Here’s some great D&D plot hooks from my generator – and story quest ideas I have put together. Enjoy! They’re suitable for any fantasy tabletop RPG campaign. These adventure ideas aren’t totally fleshed out and need an expert DM – like you. Even if you’re new to DMing, you should be able to find some use from these. I hope you enjoy.
Fun DND Plot Hooks & Adventure Ideas
Here’s my list of eleven plot hooks for your one shot adventure night. These adventure ideas can be adjusted as necessary for a longer campaign. (I’ve also got some Halloween one-shots you might want to check out for even more adventure ideas.
The New Guard
In this adventure, players are approached by a member of the town guard of Winterhaven. “I need you to deliver a message to my superior at the castle. He’s-well, he’s disappeared, and I’m taking over the job. I found this note on his desk. I hate to think of it as a suicide note, but perhaps that’s what it is.
The note says, ‘I can’t live with the shame. Goodbye.’ The man’s name was Gustav. I know he was having problems with money and the guild, but why leave a note like that? You’re to go to the castle and deliver the message. You’ll need to say that you know Gustav and you’re surprised to see him commit suicide. Can you help us out? If we can get some answers, it might help clear up this mystery.”
The players are asked to deliver a message, a hoax perhaps. They then have a chance to do some investigation and find out it is, indeed, a hoax. They’ll have to find out who is behind the hoax, and possibly rectify the situation. They’ll be spending a lot of time in town hall whether they like it or not.
Plot Hook DM NOTES:
This adventure is a classic delivery quest with a twist! Instead of delivering the message, the players must discover who the hoaxer is and “expose” the truth. To do this, they will need to interview various townspeople, speak with Gustav’s superior at the guard house, and use their skills to find out the truth.
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The players will receive XP for solving the mystery and exposing the hoaxer. Additionally, if they talk to the guardsman who gave them the message, they will be given some follow-up work on other short mystery adventures. The guardsman’s name is Duncan (he’s a good sort of fellow looking for some good adventurers; he’s a 1st-level fighter with 1st-level henchmen).
The Queen’s Necromancers
A group of players approaches a strange altar in a forest clearing. A woman in a long cloak and hood is standing over the altar and chanting. The woman sees the party and begins to back away, saying, “No, I won’t. It’s wrong. I won’t!” She drops the wand she was holding, and the players rush to secure her. An old steel dagger falls from her belt and clatters to the ground. The woman appears to be normal; she won’t explain what’s going on.
She only says, “I must leave now. I won’t come back.” The players find a note on the altar that reads “Kill Them All!” The dagger is a magic weapon. If the party enters the clearing, they will be attacked by zombies. On the altar they will find a small, hollow silver skull. It is an evil item that turns the touch of a finger into a death touch as the spell. If a player touches it, they will be cursed with Death Touch no matter who they touch. This wears off in two hours. (Players can heal at a nearby wayside inn called Russel’s Respite run by Russel Randry, a retired ranger.
Plot Hook DM NOTES:
This scenario is designed to work with players of up to 14th level. It is also a great opportunity to introduce some new characters. The evil item on the altar is a cursed silver skull. It will turn anyone who touches it into a death priest. (A death priest is a 13th-level cleric with the power to kill with a touch.) The party must try to discover who is behind this and why the skull is there. The local authorities will not be helpful.
If they return it, they may encounter problems, because the skull may have been placed there to put them in the middle of a battle between the queen and her enemies. The actual truth is that the skull was placed there by a group of necromancers who want to stir up trouble with the queen. They hope to use the skull to create or resurrect evil creatures, and they are willing to use the players to get their way. The players will receive XP for discovering the truth and returning the skull to the queen.
The Missing Merchant
A man named Belurn is standing in front of an inn in Winterhaven. He is weeping. He tells the party, “My brother, Arlon, was a merchant. He was carrying goods from the south, and he was going to sell them here. I haven’t heard from him in days. He should have been here by now. I sent him a letter. Why hasn’t he responded?”
The players are asked to find out what happened to Arlon. They meet Arlon’s ship on the docks. The crew is all dead, and the ship is damaged. If they look inside the hold, they will find that Arlon’s goods have been destroyed by a dragon’s fire. They will also find Rastlin’s body, a dead silver dragon, in the hold. Arlon’s body is nearby. His finger is missing.
Plot Hook DM NOTES:
The ship and its crew are placed there as a lure to get the party involved. The note was placed there to make them feel that they have to do something. The body is a fake. The real Arlon was taken prisoner by the treasure-hungry dragon, and his finger was removed from his corpse.
The party will need to track down the dragon and rescue Arlon. If they do this, they will be rewarded with a small fortune in gold and gems by the grateful Arlon.
