Bring Your Campaigns to Life with These 20 Unique NPC Ideas

I’ve put together a list of 20 NPC ideas to bring a campaign to life. Whether you play D&D (any edition), Pathfinder, or even MERPs, I think these ideas can help bring some randomness and excitement to your gaming world. I’ve not included stats for them, but the details provided should help you come up with memorable NPCs with whatever stats you need them to have depending on what tabletop RPG system you’re running. With all that out of the way, let’s get to it!

1 – Liana the Stout (Female Halfling Bartender)


A middle-aged Halfling woman with brown hair and a twinkle in her eye. She is dressed in a bright pink and purple outfit with a few pieces of jewelry to match. She is stout, but has a strong constitution. Usually dressed to the nines, she’s an imposing figure in her own way. She enjoys wearing a large cloak to keep her warm and is known to carry around a small sachet of her favorite herbs to spice up drinks.


Cheerful, outgoing, and always eager to please. She loves to gossip with her patrons and is always happy to share a story or two. She’s generous and willing to offer advice to those in need. She’s a bit of a matchmaker and can often be seen trying to set up her customers with one another. If players treat her nicely, she’ll often reward them with extra drinks or a discount. However, if they cross her, she can be fiercely protective of her business and her customers. Overall, she’s a friendly face in the tavern and makes a great tavern keeper.


Liana was born and raised in a small village just outside the city. She’s been running the tavern for many years and loves it. From time to time, she takes a break and goes back to her home village for a few days to check in on her family and friends. She’s got a few connections in the city but usually keeps them on the down-low.

2 – Rinn (Male Gnome Alchemist)


Rinn is an elderly Gnome with a long white beard and a slightly hunched over posture. He wears a faded green robe with a tattered hat. His eyes are a bright yellow and his face is often hidden beneath the shadows of his hat. He carries around a large leather satchel filled with potions and powders.


Rinn loves to talk about alchemy and it’s clear he’s quite passionate about the subject. He’s always happy to share his knowledge and will often be willing to provide samples of his creations. He is also quite generous, often offering free potions or discounts to adventurers in need. He’s a bit suspicious of strangers and can be quite greedy when it comes to selling his wares. When it comes to dwarves, he’s quite disdainful and will often try to exploit them for money or favors. Still, he is a well-loved member of the community and a great source of information for adventurers.

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Rinn was born and raised in a small village in the foothills of the mountains. He was always fascinated by alchemy and created many strange concoctions in his youth. He eventually moved to the city, where his skills were more appreciated. He now runs a small shop selling potions and alchemical supplies, though he still takes the occasional trip back to his home village when he needs a break.

3 – Sirus (Male Human Merchant)


Sirus is a tall, handsome human with dark hair and a neatly trimmed goatee. He usually wears fine clothes and carries himself with a certain air of sophistication. He is often seen wearing a blue velvet doublet and a wide-brimmed hat adorned with a white feather. He carries a large sack filled with all manner of goods, from rare spices to exotic weapons.


Sirus is a shrewd businessman and will stop at nothing to get ahead. He is always looking for a good deal and will often try to haggle or barter with his customers. He is not one to shy away from a good argument and can be quite persuasive when he wants something. He may be difficult to get along with, but he’s a great source of merchandise and can be quite helpful in finding hard-to-find items. He’s not one to take kindly to those who try to cheat him, however, so be careful when dealing with him.


Sirus is originally from a small village in the north. He was sent away by his father to find his fortune and has since built up a successful trading route. He travels all over the world, trading goods and haggling with merchants. He is often seen in the city, peddling his wares and making deals. He is not one to be trifled with, however, so it’s best to approach him cautiously.

4 – Harrison Huffelhouser (Male Halfling Bard)


Harrison is a short, rotund Halfling with a shock of bright red hair and an unruly beard. He is usually seen wearing bright, colorful clothing and carrying a large lute. He’s never seen without a smile on his face and often has a jaunty cap perched on his head.


Harrison is a jovial, outgoing Halfling who loves to make people laugh. He loves to play his lute and can often be heard singing in the streets. He is always eager to tell stories and regale those around him with tales of his adventures. He’s also very generous and is willing to help those who need it. He’s a bit of a womanizer, however, and can often be found flirting with the ladies. He’s a great source of entertainment for travelers and locals alike.


