Coming up with unique and interesting fantasy D&D backstory curse ideas doesn’t need to be difficult. I’ve got a list of a hundred below and some information on how you can create your own unique RPG content at LitRPG Adventures, a powerful RPG generator and content library powered by GPT-3 from OpenAI. First, though, I hope you find this list of 100 curses you can use for your character backstory useful. I’ve also got a bunch of plot ideas for D&D that you can use if you want.
100 DND Curses
Here’s my list of great curses for characters in your Dungeons & Dragons campaign.
- You are cursed to laugh at inopportune moments.
- You suffer from a curse that makes you smell like pancakes. Everyone who gets within 10′ of you has to make a DC 15 constitution check or become hungry until they’ve been around you for longer than a week.
- You have a curse that makes everyone you know and love hate you.
- You are cursed to run around in circles for no reason every day when you’re in a stressful situation.
- You have been cursed to bear the title “I Forget My Name”
- Long ago, you were cursed to not be able to travel during a full moon.
- You have a curse that makes you run around on all fours and bark like a dog when there’s a new moon.
- You have a curse that makes it so that whenever you see a dog, there’s a 10% chance you try to chase it.
- You have a curse that makes your hair grow quickly. You must cut it at least once a day or start to lose mobility.
- Someone cursed you to be afraid of the color yellow.
- You have a curse that makes it so you must paint everything black.
- You are cursed to always be angry at new people you meet.
- Crying at funny jokes is your curse.
- You have a curse that makes it so you have to travel everywhere by foot.
- You have a curse that makes it so you can never look at a goat without tripping.
- Long ago, you were cursed to wake up in the middle of the night (ruining your long rest) unless someone sings to you as you fall asleep.
- You have a curse that makes you eat any food you drop.
- You are cursed to be lost at sea and on the ocean if you’re navigating, even on your own continent.
- You have a curse that makes it so everyone you meet insists on giving you a hug.
- You have a curse that makes it so you are a cat-man whenever you see the moon.
- You have a curse that makes it so you can’t stop lying.
- You have a curse that makes you eat every piece of food you touch.
- Your curse is to be the unluckiest person who has ever existed. (-1 to all saving throws!)
- You are cursed to have your head trapped in a barrel if you get too drunk
- You are cursed to always feel like a failure.
- Your family curse is to never be able to get a job.
- Your family curse is to always be chased by orcs.
- You have a curse that makes it so you can never enjoy the beauty of nature because of your own beauty.
- You have a curse that makes it so you’re always mistaken for an older person.
- You’re cursed to be allergic to everything
- You have a curse that makes it so you’re always being chased by a dog.
- You are cursed to be unable to cast spells the same day you go to the bathroom.
- You are cursed to be a vampire of some kind.
- You are cursed to be a werewolf at night during a new moon.
- You are cursed to always be hungry.
- You are cursed to always be nice to halflings no matter what they do to you.
- Your family has a curse that makes it so you must never have any food on you at any time.
- Your family has a curse that makes it so you aren’t allowed to have jobs.
- You are cursed to not be able to see the color red.
- You are cursed to have your dexterity be -1.
- You are cursed to have your intelligence be -1.
- You are cursed to be a plain human.
- You are cursed to be able to see and communicate with ghosts.
- You are cursed to be a ghost whisperer.
- You are cursed to see everyone as an old person.
- You are cursed to be invisible at inopportune moments.
- You have a curse that makes it so you always get lost, even on your own continent.
- You have a curse to be the most unlucky person in the world. (-1 to attack rolls for the first round of every combat.)
- You have a fear of death that makes it so you can’t even think about dying.
- You have a curse that causes you to crash into things (and people) when you’re sober.
- You are cursed to be able to see the future, but only when you’re asleep. Nobody believes your predictions, even if they come true.
- You are cursed to be the most horrible person on the planet. (-2 charisma)
- You have a curse that makes it so you’re always being chased by a cat.