The Abandoned Mines
A group of dwarven miners is standing outside the entrance to the mines. They are gathered around an old man named Goram, who is a cleric. He is praying over one of the miners, who is dying. When he finishes, he says, “This is no good. We don’t have a cleric in our group who can help him. We need a cleric of some sort. We’ll have to leave him here, or he’ll surely die. What’re we going to do?”
If the party offers to help, Goram says, “We are looking for a place to mine. We were told about some abandoned mines nearby. We were told the mines were safe. We were attacked by a group of goblins. We killed a few, but we lost a lot of our men. We don’t have a cleric, and the miners are dying. We need a cleric.” If a player asks about the people who told them about the mines, he is told that they’re undead, and they live in the mines!
Plot Hook DM NOTES:
The party is sent to explore the mines. They will be attacked by a small group of goblins and some undead. If they win, they will discover an old crypt. The crypt is sealed.
Players will need to find a way to open it. Inside they will find the bodies of the miners who died centuries ago. They were killed by the undead.
When they open the crypt, they are attacked by the undead miners. They will also find the skeletal remains of a cleric. If the party defeats the undead, they will receive XP for the encounter. If they take the skull of the cleric, they will be cursed with the death touch.

The Ghost Ship
A ship comes into port. It is flying a black flag. It moors at the docks and a man named Naveen comes ashore. He informs the party, “I’m here to trade. I was told there was a large market for my goods here.” He is carrying armloads of old books and scrolls. He is also carrying a large crystal ball. Naveen is a rather odd-looking fellow. He is a 2nd-level rogue. He has some strange items with him.

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He says, “My crystal ball tells me that you are honest traders. I’m in need of some information. I have a crew of dead men who need to get from here to a port in the south. I had a ship, but it was seized by the town guard. They thought it was a pirate ship. I need to get back to the south to get my men. I was told there was a safe place in the town where I could store my goods. Will you help me?”
If the party agrees to help him, Naveen takes the party to see the ship. It’s a medium-sized ship. The figurehead is the head of a dragon. It has no name or flag. The crew is a collection of skeletons and zombies. The zombies are all armed with swords. The skeleton are armed with arrows and short bows. The players are attacked. Naveen flees.
Plot Hook DM NOTES:
The party can fight the zombies, sell the ship to a dwarf, or try to sail it. If they sail it, they will be attacked by a group of pirates. If they defeat them, they will be free to take the ship. The crew will follow the party needlessly.
If the party escapes from the pirates, they will need to return to the pirates’ lair and defeat the captain. If they do this, they will be rewarded with a share of the treasure and the captain’s ship.
The Ghostly Message
The party meets a young boy named Alric. Alric asks them to help him find his older brother, Kenrick. He says, “My older brother, Kenrick, went to the south to pursue his fortune. Six weeks ago, he sent me a message. He is in trouble. He told me he would be back in a week. It’s been six weeks. I have to know if my brother is alive. Can you help me?”
If the party agrees to help the boy. Alric leads them to Kenrick’s house. Kenrick’s house is haunted. If the party enters the house, they will be attacked by a ghost named Dravin. Dravin is a knight, who was killed by a dragon. He will fight the party and try to kill them. If he is defeated, he will disappear.
Alric will say, “I can’t thank you enough. Now I can go back to my parents. I will be a soldier someday, just like my brother was. I’ll be a great warrior.”
Plot Hook DM NOTES:
If the party defeated Dravin, they can search the house. They will find a letter from Kenrick telling Alric that he is going to be a pirate and that he is leaving in a week.
They will also find Kenrick’s gear and a map of the south, with a red X marked on it. If the party returns to the boy, he will give them information about the dragon that killed his brother.
If the party decides to go to the dragon’s lair, they will be attacked by a group of assassins. The dragon will fly overhead and watch the party. The dragon will not attack until the party enters its lair.
The Hunkering Ghost
A man named Egor is standing outside of a cottage. He is crying. If the party talks to him, he says, “I’m sorry. I meant no harm. I just wanted to show him that I loved him. Why is he so angry with me? I just wanted to show him how much I cared for him.”
If the party talks to him for a long time, he will tell them that he was with his love, who was killed by a mage named Vorlox. If the party asks him more questions, he will tell them, “Vorlox was a mage. He terrorized our town. He killed my love, and he destroyed half of the town. I was the only survivor. I went to his lair. It’s located in the mountains. I searched for him, but he was nowhere to be found. I want to avenge my love’s death. I don’t want to be in this world without her. I want to be with her. I don’t care if I die. I’ll just be with her then.”
Plot Hook DM NOTES:
Egor can’t leave the cottage. He’s scared to enter the cottage. If the party goes inside and finds Vorlox, they will find Egor’s body. If they kill Vorlox, the body will disappear. Egor’s ghost will appear and thank the party for avenging his death. He will tell them to go to the east.
They will find a small village whose buildings have been destroyed. Hidden there is a large treasure. If the party returns to Egor, he will tell them that Vorlox’s lair is in the mountains. They will find even more treasure in the mountain – as well as Vorlox’s henchment – and wife.