Harrison was born in a small village in the hills. He was always a bit of a wanderlust and as soon as he was able, he left his home to travel the world. He’s been playing music and singing for years, picking up new songs and stories wherever he went. He’s now settled down in the city, where he can be found playing in the streets and taverns on most days.

5 – Lilleth (Female Elf Mage)


Lilleth is a tall, slender Elf with pale white skin and long, flowing silver hair. She usually wears a long, flowing robe of deep blue and carries a staff. Her eyes are the same deep blue as her robes and they seem to sparkle in the light.


Lilleth is a curious and intelligent Elf. She loves knowledge and is always eager to learn something new. She is often seen in the marketplace asking questions and studying the wares. She is a formidable spellcaster and can be quite powerful if provoked. She is also very generous and often helps those in need, though she will not hesitate to use her magic if necessary.


Lilleth was born in a small village on the outskirts of the city. She was always fascinated by magic and as soon as she was old enough, she left to study at a prestigious academy. She has since mastered the magical arts and now lives in the city, where she teaches her craft to those who are willing to learn.

6 – Brother Magnus (Male Human Cleric)


Brother Magnus is a middle-aged Human with a bald head and a thick, unkempt beard. He wears a simple brown robe and carries a large book of prayers. His eyes have a kind and compassionate look to them, but his face is often stern.


Brother Magnus is a gentle, wise cleric who loves to help those in need. He is always willing to listen to people’s problems and offer advice when asked. He’s also quite knowledgeable about the religious teachings of his faith and is often asked to perform blessings or other religious rituals. Despite his kind heart, he can be quite strict when it comes to upholding his beliefs and will not hesitate to reprimand those who go against them.


Brother Magnus was born in the city and has served as a cleric for many years. He was originally part of a large monastery, but left when the monks started to become too strict for his tastes. He now travels from town to town, helping those in need and spreading the word of his faith.

7 – Drago (Male Dragonborn Gladiator)


Drago is a large, imposing Dragonborn with bright red scales and an intimidating demeanor. He wears heavy armor and carries an array of weapons, including a massive two-handed sword. His eyes are a deep yellow and they are often filled with rage.


Drago is a fierce warrior who loves combat. He takes great pride in his strength and skill and loves to show off in the arena. He can sometimes be hot-headed and is not one to back down from a fight. He can be quite arrogant but is also loyal and brave. Despite his gruff exterior, he has a good heart and will often help those in need.

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Drago was born in a small village far from the city. He was raised by a clan of Dragonborn warriors and was trained from an early age in the ways of combat. He eventually left his home to seek his fortune in the city, where he quickly made a name for himself as a dangerous gladiator. He now fights in the arena for money and glory.

8 – Zara (Female Tiefling Warlock)


Zara is a young Tiefling with bright red skin and a shock of wild black hair. She has bright yellow eyes and a mischievous smile. She usually wears dark clothing and carries a staff made of twisted wood.


Zara is a sly and cunning trickster. She loves to pull pranks and play jokes on unsuspecting passersby. She is also quite knowledgeable about the arcane arts and is a gifted spellcaster. She is not one to be taken lightly, however, as she can be quite dangerous if provoked. She is surprisingly loyal to those she calls friends, however, and will often help them in times of need.


Zara was born in the city to a family of merchants. She was always fascinated by the arcane and as soon as she was old enough, she left to seek out powerful magical artifacts. She has since made a name for herself as a powerful warlock, though she still has much to learn. She now travels the world in search of magical relics and powerful creatures.

9 – Ithilnaur (Male Elf Ranger)


Ithilnaur is a tall, muscular Elf with a wild mane of black hair and bright green eyes. He wears leather armor and carries a longbow on his back. His face is often hidden beneath a hood, but his eyes seem to pierce through the shadows.


Ithilnaur is a brave and honorable Elf. He is a skilled hunter and tracker and is often hired to hunt down dangerous creatures or investigate mysteries in the woods. He can be quite serious but also has a mischievous streak. He loves to tell stories and can often be heard singing in the woods. Despite his reputation as a skilled warrior, he is also quite wise and thoughtful and often dispenses advice when asked for it.


Ithilnaur was born in a small village in the woods. He was always fascinated by the forest and left home as soon as he was able, to explore the wilds. He quickly made a name for himself as a skilled ranger and has since been hired by many adventurers and nobles to assist them in their quests. He now travels all over the world, in search of new adventures.