- You have a curse that makes it so you are chased by a dog for no reason at all.
- You are cursed to be unable to avoid traps, even if you know they’re there. You always have to save and are surprised by the trap if you fail your save.
- You are cursed to not be able to speak unless you’re calm.
- Your last name is cursed to make you the most hated person in your family.
- Your curse is to have an extreme hatred of yourself.
- You’re cursed to have to wear a barrel on your head whenever you’re drunk, because you don’t even know your own limits.
- You are cursed to have a personality that makes everyone hate you.
- You are cursed to have your hair slowly turn white.
- You are cursed to have a curse that makes you hate the color pink.
- You are cursed to only be able to speak in rhyme.
- You are a dog-man and are cursed to walk on all fours, bark, and have a tail when you’re drunk You are also cursed to be unable to speak in any language but rhyme.
- You have a curse that makes it so you always get lost in the woods – or around any trees.
- Your parents cursed you to be unable to sit still.
- You are cursed so that whenever you go to sleep, you’re always chased by a monster. (There’s a 10% chance every night you won’t get a proper long rest.)
- You are cursed to never be able to stop talking.
- You are cursed to always be hungry.
- You are cursed to always be in a bad mood.
- You are cursed to always be slightly irritated.
- You are cursed to be a were-hedgehog whenever you see a moon.
- You are cursed to be afraid of the color yellow.
- You are cursed to always be slightly hungry but not know what you want to eat. This drives people around you nuts.
- Your curse is to have a 1% chance of turning into a werewolf every night.
- Your curse is to be the most unlucky person who has ever lived. (-10 to all saving throws during rainstorms!)
- You are cursed to always be following a strict religious order.
- You are cursed to always feel like you’re running out of time.
- You are cursed to be the most unlucky person in the world. (-2 to all saving throws during snowstorms!)
- Your curse is to have a 1% chance of turning into a were-turtle every night.
- You are cursed to always be the ugliest person around.
- You are cursed to not be able to hide from people.
- Your curse is to have a 1% chance of turning into a were-spider every night.
- You are cursed to always be unable to hit anything with the first shot of a battle.
- You may never enter a bathroom on Fridays or you will black out for 1d6 days.
- You are cursed to be the unluckiest person who has ever lived. (-1 luck, and -1 to all attack rolls and saving throws every tenth day.)
- You are cursed to be the most unlucky person in the world. (-20 to all attack rolls against any creature that has a higher challenge rating than your level and is a natural predator of the character)
- You are cursed to be afraid of horses.
- You are cursed to be the unluckiest person in the world. (-1 luck, and -1 to all attack rolls and saving throws every tenth day.)
- Your curse is to have a 1% chance of turning into a were-cockroach every night.
- You are cursed to be the most unlucky person that has ever lived. (-5 to all attack rolls and saving throws every tenth day)
- Your curse is to be afraid of becoming homeless and living on the streets. You have to own as much property as possible.
- Your curse is to have a 1% chance of turning into a were-hog every night.
- You are cursed to always feel like all eyes are on you.
- Your curse is to be surrounded by mice and rats every day. They follow you like you’re the Pied Piper.
- Your curse is to be very easy to anger. You must make a DC 10 wisdom save every day or be angry for the day. On a failed save you cannot control your anger personally.
- Your curse is to be surrounded by pigeons and ducks every day.
- Your curse is to be surrounded by geese and crows every day.
- You are cursed to always be slightly scared.
- You are cursed to be the unluckiest person that has ever lived. (-2 luck, and -1 to all attack rolls and saving throws at night.)
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Make life as a Gamemaster easier.... If you play Dungeon & Dragons, Pathfinder, or other fantasy tabletop role-playing games, this RPG random tables book is full of encounters, NPCs, and more. Available as an eBook or in a classic print format. Either way, you'll have a wealth of adventure ideas at your fingertips.

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