Dungeons & Dragons Community Episode Controversy?

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If you’re wondering “Which community episode is Dungeons and Dragons?” or you’re curious about why Netflix pulled this episode, keep reading. We also have good news – the episode is still available via Amazon Prime Video. If you’ve not seen this episode of Community, it’s one of the better ones in season two, one of the strongest seasons of the show.

Dungeons & Dragons Community Episode

Here’s a quick rundown of what we’re going to cover on this page.

Which community episode is Dungeons and Dragons?

Season 2 Episode 14 – “Advanced Dungeons & Dragons.” It is the 39th episode of the series overall. It originally aired in the United States on NBC on February 3, 2011. The episode centers around a game of Advanced Dungeons & Dragons involving the study group and a fellow Greendale Community College student – “Fat Neil.”

Why Did Netflix Remove this Community Episode?

Good question. Basically, there’s a controversy around “black face” or in this case “drow face”…

The “Drow-Face” Controversy Explained

A write at Pop Culture Studies recently wrote:

Many people online are arguing that “Advanced Dungeons & Dragons” is a bit of a different scenario than what we’ve seen in The Office and 30 Rock – in the episode, Chang isn’t pretending to be black, he’s pretending to be Drow, and the idea of Blackface is mocked – by black characters – as being offensive. The butt of the joke isn’t Black people, it’s blackface.

By Andrew Rainaldi

This is a good point. To bring things into perspective, let’s next take a look at this particular episode.

Dungeons and Dragons Community Episode Review

Personally, this is one of my top five (or ten) Community episodes. The show does a really good job of showing the characters viewers have come to know up to that point. Additionally, they use a minor character to give a little perspective to the study group. By having Fat Neil game with them, the study group is able to see outside of their crazy little world in Greendale.

While not as epic as the Pillow Fort or Paintball episodes, the Dungeons & Dragons Community episode is still one of the better episodes, especially when compared to season four when things really went a bit wacky and crazy as they tried to keep things going. And it’s definitely better than Season Five, although that season did a good job of ending the show in my opinion.

Advanced Dungeons and Dragons Community full episode

Want to watch the AD&D Community episode from start to finish and decide for yourself? It’s streaming on Amazon free with Prime. You can watch the episode yourself and decide if you think it goes too far or not. They say it’s the sign of a great mind when a person can consider two opposing sides of an issue and come to their own conclusion.

If you’re a fan of Community, you’ve probably already seen this episode. If you’re one of the few people who haven’t seen Community yet, you might want to start with Season 1 Episode 1 in order to get a better grasp of all the characters and the style of the show. Trust me. You won’t be disappointed. My favorite character is Abed Nadir.

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Overall, I think it’s important to be sensitive to issues of race and color, but in this case it’s a fantasy character being portrayed. Perhaps that was part of the reason for the writers to do the scene? Even Shirley points it out in the episode. Maybe it was Dan Harmon pushing the envelope a little too far. In any case, the episode has a lot of people talking.

Luckily, the video is still available to be seen online so you can decide for yourself whether or not it has any socially redeeming values or is just garbage. Community is a favorite show of mine (especially the first three seasons), so I was a bit perturbed when the whole controversy appeared on my radar – a bit late I might add.

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Paul Bellow

LitRPG Author Paul Bellow

Paul Bellow is a LitRPG author, gamer, RPG game developer, and publisher of several online communities. In other words, an old school webmaster. He also developed and runs LitRPG Adventures, a set of advanced RPG generators powered by GPT-3 AI. Here at LitRPG Reads, he publishes articles about LitRPG books, tabletop RPG books, and all sorts of DND content that's free to use in your personal tabletop campaign - i.e. non-commercial use. Enjoy your stay and reach out on Twitter or Discord if you want to make contact.

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