10 – Master Kaito (Male Human Monk)


Master Kaito is an elderly Human with a bald head and a thick white beard. He wears simple, unadorned clothing and carries a staff. His eyes are a brilliant blue and his face is usually calm and serene.


Master Kaito is a wise and enlightened monk. He is always willing to share his knowledge with those who seek it and can often be seen training students in the way of the monk. He is quite patient and will often go out of his way to help those in need. He is also quite wise, often providing insight into difficult problems or questions. Despite his age, he is still an able fighter and is more than capable of defending himself if needed.


Master Kaito was born in the city and trained as a monk since a young age. He eventually left to travel the world, in search of greater knowledge. He has since returned to the city and opened up a small monastery, where he teaches his students the way of the monk. He is highly respected by the locals, who often seek his council.

11 – The Scarecrow (Genderless Construct Sorcerer)


The Scarecrow is a tall, thin construct. Its body is made of straw and sticks, with rags for clothing. Its face is little more than a painted mask, but its eyes seem to glow with an eerie yellow light.


The Scarecrow is a mysterious creature. It rarely speaks, but when it does its voice is deep and eerie. It prefers to remain in the shadows and can often be found in abandoned buildings or old forgotten places. Despite its quiet nature, it is a powerful and knowledgeable sorcerer, capable of creating powerful magics and casting powerful spells.


The Scarecrow was crafted by a powerful wizard centuries ago and has been wandering the land ever since. Its origin remains a mystery, but it seems to have a purpose all its own. It often appears when danger is near and can often be seen attempting to protect those in need.

12 – Adal (Male Human Wizard)


Adal is a young Human wizard with black hair and piercing blue eyes. He wears colorful robes and carries a staff. His face is usually smiling and mischievous.


Adal is a friendly and playful fellow. He is often full of energy and loves to tell stories and jokes. He has a mischievous streak to him and can often be found pulling pranks or playing tricks. Despite his playful nature, he is a talented wizard and can often be seen studying in the library. He is also quite wise, often providing guidance and advice when needed. Despite his young age, he is quite wise and can often be seen giving council to those who need it.


Adal studied magic at the Academy in the city. He was always a quick learner and soon made a name for himself among the faculty as a talented wizard in the making. He soon graduated with honors and was offered a position with the city guard as an advisor and instructor to the guardsmen.

13 – Cynthe (Female Human Fighter)


Cynthe is a young Human with dark hair and brown eyes. She is tall and muscular, with an intense stare. She wears a chain shirt and wields an axe.


Cynthe is a fearless warrior. She is brash and quick to anger but always respects honor and courage. She has a dark past, having been driven away by her parents after revealing she was a lesbian. She now lives in the woods, but remains loyal to those who befriend her. She has a soft spot for women in need, but can often be quite aggressive with men.


Cynthe was born in a village near the woods. She quickly left home however, after her parents drove her away when she told them about her sexual identity. She now lives on her own in the woods, protecting those who cannot protect themselves. She fights for vengeance for her parents, as well as her people. Despite her cold nature, she does not have an evil soul and remains faithful to those who befriend her.

14 – The Mad Hermit (Male Human Druid)


The Mad Hermit is a mysterious Human with long gray hair and yellow eyes. His body is twisted by age, appearing almost gnarled at times. He wears simple rags, but carries around a small chest that appears to contain powerful magic items. His voice is deep and gravelly and his face seems emotionless at all times.


The Mad Hermit lives alone in the woods, away from everyone else. He speaks little, which makes him seem even stranger than he already appears. He offers help to those who need it, but sometimes that help comes at a cost they cannot afford to pay. He is also quite insane, capable of strange and erratic behavior at times. Despite this, he is quite wise, often providing guidance and advice when needed.


The Mad Hermit was once a normal Human living among his people. He was quite intelligent and wise for his age, which made him attractive to others around him. Unfortunately for him, this made him the target of jealousy from others in his village who saw him as a threat to their own power and influence.

They managed to convince others that he was possessed by an evil spirit, which resulted in his banishment from the village. Soon after his banishment he was attacked by a wild beast in the woods and only survived because of the help of some friendly woodland creatures. After that ordeal he took on the characteristics of those animals and has since lived in the wooded areas of the world, where he continues to help those he comes across who need aid.