The Family Fiend
The party is asked to help a village. They are told that a demon has been attacking the village and killing many of the villagers. If the party asks for more information, they will be told that the demon has been attacking for six years. The demon is invisible. Its victims are always found dead. The demon does not have a name.
The villagers have been plagued by this demon for six years, and they have never seen him. He is a fiend, who has been killing the villagers to gain power. He is invisible, so he cannot be seen. Many adventurers have gone to fight him, but they have never returned. The party decides to go and fight the fiend.
Plot Hook DM NOTES:
The fiend is invisible. The players must find a way to see invisible creatures. Once they see the demon with no name, they will realize he’s not as powerful as he proclaims. Until that time, the invisible demon pretends to be a powerful fiend. Once the demon is discovered, he will run away. He will flee to a cave that is located in the hills. He will fight the party until he is near death.
Once he’s wounded, he will become invisible and run away. The demon expects to rest for a few days and heal. The party can follow him or destroy his lair. The demon will return to the village and continue his killing. The party’s only clue is a shriveled finger. He won’t tell the party his name. The party must find out his name. The villagers will be happy once the fiend is destroyed.
The Haunted Castle
The party is traveling. In the distance, they see an old castle. The castle is in ruins. There is a small village nearby. If the party asks the villagers about the castle, they will be told that only ghosts live in the castle. If the party enters the castle, they will find that the castle is actually occupied by a group of mercenaries. If the party enters the castle, they will be attacked.
Plot Hook DM NOTES:
The castle is filled with mercenaries. The leader is a man named Lord Thael. He is a level 2 warrior. He has 30 men-at-arms who serve as his bodyguards. Lord Thael is a bandit. He raids nearby villages and takes the villagers’ gold and food. He keeps the village safe from monsters. Thael is a smart man.
He puts on a show to make the villagers think that he is a good man. The players must figure out how to get the villagers and the mercenaries to work together. They must convince Thael to leave the villagers alone. They must find a way for the villagers and the mercenaries to live together in peace one way or another.
The Deadly Dictator
A bandit group is terrorizing a city. The leader is carrying out a quest for a god named Orcus. If the party goes to the city and asks about Orcus, they will be told that the leader of the bandit group is worshipping the god of undeath. Orcus is not a bad god. The player will be told that the leader is a greedy and brutal dictator. Orcus is not happy with the leader. The players must stop the bandit activity.
Plot Hook DM NOTES:
The bandit leader is a halfling named Valerin, a cleric of Orcus. Valerin has set up a tax in the city. All the money is going directly to the temple of Orcus. The town is riddled with disease and death. Valerin is a cruel dictator. He is looking for a treasure. The treasure is located in a cave that is located in the hills.

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He has hired a local guide to take him to the cave. The treasure is the remains of an ancient vampire. Valerin will try to take the treasure. If the players decide to help Valerin get to the treasure, he will show gratitude. If the players try to stop him, he will try to kill them. Orcus will be pleased with the players if they stop the bandits and destroy the vampire. Orcus will be unhappy with the players if they help Valerin get the treasure.
101 DND Story Hooks
Here are 101 more plot hooks you can use in your tabletop campaign. These are generally for a fantasy campaign, but you can change them as you see fit. I’ve got a plot hooks generator over at LitRPG Adventures if you want to check it out. But first, here’s some more adventure ideas for you to use in your tabletop campaign.
- According To The Prophecy – Players come across a prophecy about a long lost cow named Belch. Could this be the same cow that players noticed two adventures ago? The cow is special because it was destined to be slain by the great and powerful Red Dragon. Players must discover the truth behind the prophecy. (It was all a joke by a Bard named Tongo…)
- One Dungeon Too Far – A long, lost map of a dungeon recently fell into the party’s hands. The map was to a dungeon they cleared years ago, but they didn’t retrieve all of the loot. It’s time to go back and get it. Worth XP if players can retrieve the treasure and avoid a fatal adventure. They’ll start in a small town.
- The Thief Chief – A bandit leader is organizing a group of thugs to collect on a debt owed to him by the local merchant. The chief is recruiting from all of the local guilds as well, which is sure to cause tension. PC’s will have to decide whether to eliminate the thief chief or join his gang.
- The Secret Society – A recently appointed member of the government has uncovered the town’s secret society, The Mountain Masons. He has revealed the society to the public and has begged PC’s to infiltrate their meetings on behalf of the local government.
- The Talented Hobo – The only other person recruiting for the thief chief, is the town’s disreputable crime lord. He is hiring only the best of the best, which means PC’s will have to fight off the rest of the local guilds.
- The Broken Road – A new road just opened, connecting the community with a close town. The problem is the road has been poorly built and needs to be repaired. If the road isn’t fixed, the town will be isolated.
