Scare Your DND Players with These 12 Terrifying Enemy Tactics

Enemy tactics are an important part of any tabletop RPG, but especially in Dungeons and Dragons. As a DM, it’s your job to keep your players guessing and on their toes, and having a few tricks up your sleeve is the perfect way to do that.

To help, I’ve put together a list of 12 terrifying enemy tactics that will have your players shivering in fear. Feel free to adapt these tactics to fit your own game and make them as creative or as simple as you’d like.

Tactic #1: Surrounding the Player.

This is a classic tactic that involves isolating the player and attacking them from all directions. It’s a great way to teach the player to be aware of their surroundings and to think strategically. The only downside is that it can be overwhelming and disorienting if the player is not prepared. One way to play it as a DM is to allow your players to come up with their own solutions to the situation, such as using the environment to their advantage or using the enemy’s tactics against them.

Tactic #2: Ambush.

The enemy will wait for the player to come into a specific area before attacking. This teaches the player to watch for and anticipate ambushes and how to react if one occurs. However, it can be difficult for players to detect the ambush before it’s too late. Way of handling it as a DM is to include a few innocents in the area to get the player’s hopes up that they’re safe before attacking.

Tactic #3: Stealth.

The enemy will use stealth tactics to sneak up on the player and surprise them. With this enemy tactic, the player is taught to be alert and aware of their environment. The challenge of course is to detect the enemy before it’s too late. One way to handle this as a DM is to have your players make a series of checks throughout their journey to make sure they stay alert. An enemy using stealth tactics can suddenly become much more menacing than one that’s out in the open.

Tactic #4: Psychological Warfare.

Having an enemy that can get into the player’s head and scare them can be a powerful tool. You can use psychological tactics to frighten players and make them think twice before acting. This teaches the player to be aware of their mental state and to stay in control. Although it can be difficult for players to stay focused and not give in to fear. If your players are especially susceptible to fear, you can use this tactic as a way to teach them how to cope with fear in a game setting.

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For example, if you have an enemy that has appeared in more than one adventure, you can begin to have them use psychological tactics on the players. As the enemy continues to appear in the game, they can begin to toy with the players in more and more subtle ways, which will make them more fearful. This can be a great tool in teaching your players how to stay in control and think logically in the face of fear… and have a bit of fun as a DM at the same time!

Tactic #5: Numbers.

In this tactic, the enemy will use overwhelming numbers to overwhelm the player. It’s a surefire way to make sure the player is forced to think strategically and think on their feet. The only downside is that it can be overwhelming if the player is outnumbered. As a DM, one way to handle this is to give your players a few ways to even the odds, such as using the environment or having allies or items that can help them out.

Tactic #6: Traps.

The enemy will set traps to surprise the player and catch them off guard. This teaches the player to be aware of their surroundings and to think ahead. The challenge with this tactic is that it can be difficult for players to spot traps before it’s too late. To make this more fair for your players, you can have a few clues in the area that hint at where the traps are located. This will help the players spot them before it’s too late and make sure they don’t get caught off guard by an unexpected trap.

Tactic #7: Exploiting Weaknesses.

The enemy will use the player’s weaknesses to their advantage. When an enemy does this, the player is forced to think about their own strengths and weaknesses and use them to their advantage. The challenge with this tactic is that it can be difficult to anticipate the enemy’s moves. This is a great chance for you as a DM to exercise your creativity and come up with an enemy tactic that takes advantage of your players’ weaknesses in unique ways.

Tactic #8: Environment.

The enemy will use the environment to their advantage. For example, they might use the darkness of a cave to attack the party from behind or use the narrow passages of a ruin to force the players into a certain area. This teaches the player to be aware of their environment and use it to their advantage. The challenge with this is that it can be difficult to anticipate the enemy’s use of the environment. To make it easier for your players, you can have a few clues in the environment that hint towards what the enemy might be up to.

Tactic #9: Strategic Attacks.

Another enemy tactic could be the strategic timing of their attacks. The enemy will plan and execute strategically timed attacks in order to surprise the player. This teaches the player to be aware of the enemy’s movements and anticipate their attacks. The challenge with this tactic is that it can be difficult to predict the enemy’s strategy. To make it easier, you can give your players a few hints as to how the enemy plans to attack.

Tactic #10: Unpredictability.

Your players will never know what to expect when facing an unpredictable enemy. This enemy will use surprise and unpredictability to keep the player on their toes. Players will need to be aware of their surroundings and anticipate the enemy’s moves in order to prevail. The challenge with this tactic is that it can be hard to predict the enemy’s next move. As a DM, you can use this tactic to create a suspenseful atmosphere where players must be constantly on alert.

Tactic #11: Deception.

Using deception can be another effective tool for enemies to confuse and mislead the player. This teaches the player to be aware of their situation and think critically. The challenge with this is that it can be difficult to detect the enemy’s deception. As a DM, you can make this tactic even more effective by using non-player characters or creatures in an unexpected way. For example, if an enemy has been pretending to be an ally or someone else important, your players might not realize it until it’s too late.

Tactic #12: Adaptability.

The last enemy tactic on our list is adaptability. An enemy that can adapt to the player’s strategies and tactics is a powerful foe indeed! This teaches the player to think on their feet and adjust their strategy as needed. Of course, the challenge with this one is that it can be difficult to anticipate the enemy’s next move. To make it more fair for your players, try introducing a few “random” elements into each encounter such as unique terrain features or additional allies for the enemy. This will add unpredictability and help keep your players on their toes.

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Concluding Thoughts

Enemy tactics are an important part of any tabletop RPG, but especially in Dungeons and Dragons. These 12 terrifying enemy tactics are sure to have your players shivering in fear! Feel free to adapt these tactics to fit your own game and make them as creative or as simple as you’d like – just make sure your players stay alert and prepared for whatever comes their way!

As a Dungeon Master, you should always strive to challenge your players and keep them guessing. This doesn’t mean you should always use these tactics, but having a few tricks up your sleeve never hurts! With these enemy tactics, you can create an atmosphere of suspense and fear that will keep your players on their toes and engaged in the game.

Paul Bellow

LitRPG Author Paul Bellow

Paul Bellow is a LitRPG author, gamer, RPG game developer, and publisher of several online communities. In other words, an old school webmaster. He also developed and runs LitRPG Adventures, a set of advanced RPG generators powered by GPT-3 AI. Here at LitRPG Reads, he publishes articles about LitRPG books, tabletop RPG books, and all sorts of DND content that's free to use in your personal tabletop campaign - i.e. non-commercial use. Enjoy your stay and reach out on Twitter or Discord if you want to make contact.

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