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15 – Erin the Authoress (Female Human Wizard)


The Authoress is a young Human with long brown hair tied in a ponytail. She is thin and wears simple robes, which she never removes outside of her home. Her eyes are always squinted, making it hard to see her pupils.


The Authoress is an intellectual woman with big dreams of becoming a famous author of fiction novels one day. She loves to write about what she sees around her, using whatever characters she can think of at the time (mostly her friends). She is quite shy around strangers but more than capable of holding her own once she gets to know them. She loves to read and is often seen with a book in her hand.


The Authoress was born into a poor family who were barely able to survive in the city. Her father was a great adventurer and adventurer, but his career wasn’t enough to support his family. In hopes of helping them out he took on one last quest that would supposedly change their lives forever, but sadly he never returned from it.

Her mother soon died from illness a few years after that, leaving her as the sole survivor of her family. She was left alone to care for herself, but managed to make it in the world by selling the books she wrote to make a bit of money. She dreams of making it big in the world of publishing one day and doesn’t care who she has to compete with to get there.

16 – Rondo the Ranger (Male Dwarf Ranger)


The Ranger is a hulking Dwarf with long brown hair that hangs down over his shoulders. His beard is very thick and is sometimes unkempt. The Ranger wears a leather jerkin and carries a longbow at his side. He also carries a quiver of arrows on his back.


Rondo is a quiet Dwarf who enjoys the solitude of the woods. He always seems distant and there is a look of serenity on his face at all times. He is firm but fair when dealing with others, especially around dealing with his animal companion. He believes in justice and will do what he can to bring it to the world. He believes the best way to do that is by protecting travelers and anyone else who happens to be in need of his help.

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The Ranger was born into a Dwarven family who lived in a secluded village in the woods. He grew up hearing stories from his father about how the old gods protected the world from evil and how they would be there to help protect his people when they needed it most. His father was a well respected member of their village and was one of the most skilled Rangers in their lands. Rondo followed in his father’s footsteps, quickly becoming one of the most formidable Rangers in the village.

He gained the respect of his people by protecting them from monsters that often came into the woods seeking to prey on them. Not long after he began to work as a Ranger, a group of bandits attacked their village and killed many of the inhabitants. The villagers quickly formed a militia to fight back against the raiders. Rondo was among those who left their homes to defend his people, but he didn’t return when the battle was over. Those who returned found that he had been killed by those who attacked his village, but his body had been disappeared before the rest of the militia could return to bury him properly.

17 – Thomas, the Masked Smuggler (Male Halfling Rogue)


The Masked Smuggler is a short halfling with dirty blonde hair and a well-groomed mustache. He wears a black mask to conceal his face and a brown cloak that is always pulled up to hide his face.


The Masked Smuggler is a very serious man who speaks little and only when it’s necessary. He keeps to himself and is not interested in anything that isn’t related to the task he is working on. He is highly intelligent and an expert at what he does, but that doesn’t mean he is above getting his hands dirty. The Masked Smuggler will do what he has to do to get the job done, whether that means confronting his enemies directly or sneaking around them to find their weaknesses.


The Masked Smuggler got his name from the unfortunate incident that marred his face and forced him to wear a mask to conceal his identity. He was once a member of a group of bandits who preyed on innocent travelers on the road. They would rob them of what little gold they had, often taking their horses as well. One night he joined in on the pillaging, but things didn’t go as planned when the party came across a lone traveler. He was apprehended and brought to the bandit camp, awaiting payment of the ransom. As they waited, the bandit captain brought another prisoner into camp, a Human woman.

She was to be sold to the highest bidder as a slave and the captain ordered the masked smuggler to help him in that endeavor. The masked smuggler refused to have anything to do with it and the captain threatened him with death if he didn’t comply. He still refused, so the captain had him beaten and forced him to watch as the woman was led away to be sold. The masked smuggler killed the captain the next day and fled into the night. He knew he wanted revenge on the people who did this to her, but knew he needed more allies to help him get it done. He found those allies in a group of bandits who had decided to get into smuggling for profit. The Masked Smuggler has traveled with them ever since, using his expertise at subterfuge and thievery to bring justice to those in need.

18 – Tre (Male Human Ranger)


Tre is a tall Human with light brown skin and dark brown hair that hangs down to his shoulders. A wooden necklace with several thin braids hangs around his neck and he always wears a long denim cloak that’s as comfortable as it is stylish.