- The Rotten Corpse – The local graveyard has been desecrated. The local priest believes the bodies have been dug up and used to create zombies and skeletons to fight in a nearby gladiatorial contest.
- The Quest For The Dragon Egg – A dragon is known to have hidden an egg in a small cave near town, as part of a riddle to find the genuine item. PC’s must go on a quest to find the egg and figure out the riddle in order to claim the genuine item.
- The Troll’s Cave – A nearby cave is home to a clan of trolls. They are willing to trade stolen goods for food, but don’t want to deal with the PC’s themselves. They want PC’s to deliver the food as part of an ongoing job.
- The Poisoning – A guildmaster has been killed and there is a high bounty on her killers.
- The Well – A local well has become tainted with poison. Some say the well has been cursed, while others say the water is safe if boiled. The problem is some of the townspeople have fallen ill, even after boiling their water. The players must find the source of the poison and present their findings to the town meeting. (This is a small town and villagers talk a lot.)
- The Unhappy Artist – An artist has been commissioned to build a statue as part of the town’s centennial celebrations. Unfortunately, the townspeople won’t pay him in advance, so he is looking for any other work to pay the bills. He will travel anywhere his skills are needed, provided the PCs pay him when they return with the money.
- The Hungry Bandit – A bandit chief has been given a local charter from the king, giving his band an official position in the community. Unfortunately, tensions between this bandit chief and the local law enforcement are high, so the king has sent a representative to smooth things over. One of the tasks he needs help with is delivering food to the bandit camp. The chief has become hungry for more than just food, so he’s asked that a war maid accompany the party while they deliver the food.
- The Lost Bandit – A bandit has fled the Bandit camp and has holed up in a cave nearby. He’ll return to his camp once he feels safe again.
- The Sleepless Knight – A knight has pledged to stay awake for 100 days, in order to be granted a blessing by a local patron saint. Unfortunately, he isn’t doing a very good job of staying awake. He’s been spotted sleepwalking around town, scaring the townsfolk. The players must escort him back to his bed, every night, and wake him up when he is sleepwalking.
- The Water Monster – A young boy has been lost, while sailing on his family’s boat. The local law enforcement, including the King’s representative is searching for the boy all night. The players could get involved with the search, or be asked to escort the representative and his bodyguards back to the palace. During the escort, a water monster attacks the boat and destroys it, killing the representative and everyone else.
- The Ghost Town – A nearby village, which was abandoned several years ago, has become a popular destination for adventurers. Now that it’s become so popular, it’s also become a hot spot for criminals. A group of thieves has been robbing people in town and leaving them there to die. PC’s are asked to go to town and bring a message to the local law enforcement, but they will be ambushed by thieves and left for dead.
- The Binge Eater – A desperate man has offered to hire the PC’s for protection as he visits the local merchant. He has been vomiting non-stop and fears for his life. He is afraid this has something to do with the local merchant, and doesn’t trust any of the local guards. Unfortunately, he doesn’t know the names of any of the people he has been eating with, so PC’s will have a hard time narrowing down suspects.
- The Haunting – An old man has asked PC’s to investigate a house that he used to own. The problem is no one in town knows who owns the house now. The old man suspects his house is haunted, but he is too afraid to go back to find out. This is a small town, and everyone is scared of what might be found. The haunting is actually a gnome illusionist just having some fun.
- The Kidnapping – A young boy has been kidnapped and is being held ransom at the thieves camp. A group of thugs has already tried to rescue the boy, but were killed in the process.
- The King’s Son – The King’s son and his advisor have come to visit, for an audience with the local magistrate. Unfortunately, the magistrate is away on business and unable to attend. The players are asked to escort the king’s advisor around town, during his visit. Unfortunately, the King’s son and his advisor were both killed by a group of thugs looking for a ransom. To make matters worse, one of the thugs was the magistrate’s son.
- The Genie – A Genie has been released from a lamp and is now wandering around town, looking for a new master. He has the power to grant one wish, but will disappear if he does not find a new master in seven days. The genie has asked the local wizard to help him find a new master. The wizard has been taking advantage of the genie’s powers and asked the players to escort them both through town, so they can find the perfect candidate.
- The Wedding – The local lord has married a young princess from a neighboring kingdom. Unfortunately, he is deathly ill and may not survive the wedding night. The players have been hired to watch over the lord, until he passes away.
- The Strange Brew – A local alchemist has asked PC’s to help him with a local festival. He has asked them to brew his famous beer, for the festival.
- The Rogue Mage – A local mage has been practicing dark magic and has been caught performing an experiment on one of his neighbors. The mage has been exiled from a small town and is now trying to get revenge on the village by summoning forth an army of undead from an ancient tomb in the nearby elven lands.
- The Outcast – A man has been exiled from his hometown. He has been seen wandering the streets with his family. The players have been asked to escort the man and his family to the town line, where they will no longer be welcome in the local area and will be relieved of their personal possessions if possible.
