Here’s a list of d100 random magical effects you can use in your fantasy tabletop campaign. Enjoy!
1) You grow an extra leg for a minute. Your speed is reduced by 10 feet. The leg then falls off, causing you no damage.
2) For the next minute, all attacks against you have advantage but you have advantage on all attacks you make as well.
3) For the next 2d4 minutes, you are invisible and silent. You can walk on liquid surfaces as if it was solid ground without falling in.
4) For the next 1d12 minutes, you gain the ability to cast Heat Metal.
5) You become an undead abomination for the next minute, becoming immune to all nonmagical damage and unable to regain hit points. You are also able to see in complete darkness without penalties.
6) You grow an extra eye for a minute. The eye can be targeted by attacks, but is unaffected by them. Your vision is slightly impaired in that eye for the next minute.
7) You are no longer able to speak for the next 2d10 minutes.
8) All of a sudden, you are struck by a powerful urge to use their action to run in a random direction for the next 3d6 seconds.
9) An adult red dragon appears and attacks you for one round then protects you for one round, so on and so forth for 2d20 rounds. After that time, it disappears.
10) For the next 3d4 minutes, all your melee attacks deal an extra d4 of fire damage.
11) You are immune to nonmagical bludgeoning damage for one minute.
12) Flies descend on you for the next minute. You must pass a DC13 Constitution Saving Throw every round or take 1d10 piercing damage.
13) You are teleported to another location on the Planet. The destination is selected randomly.
14) The area you’re in is flooded with water for 1d4 hours. The water rises by 1 foot every hour.
15) You become very lucky for one hour. You can reroll 1’s on damage dice.
16) For the next 2d8 minutes, your voice sounds like that of an ogre.
17) Everyone’s hair in a 100′ radius grows one foot.
18) You become very lucky for one hour. You have a 25% chance of disarming an opponent when you hit them with a weapon and a 25% chance of causing a critical hit for any attacks that hit.
19) You gain the ability to cast Fire Bolt once a round for 2d4 rounds.
20) Fate protects you. For the next minute, any attack roll that hits you is rerolled.
21) You automatically succeed on all Saving Throws for one hour.
22) The next 2d20 spellcasters who try to cast a spell on you or in your vicinity lose their spell and must succeed on a DC15 Constitution Saving Throw or take 2d6 psychic damage (they lose the spell even if they pass).

23) All of a sudden, you start to rise 5 feet into the air per round for 1d4+2 rounds. You will float there for 1d20 rounds.
24) You are immune to psychic damage for one hour.
25) Your gender is swapped for 2d20 days.
26) All of a sudden, the next person you speak to will become hostile towards you, attacking you after speaking to you for 1d10 minutes. The DM will describe the person when the effect is cast.

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27) Your Strength score changes to a random score of 1d8 for 1d4 hours.
28) You are able to speak and understand Draconic for the next 2d4 days.
29) A small wind picks up around you, increasing the wind speed around you by 1d20+20 for the next 1d4 hours.
30) You gain the lay on hands ability for 1d4 hours and can remove disease from any target 3 times during that duration.
31) Your Dexterity score changes to a random score of 1d8 for 1d4 hours.
32) You cannot cast any spell that requires a verbal component, until the next sunrise.
33) Your Charisma score changes to a random score of 1d20 for 1d4 hours.
34) Your damage is doubled on your next critical hit.
35) You are able to speak and understand Giant for the next 2d4 days.
36) The spell Fireball is cast, centered on yourself (6d6 damage).
37) For the next hour, you have the ability to speak and understand any language.
38) For 1d4 hours, you can see any invisible creature within a 50-foot radius of you.
39) You are able to levitate up to 20 feet off the ground for the next 1d6+1 turns.
40) You are unable to get drunk on alcohol, until the next sunrise.
41) You cannot speak for the next 1d4 hours, but you can read minds during that time.
42) Your movement speed is doubled for the next hour.
43) You can alter the color of your hair, as well as your hair texture and length, to match that of any other creature of your race until the next sunrise.
44) All of a sudden, you gain the ability to understand and speak the language of any intelligent creature you hear speaking for 1d4 hours.
45) You are able to cast the spell Phantasmal Killer (6th level) once within the next 4d4 hours.
46) You gain infravision for 2d6 days.
47) The next time you would roll a natural 1 on the die, you can roll again and the new result is used instead.
48) A sphere of light surrounds you until the next sunrise. Any undead within a 60-foot radius of you become visible and take 1d10 radiant damage. If a creature is under the effect of the spell Invisibility, the invisibility ends.
49) You instantly age 2d6 years, but become immune to all mental and physical ailments that result from aging.
50) The spell Grease is cast at a random location within 30 feet of you.
51) The spell Jump is cast at a random target within 30 feet of you.
52) The next time you roll a natural 20 on the die, it is treated as a natural 1 (and vice versa).
53) A random creature within 20 feet of you is affected as if by a spell Charm Person.
54) The next time you roll a 1, you can reroll. If you do, you suffer 1d4+2 points of damage.
55) You gain advantage on all saving throws for 1d4 hours.
56) Every time you cast a spell from now on, there is a 50% chance that it will not cast correctly. This can only be removed with Dispel Curse cast at 10th level or higher.
57) A pair of shoes materialize under your feet. They have a value equal to the last coin you spent. They will disappear after 24 hours if worn. The shoes allow you to walk on water.
58) You can see up to 60 feet into the Ethereal Plane for 2d6 hours.
59) The spell Stinking Cloud is cast at a random point within 30 feet of you.
60) The spell Slow is cast at a random target within 20 feet of you.
61) One person of your choice within 60 feet of you is affected as if by the spell Confusion.
62) A loud boom is heard, and you gain the ability to fly and hover for 1d4 hours.
63) You gain immunity to disease for 1d4 days.
64) Clouds converge on the point you are standing on and begin to rain down in a 100-foot radius sphere around you. The rain lasts for 2d8 minutes.
65) A beautiful song comes from the sky, lasting for 1 minute. All allies within a 20-foot radius of you gain +2 on all attack and damage rolls.
66) The spell Darkness is cast at a random point within 60 feet of you.
67) Any metal weapon or armor you own comes to life under your control and fights by your side for 2d6 rounds.
68) One person of your choice within 60 feet of you is affected as if by the spell Fear.
69) You become lost and disoriented. For the next 1d4 hours, you cannot use any items or abilities that require concentration, and you make all ability checks at disadvantage.
70) You grow an additional pair of legs for 1d4 hours. They are not strong enough to carry you yet, so your walking speed is halved.
71) The next time you roll a natural 20 on the die, a small black hole forms around you, centered on you and with a radius of 5 feet. You cannot move or take any action while it is active, and it lasts until the end of your next turn. Every creature within 15 feet of you must succeed on a DC 16 Dexterity saving throw or take 1d6 force damage and be pulled to the center of the black hole.
72) You are able to cast the spell Haste (2nd level) once within the next 6d6 days.
73) The next time you roll a natural 1 on the die, you can roll again and the new result is used instead.
74) Any person you are currently interacting with will forget their last memory of you.
75) The sky grows dark and stormy for 1d4 hours, creating a rainstorm that remains for the duration. It becomes so dark that the only light sources visible are those the size of a torch or larger.