Tre is a very confident man who is well aware of his personal strengths. He is not afraid of things that most people are and is always interested in seeing new things and learning new things. He is also very knowledgeable about many things and enjoys sharing that knowledge with others. The other thing that people know about Tre is that he is always looking for a good time. Whether it’s getting an ale at the local tavern or heading out with his friends to have an impromptu snowball fight, Tre is always looking for an excuse to have fun.


Tre was born into a prominent family in a large Human City. Tre was the youngest son and his older brothers could never really stand him, despite his father’s wishes for them to show more respect for him. His brothers only seemed interested in spending time with their father so they could learn his trade and one day take over the business he’d built with hard work and dedication over many years. Tre, on the other hand, only wanted to spend time with his father to learn the story behind all of his grand adventures with the military. His father was a soldier before he joined the merchant guild and Tre wanted to know why he decided to change careers.

It wasn’t long before their father realized that Tre was better suited for the wandering life than his father was. He decided that if Tre was going to leave home, he would have to learn how to survive on his own. He took Tre out on his first hunting trip, using a wooden sword that he fashioned as a stand in for a real one. They returned home without much success, but Tre felt like he’d been through an adventure and couldn’t wait to do it again. Before he knew it, he was hunting with real weapons and going on week-long camping trips throughout the countryside. He still spent time with his father, learning everything he could about the merchant trade and what it took to make a profit, but Tre’s real passion was honing his survival skills. He’s traveled all over and has made many friends along the way, although he has very few old friends. That’s just the way he likes it.

19 – Stan (Male Human Cleric)


Stan is a big, strong looking man with dark brown hair, dark brown skin and dark brown eyes. He always wears a white robe with gold trimming around the edges and has a large golden ankh hanging from a thick golden chain around his neck.


Stan is known for being a very kind, generous man. He uses his power and influence to help those in need and has a great respect for nature, especially when it comes to the creatures who share their space with him. Stan is also a man of faith and believes in the gods, although knows that they are not the answer to everything that occurs in the world. To him, they are forces of nature who will do as they will, regardless of his opinion.


When Stan was a young boy, he and his family lost everything in a great storm. Orphaned and homeless, he stumbled into a small temple of his main god and was taken in by the priests. They taught him about the many gods who live in the world and helped him grow into a strong young man. His faith was tested when the priests who raised him were taken by a terrible illness that ravaged the city and killed many people including many of the priests under their care.

The remaining priests were no match for it and were quickly taken as well. As they were dying, they told Stan that he would need to travel far to find an ancient artifact that would help him save their people from this deadly plague. He took some of their possessions with him when he left, including a small golden ankh necklace that had been passed down through generations of priests whose names Stan didn’t know. Stan has since met many people and made many friends along the way, but has never found what he’s looking for…yet.

20 – Rico (Male Human Rogue)


Rico is a short Human with dark brown skin, short red hair and dark brown eyes. He wears dark brown leather armor on his chest, back and arms with black leather pauldrons strapped on over top to protect his shoulders. He wears black pants and black boots. The only colorful thing about his outfit is a scarf that he always wears around his neck. He also carries a short sword on his belt.

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Rico is a man who believes that if you’re not cheating, you’re not trying. He won’t use his skills to help others, but he will use them to help himself and those close to him. He is very intelligent, but not very bright. Rico is the type of person who would do something reckless without thinking it through, but learns from his mistakes in the long run. Rico considers himself to be a big shot and carries himself with pride because of it.

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Rico was born into an impoverished Human family that was always in desperate need of a little extra money. He was forced to work hard when he was a child and became very skilled at stealing and hiding from the law. When he became an adult, he realized that he could steal for a living and began doing so, joining up with various thieves guilds throughout the countryside. He is currently a freelancer, using his skills to earn as much gold as he can, but his journey will take him far from home and into unknown danger.

Paul Bellow

LitRPG Author Paul Bellow

Paul Bellow is a LitRPG author, gamer, RPG game developer, and publisher of several online communities. In other words, an old school webmaster. He also developed and runs LitRPG Adventures, a set of advanced RPG generators powered by GPT-3 AI. Here at LitRPG Reads, he publishes articles about LitRPG books, tabletop RPG books, and all sorts of DND content that's free to use in your personal tabletop campaign - i.e. non-commercial use. Enjoy your stay and reach out on Twitter or Discord if you want to make contact.

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