- The Strange Beast – A strange looking beast has been spotted near the small town. Sightings of this beast have become more and more frequent over the last few weeks. The townsfolk have hired the players to capture the beast, and find out what it is. The entire campaign can be played in a night if you pick a single beast and build up an adventure around it.

- The Dead Bird – A local Druid has been receiving dead birds in his mailbox. He has asked the players to investigate.
- The Council of Wizards – A group of Wizards have decided to meet in this town and discuss matters of importance to their kind. The players have been hired to watch over the wizards and make sure nothing happens, during their gathering.
- The Baron – A visiting Baron has come to town for a wedding and is currently staying at the lord’s castle, with his family. The lord has asked the players to ensure that nothing happens to the Baron and his family, while they are staying in this town.
- The Stolen Statue – A local statue, worth a lot of money, has been stolen from the local museum. The museum curator has asked the players to find out who stole it and bring it back.
- The Troublemaking Rascal – A local priest’s daughter is causing trouble in town, by flirting and teasing the young men in the town. The priest has asked the PCs to take her home, so that she may be disciplined by her father for her actions.
- The Missing Child – A child has been missing for several weeks now. His parents have asked the players to find out what happened to their son. They believe he may have wandered off into the forest and died, or that someone abducted him.
- The Mysterious Merchant – A merchant from a foreign land has come to town with a small entourage of guards. He has brought a large amount of wealth with him, on this trip. He has asked the PC’s to escort him, so that no harm comes to him or his guards, while they are in town.
- The Pirate Ship – A pirate ship has been spotted on a nearby shoreline. It’s Captain has sent word to the town that he wishes to meet with the local lord. The lord has asked the players to make sure nothing happens to the Pirate Captain, while he is in town.
- The Hermit – A hermit has been seen roaming the nearby hills, in the last few months. He is not a threat to anyone, and has asked the locals to leave him alone. A child has gone missing, and the child’s parents believe the hermit has taken their child. They have asked the players to force the hermit to give up the child, if he has indeed kidnapped him.
- The House on the Hill – A strange house has been built near the outskirts of town. No one knows who built it, or why. The house does not look like it belongs in this time period and place. The local magistrate has asked the players to investigate.
- The Desperate Merchants – Merchants from a nearby town have come to this town for refuge, because their town was recently attacked by bandits. They were able to get away with most of their wealth, but not all of it. The merchants have asked their lord for aid and protection, while they are in this town.
- The Foreign Merchant – A merchant from a far away land has come to town with a small entourage of guards. He has brought a large amount of wealth with him, on this trip. He has asked the players to escort him, so that no harm comes to him or his guards, while they are in this town.
- The Strange Fire – A strange fire seems to be burning on a nearby hilltop. All attempts to put it out, have failed. The local sheriff has asked the PCs to investigate, find out what it is, and put out the fire.
- The Abducted Princess – A princess from a neighboring kingdom has been abducted by pirates and is being held for ransom. She is scheduled to be sold at an upcoming slave market. The PCs must save her from the slave market before she is sold off.
- The Fire at Sea – A ship wreck has been spotted near shore by a local fisherman. He believes it was caused by foul play and that there are many dead bodies floating in the water near the wreck. He has asked the PCs to investigate and find out who sunk that ship and why.
- The Strange Caravan – A large group of people and animals seem to be traveling through the forest. No one knows where they are going, or where they are coming from. The local constable has asked the players to find out who they are, and why they have come to this area.
- The Missing Supplies – A nearby town has sent out a caravan to this town, to deliver supplies. The caravan has never arrived, and no one knows what happened to them.
- The Ice Golem – A local noble has hired a group of Dwarves to build some training equipment for his soldiers at the local castle. While the Dwarves were hard at work, an Ice Golem appeared and began attacking the castle. Castle guards and the Dwarves fought the Ice Golem off, but it escaped into the nearby woods. The lord has asked the players to track down and defeat this Ice Golem, so that it cannot attack his castle again.
- The Flood – The river has overflowed its banks during a recent storm and flooded most of the nearby area. The local town became trapped, because the river cut them off from the nearby highway. The local townspeople were stranded for two days because of the flood before being rescued.
- The Missing Noble – A noble from a nearby castle has disappeared without a trace. His family is worried about his safety and want him back home. They have asked for an investigation into the matter and for the noble to be found and returned home safely.
- The Strange Tracks – Tracks from unknown animals have been seen in the area. No one in town knows what creature left these tracks behind or where they came from. The local mayor has asked the players to investigate these strange tracks, find out what animal left them behind and where they came from.
- The Hungry Lion – A lion has been spotted roaming around in the forest. This is unusual, because lions are very rare in this part of the land. The local noble known as Roland has asked the players to investigate this lion and find out where it came from.