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76) One person of your choice within 60 feet of you is affected as if by the spell Fear.
77) You become immune to non-magical bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage for 1d4 days.
78) You can see up to 60 feet into the Elemental Plane of Fire for 2d6 hours.
79) You are able to cast the spell Detect Magic (2nd level) within the next 10 minutes.
80) The next time you roll a natural 20 on the die, a meteorite falls from the sky, centered on you and with a radius of 20 feet. Every creature in this area must make a successful DC 18 Dexterity saving throw or take 6d10 bludgeoning damage and 6d10 fire damage. Then roll a d20. On a roll of 11 or greater, they are knocked prone and take half damage. On a roll of 16 or greater, they are knocked back 15 feet. On a roll of 20, they are knocked back 30 feet.
81) Your hair begins to grow at 10 times its normal speed for 2d8 days. After 1 day it becomes uncomfortable and after 2 days it is extremely painful. After 3 days it becomes impossible to wear helmets or hats. After 4 days, your hair becomes so long that you gain the effect of the spell Silence for the duration (3rd level). The only way you can cut the hair short is with a Vorpal sword.
82) You are able to cast the spell Faerie Fire (2nd level) once within the next 6d6 days.
83) The next time you roll a natural 1 on the die, you can roll again and the new result is used instead.
84) A swarm of flies with a radius of 10 feet, centered on you and lasting for 2d6 days. If a creature other than you starts its turn in this swarm, it must make a successful DC 18 Constitution saving throw or be poisoned until the start of its next turn.
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85) The next time you roll a natural 1 on the die, you can roll again and the new result is used instead. You take 2d8 damage.
86) A random creature within 60 feet of you is affected by the spell Ray of Enfeeblement (3rd level)
87) Every creature within 30 feet of you must succeed on a DC 16 Constitution saving throw or take 2d10 poison damage and become poisoned until the end of your next turn as a noxious cloud of gas erupts from behind you.
88) You are able to cast the spell Detect Magic (2nd level) once within the next 6d6 days.
89) The next time you roll a natural 1 on the die, you can roll again and the new result is used instead. If you roll again, you rise 10 feet in the air for 1d4 rounds and take falling damage as if you had dropped from the same height.
90) A random object of your choice within 60 feet of you that weighs less than 20 pounds becomes an egg.
91) You are immune to magical bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage for 1d4 days.
92) You are able to cast the spell Read Magic (1st level) once within the next 6d6 days.
93) You can see up to 60 feet into the Elemental Plane of Air for 2d6 hours.
94) A random person of your choice within 2 miles of you is affected as if by the spell Fear.
95) You are able to cast the spell Shield (2nd level) once within the next hour.
96) The next time you roll a natural 20 on the die, the spell Hold Monster (4th level) is cast on you. It lasts for 1d4 rounds.
97) The next time you roll a natural 20 on the die, a lightning bolt strikes you and all creatures within 10 feet of you. Every creature hit by the bolt must succeed on a DC 16 Dexterity saving throw or take 6d8 lightning damage.
98) A random person within 60 feet of you is affected as if by the spell Fear.
99) The next time you roll a natural 1 on the die, you can roll again and the new result is used instead. If you roll again, you are stunned until the end of your next turn.
100) Roll twice, ignoring this result.