and decided to settle down in the Kingdom of Grabisco,

Eowyn was not ready to give up her life as an adventurer. She continued to travel, and soon decided to settle in Xarah. Eowyn was determined to become the greatest archer in the kingdom and knew that she could accomplish this goal on her own if she stayed in Xarah. She set off from her home at the age of seventeen and has since spent her time exploring the lands around Xarah and Erengrad.

Fantasy RPG AI Generators with ChatGPT+

Make life as a Game Master easier.... If you play Dungeon & Dragons, Pathfinder, or other fantasy tabletop role-playing games, check out my DND AI backstory generator and other fine AI RPG tools at LitRPG Adventures Workshop today.

Just two years ago, Eowyn joined the Kingdom of Grabisco’s rangers. She has been training hard with them and hopes one day to be the most powerful archer of the kingdom. Eowyn can be a bit feisty and stubborn at times, and she has a tendency to act on her own. She is also very protective of her family and friends.


Eowyn is a feisty girl who is always ready to learn something new. She has a strong sense of justice and always tries to do the right thing, even when it means going against her orders. Eowyn is also shy at first but can be very outgoing once she gets to know someone. She loves to travel and loves adventure. She is fiercely loyal, and if she has a strong bond with someone, even a stranger, she is willing to die for them.


Eowyn is tall and lean with a muscular frame. Her brown hair reaches to the middle of her back. She has dark brown eyes that sparkle in the sunlight. Her braid, as many archers do, is decorated with small golden ornaments.

Start of Character:

She is spying on the lizard raiders to gather information about their movements.

Jelena Whetstone

Female Half-Orc Ranger

STR 11 INT 18 WIS 11 DEX 6 CON 13 CHA 11

Born in Bouncer’s Village (Grabisco Kingdom)

Ranger Backstory:

Jelena was born to poor parents in the village of Bouncer’s. Despite being a half-orc, she was a beautiful child, and her parents did what they could to ensure she was happy. She grew up with a good heart, and she was always willing to help anyone in need. One day, her mother was approached by a man named Haran who was in need of a guard to protect his caravan on its way to the city of Ledale. Haran offered a substantial sum, enough to ensure her parents could live in comfort for many years. However, the trip to Ledale was long, and the accommodations for Jelena were lacking. She was treated poorly by many of the caravan’s passengers, and the guards were no exception. After several weeks, she could no longer stand the treatment, and she left the caravan to live with her parents once again. She soon found herself bored with the quiet village life, and she decided to join the traders in the city. She became a mercenary and worked for hire, fighting to earn extra coin. In her travels, she managed to pick up a few rare trinkets that she can now sell to the traders to help with her living expenses.


Jelena is kind to everyone she meets, and she is very protective of those she cares for. She finds humor in most things, and she has a good sense of humor. Her sense of humor has gotten her into trouble more than once, but she’s always able to make light of the situation. She’s been burned by a few bad deals in the past, and she no longer trusts anyone who holds her to a contract. She likes to have her own money and never be beholden to anyone.

Fantasy RPG Random Tables Books
Make life as a Gamemaster easier.... If you play Dungeon & Dragons, Pathfinder, or other fantasy tabletop role-playing games, this RPG random tables book is full of encounters, NPCs, and more. Available as an eBook or in a classic print format. Either way, you'll have a wealth of adventure ideas at your fingertips.


Jelena is a striking half-orc with long brown hair and bright green eyes. Her muscular body shows that she is a warrior, and she is proud of what she’s accomplished. She dresses in leathers and wears a long cape wherever she goes.

Start of Character:

Jelena is looking to enjoy the city of Ledale before heading back out into the world to continue her adventures.

D&D Character Backstory Ideas?

If you want more D&D Character Backstory Ideas, head over to the LitRPG Adventures Workshop and join our growing community of hardcore gamers who like the good stuff! Want to help your DM love you more? Let them know about this tool! Thanks!

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Paul Bellow

LitRPG Author Paul Bellow

Paul Bellow is a LitRPG author, gamer, RPG game developer, and publisher of several online communities. In other words, an old school webmaster. He also developed and runs LitRPG Adventures, a set of advanced RPG generators powered by GPT-3 AI. Here at LitRPG Reads, he publishes articles about LitRPG books, tabletop RPG books, and all sorts of DND content that's free to use in your personal tabletop campaign - i.e. non-commercial use. Enjoy your stay and reach out on Twitter or Discord if you want to make contact.

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