- The Muffled Noises – Recently, strange muffled noises have been heard coming from a nearby hillside. No one has figured out what is causing these noises, or what is making them, yet. A local mage has asked the players to investigate these noises and discover what it is that is making them.

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- The Silver Bird – A Silver Bird has been seen flying around in the sky over town. As this is very unusual, a wizard has asked the players to investigate this Silver Bird and find out what it is and why it has come to town.
- The Black Unicorn – A Black Unicorn has been seen wandering through the woods at the edge of town. As this is very unusual, a thieves’ guild head has asked the players to investigate this Black Unicorn and find out what it is and why it has come to town.
- The Forgotten Hunters – A group of hunters has gone missing after going into the nearby woods to hunt some game. Their families have sent a search party into the forest to try and locate them, but they have had no success yet. A barkeep has asked the players to investigate these hunters and find out what happened to them.
- The Haunted House – An old house just outside town is known around town as the “Heck House”. It is said that this house is haunted by ghosts and other strange creatures. People who have dared to go inside the house say that they have heard strange noises coming from inside. A magician in the king’s court has asked the players to investigate this house and find out if there really is a ghost living in it.
- The Missing King – A new king has recently disappeared from his home within a nearby castle. Guards have been posted at all of the castle entrances, because it is feared that he was kidnapped by another kingdom. If this is true, war could break out very soon. The king’s advisor has asked for help from the players to try and locate the missing king.
- The Strange Sculptures – Local farmers have been finding strange stone sculptures in their fields lately. They do not know what these stone sculptures are or who might have brought them there. They have asked for help in investigating them, because they are afraid that something bad might happen if they are not removed.
- The Ghostly Prisoner – A ghostly prisoner has been seen inside of a nearby prison tower. No guards are present during the night and the ghostly prisoner has been seen roaming around in the prison during that time. No one knows how or why this ghostly prisoner got there or who might have put him there. A local Lady has asked you to investigate this ghostly prisoner and find out who put him there and why.
- The Flame Gargoyle – A Flame Gargoyle has been seen flying around in the sky over a nearby town. As this is unusual, a mayor of the small town has asked the players to investigate this Flame Gargoyle and find out what it is and why it has come to town.
- The Missing Passengers – Recently, a merchant’s carriage was attacked by bandits. The bandits stole all of the merchant’s supplies and money, but they did not harm the merchant or his servants. They did, however, kidnap two of the merchant’s female servants. The merchant is worried that they might be able to identify him, so he has asked the players to investigate these two female servants and find out where they went after being kidnapped.
- The Cursed Mine – The mine just outside town has recently been cursed. Many of the townspeople have began to get seriously ill after going into the mine. A sorcerer has asked the players to investigate this mine and find out who or what is responsible for cursing it.
- The Strange Stonework – Several strange stone structures have been seen in the nearby forest. No one in town knows where they came from or who might have built them there. The locals have asked for help in investigating these strange stone structures and finding out who built them and why.
- The Mystical Magician – A very powerful magician has recently taken up residence in a nearby settlement. Most people in town are afraid of this man, because of his great power. They do not know what he is capable of doing with his powers or if he might be dangerous to them. The local necromancer has asked the players to investigate this man and figure out what he is doing in town.
- The Rumored Treasure – Local children have been spreading rumors about a treasure that has been hidden in a nearby forest. As no one else has seen this treasure yet, many people are skeptical about its existence. However, the children claim that they have seen the treasure with their own eyes, so they know it must be there. A high-level mage has asked you to investigate these rumors of a treasure and find out if there really is one there to be found.
- The Missing Boy – A young boy has recently gone missing from a nearby city. His parents are very concerned, because he is their only son. They want him back at home as soon as possible, and are willing to pay for the players services to help them find their son. A local farmer knows more than he’s letting on at first. He’s a mage practicing dark arts below his barn.
- The Abandoned Farm – A nearby farm has been abandoned recently. The doors to the farmhouse were locked from the inside, as if someone had locked themselves in there. No one in town knows who lives in this farm, or why they have abandoned it. The king’s nephew has asked you to investigate the abandoned farm and figure out what happened to the people who lived there.
- The Cursed Sword – A strange sword is said to be cursed. Many years ago, this sword was used by a powerful necromancer. He was defeated by a group of brave adventurers, but before he was slain he placed a curse on the sword. If anyone ever touches this sword they will instantly die! The lord of the nearby town has asked you to retrieve this sword and destroy it, because he does not want this curse to spread throughout his land, especially the local temple.
- The Evil Druid – A powerful Druid has recently moved into a nearby forest. He has been seen performing strange ceremonies that have greatly disturbed the forest wildlife. A local waitress has asked for your assistance in locating this druid and finding out why he has moved into his lands. Is he a threat to the safety of the locals? The waitress thinks it might be her long lost brother.
- The Ancient Ruins – Some half-destroyed ancient ruins have recently been uncovered by a group of farmers while they were plowing their fields. These ruins have been covered by moss and dirt and have been undisturbed for many years. No one in town knows who constructed these ruins, how long they have been there, or why they were built. A man named Jerry has asked for help to investigate these ancient ruins and find out why they were built and what purpose they once had.
- The Mysterious Murder – A man has recently been found dead in a local tavern. There is no blood anywhere around his body and all of his wounds are covered by scratches and bite marks. It looks like this man has been attacked by some wild animal, but no animal in this area has ever done that to anyone before. No one knows what has killed this man or why he was in this tavern at all. A local cleric has asked you to investigate this murder and find out what happened to this man and who is responsible for his death.
- The Invisible Thief – Several shops in town have recently been robbed, but no one knows who is doing it. No witnesses have come forward, and there are no clues to follow. A local elven priest has asked you to investigate these robberies and find out who is doing them.
- The Mysterious Shipwreck – A shipwreck has recently been found not far from town. On closer inspection of the wreckage, there were no bodies or any traces of anyone having been on board. A closer inspection of the wreckage reveals that it was struck by a giant lightning bolt, which could have killed any crew members on the ship. No one knows how this shipwreck came to be here or how it was hit by a lightning bolt. A sea captain has asked you to investigate this shipwreck and find out who might have been on board and what happened to them.
- The Cursed Village – An evil curse has recently been laid on a nearby village. All of the inhabitants have been forced to leave their homes and have taken refuge in another city. No one knows who laid this curse on the village or where it came from. A village mayor has asked for your assistance in finding out who laid this curse on the village and how he can remove it so the town can be returned to normal.
- The Mysterious Magician – A strange magician has recently been seen in town. He wears blue robes and has an odd glowing symbol emblazoned on his chest. Many people in town are afraid of him, because of his great power. They do not know what he is capable of doing with his powers or if he might be dangerous to them. The local illusionist has asked you to investigate this magician and figure out what he is doing in town.
- The Cursed cemetery – At night many strange sounds can be heard coming from a nearby cemetery. People in town claim that the ghosts of dead people can be seen roaming around this cemetery at night. A closer examination reveals that many of the gravestones in this cemetery are new and are covered with strange carvings. The local lord has asked for your assistance in investigating this cemetery and finding out why these new gravestones have been placed there and why the dead have begun haunting it at night.
- The Mystical Sword – A strange sword is said to be cursed. Many years ago, this sword was used by a powerful necromancer. He was defeated by a group of brave adventurers, but before he was slain he cast a spell upon his sword that caused it to become cursed. Now whenever anyone attempts to wield the sword, he must make a saving throw vs. death magic or gain 1d4 temporary negative levels. A local baron has asked for your assistance in identifying the sword and returning it to the place where the necromancer was slain so his curse can be lifted.
- The Need For A Hero – A nearby lord is in dire need of some heroes. You have heard from several townspeople that he has been taking his men out on raids along the borderlands. This lord has amassed a large army and he plans on using this army to conquer a nearby village. He has promised his soldiers rich rewards if they are victorious. A local paladin has asked for your assistance in stopping this warlord before he is able to invade the nearby village (This could be used to introduce an entire campaign. If the PC’s fail, then this warlord could be used as their main enemy throughout a large arc of adventures.)
- The Ghost Ship – People in the town have recently been reporting seeing a strange ghost ship at sea. The ship is sailing along the coast and no one knows where it might be heading or why. A local well known rogue has asked for your assistance in investigating this ship and finding out where it might be going and what its intentions might be.
- The Curse Of Kingship – There is a well known tale about a curse that is said to befall the family line of any king who fails to follow the will of his people or opposes them in anyway. This curse causes great misfortune to fall upon the king, including bad luck, illness, and eventual death. Several kings throughout history have fallen victim to this curse. This curse is said to lay dormant for centuries before it manifests itself upon a new descendant of kingship. The new king must make a saving throw vs. death magic or gain 1d6 temporary negative levels as soon as he becomes king. These negative levels remain until he is removed from his post as king. A well known bard has asked for your assistance in investigating this curse and learning how it can be lifted so that it never falls upon another king again.
- The Cursed Grounds – There are certain sections of land in this area that have been cursed by an evil druid named Malorus. This druid hates all people and will do anything in his power to make their lives miserable. A lady named Canary has asked for your assistance in investigating these cursed grounds and finding a way to lift this curse.
- The Extortionist – A member of the town guard is extorting money from his people. He collects taxes from his people at an unfair rate and uses his wealth to live a lavish lifestyle. The mayor has asked for your assistance in investigating this extortionist and discovering how he is able to continue to stay in power.
- The Druid’s Kettle – This area contains a portal that leads to a plane of eternal chaos. The druids of this area have come together to form a circle of druids. These druids work with the local town guard to keep watch over the portal and keep it closed. However, in the last few months, this portal has opened several times and creatures have come through to attack the lands of this area. The town guard has asked for your assistance in finding out what is going on and closing this portal permanently.
- The Evil Wizard- An evil wizard has recently moved into town and is putting a curse on everyone who lives there. He has gained control over the lord of the town and is using him as a puppet to control the entire town. The leader of the militia has asked for your assistance in freeing the town from this evil wizard’s grasp.
- The Ghost Of The Castle – A castle outside of town is said to be haunted by an evil ghost. The ghost has appeared and spoken to several townspeople, telling them about an ancient treasure that is hidden within the castle. Several recent disappearances have occured in this castle, as well as a few deaths, and people are beginning to talk about this castle being haunted by an evil spirit. Someone is bound to investigate soon, not to investigate the treasure, but rather, to investigate the possible haunting of this castle. A cleric of Beldaroon has asked for your assistance in investigating this haunting so that he can quickly stop any rumors from spreading about this castle being haunted.
- The Haunted House – A house outside of town is said to be haunted by an evil spirit. Several recent deaths have occured in this house, but no one knows what happened to cause them. Rumors are flying around town about some evil ghost in that house and that it might be dangerous to investigate it. A man named Theroseen has asked for your assistance in investigating this house so that he can find out what is going on and stop any more deaths from occurring – not to mention the strange lights.
- The Mystical Gate – A strange gate was recently found hidden within the local woods. This gate leads to a plane of perpetual summer. The local wizard known for paying wll has asked for your assistance in investigating this mystical gate and finding a way to permanently close it.
- The Drought – A long time ago, the land around this area used to be rich in soil and vegetation. However, the druids of this area have gone mad and have taken control over the land. They have been using their druidic powers to change the local environment and make it more desert-like. A local farmer has asked for your assistance in investigating these druids and finding a way to stop their madness so that the land may begin to return to its old self again.
- The Magic Well – At night, strange sounds can be heard coming from a nearby well. People in the town don’t know what is causing these sounds and fear that a monster may lurk within the well. Several people have gone to investigate the well, but none have come back up yet. An elven lord has asked for your assistance in investigating this magic well and finding out what it is that is lurking in the depths of its dark waters.
- The Plague – Several townspeople have been taken ill. They are suffering from strange sores all over their bodies, their skin is turning a pale shade of grey, and they are becoming sickly and puny. Many of these people are dying from this illness, but no one knows what it is or how it could have spread so quickly through the town. A halfling cleric of Beldaroon has asked for your assistance in investigating this plague and finding a way to stop its ravaging effects.
- The Giant Elk – People in the town have been seeing a giant elk wandering around at night. No one knows why this giant elk has moved into this area or where it came from. The local ranger has asked for your assistance in investigating this giant elk so that he can find out where it came from and why it has chosen this area to live in.
- The Dragonslayer – In a nearby cave a powerful dragon has been terrorizing the area. Several nearby villages have already been destroyed by this great beast, and the local mayor fears that his village will be next. The surrounding area is filled with caves, ruins, and tunnels that are said to have been inhabited by powerful dragons and other foul creatures in ages past. A noble named Ronald Rottengarry has asked for your assistance in investigating these ruins and caves so that you may find the dragon’s lair and slay it.
- The Goblins – Several thieves broke into a local shop last night. They managed to knock out the owner and his family, tie them up, and steal many of their valuables before disappearing into the night. A man named Thomas has asked for your assistance in investigating these goblins and bringing them to justice.
- The Vampires – Several people from the town have disappeared in the last couple of days. Numerous rumors are circulating that they have been seen wandering around outside of town at night, acting strangely as if they were under a spell. Several village guards have gone out to find these missing people, but none have returned. A woman named Delores has asked for your assistance in investigating these vampires and finding out where they are hiding. Delores is a vampire herself.
- The Hostage – A group of bandits has kidnapped a noble woman from her castle and is holding her hostage under a nearby keep. The group has threatened that they will kill the noble woman if the lord continues to send out raiding parties against them. The lord has asked you to assist him in rescuing the noble woman and putting an end to this threat. Two party members begin having the same dream with clues about the whereabouts of the woman they need to rescue from an abandoned village nearby.
- The Monster in the Well – A group of villagers discovered a large hole in the ground that leads to a series of tunnels that go deep below the ground. They decided to explore the tunnels and found a large chamber deep within the ground. There they discovered a horrible monster that has been living in the tunnels for many years. During their time down there, they discovered that many of the stone walls in the room had strange markings on them. These markings look almost like magical runes. The monster has been guarding these markings and will attack anyone that comes near it. The villagers killed the beast, but not before it managed to tear the arm off one of the villagers. Using the magic runes, they were able to piece the arm back together, but the person was infected with a disease during the battle. Now that the monster is dead, the villagers have set up camp in this chamber and have asked you to assist them in recovering anything they can find while they are here.

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See you next time.
Dungeon Master for Life,
Paul Bellow