50 Great Dwarven Clan Names and Dwarf Symbols

Need a bunch of dwarf clan names? I’ve got a list of 50 that I’ve created with GPT-3 from OpenAI. If you like these, be sure to check out LitRPG Adventures where I have over two dozen advanced RPG generators powered by GPT-3.5 and DALLE3. Members also get access to our growing library of tabletop RPG content. Enjoy these names for dwarven clans then go check out LitRPG Adventures when you get a chance. Or check out my list of DND dwarf names!

For now, here’s some AI-generated dwarven clan names you can use in your game!

50 Dwarven Clan Names and Dwarf Clan Symbols

This is a list of 50 dwarven clan names and a little information about them for your fantasy tabletop RPG campaign. Enjoy!

1) Boltstone Believers

This dwarven clan consists of worshipers of the Earth Mother. They have a shrine in the Earthfast Mountains west of Sarbreen in Mulhorand, and are led by an aging female cleric. They are open to any dwarf of good character and repute. Their symbol is a white diamond on a black field.

2) Deepstar Clan

Dwarves in this clan know all about the sea. They are excellent miners, shipbuilders and sailors. They live in a fortress in the Sea of Fallen Stars, near the coast of Luiren, and have a reputation for being realistic, and thus sometimes called grumblers. Their leaders are noble and quiet and of great wisdom. The clan’s symbol is a triangle of three linked spheres of different colors.

3) Earthfast

This is a very large clan, having thousands of members and having many other clan members outside their clan. As its name implies, this clan is closely connected to the Earthmother and is centered on Gontal and the Earthfast Mountains. It has miners and smiths that do excellent work. It works closely with the Sea of Fallen Stars Clan. Its leaders are steadfast such that they are called adamant. The clan symbol is a gray circle on a black field.

4) Fireforge

This clan lies south of the Earthfast Clan in the Earthfast Mountains. Their leader is said to be a female dwarf of great power. The clan’s symbol is a mithral triangle (or a triangle of three linked mithral circles of different colors) on a black field.

5) Skyseekers

This clan is comprised of spelunkers and miners. They are believed to live in a deep shaft in the Earthfast Mountains. Their leader is a bearded male dwarf. Their symbol is a circle with a slash across it, of mithral, on a field of black.

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6) Skytower Skywatchers

Known to be excellent stargazers and astronomers, this clan lives on the southern slopes of the Earthfast Mountains in Mulhorand. Their leader is a female dwarf of great wisdom. Their symbol is a solid circle, of mithral, on a field of black.

7) Sunbar Clan

This clan is located in the Earthfast Mountains. They are known for their fine wines and liquors. They are led by a bearded male dwarf. The Sunbar Clan’s symbol is a mithral triangle on a field of black.

8) Tinderforge Clan

This clan is located in the Skybowl Mountains of Maztica and contains many dwarves who are excellent artisans and merchants. Their leader is a male dwarf aged over 70. Their symbol is a circle with a slash across it, of mithral, on a field of black.

9) Graygorge Clan

This clan is located in the Delimbiyrin Forest east of Cormyr. Most dwarves in this clan are farmers or have ties to farming. They have no leaders, but are united by common ideals, loyalties and goals. There are several clans within this one. Their symbol is a circle of gray mithral with a line of black stars on it.

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10) Ironflail Clan

This clan is known for its skilled warriors. They are led by a female dwarf who serves as a spellcaster, mage, priest and warrior. They have their stronghold in the Earthfast Mountains. Their symbol is a gray mithral triangle, with a black line of stars across it.

11) Stonefast Clan

This clan is located in the Earthfast Mountains. They have excellent warriors who are proud and noble. They have no leader and are known to work closely with the Earthfast Clan. Their symbol is a mithral triangle on a field of black with a line of black stars across it.

12) Clan Boarfrost

A unique and not well-known dwarven clan, Boarfrost dwarves have turned their backs on the traditional clan activities of fighting, mining and smithing. Instead, they have become expert farmers, having developed new techniques to combat the harsh climate of the Icepeak Mountains. They are led by a bearded male dwarf. Their symbol is a gray mithral circle with a line of black stars across it.

13) Clan Deepmountain

This clan is led by a dwarven queen who is a warrior and spellcaster. They are originally from Luiren, and have relocated to the Greycloak Hills, as they claim they were driven from their homeland. Their symbol is a gray mithral circle with a line of black stars across it.

14) Clan Foehammer

This clan was made up of mostly young dwarves who had been sent to the Sword Mountains to find dwarven sites of the ancient past. The clan was wiped out in a battle with monsters and evil humanoids. The clan has no current leader, and its members are scattered in different places. Its symbol is a gray mithral circle on a black field.

15) Flinthammer Clan

This dwarven clan has many members who are miners and builders. They live in the Earthfast Mountains. There is no leader known to be in this clan. The clan’s symbol is a gray mithral circle on a black field.

16) Fort Ironfist

A large clan whose members have a strong dwarven heritage and are many. They live in the Earthfast Mountains, and are led by a bearded male dwarf. The clan’s current king is Barrold Boulder Son of Erickson. He is a cynical, stubborn ruler who is supported by the clan’s female spellcasters who are led by Lady Cairin. The clan’s symbol is a gray mithral circle on a black field with a line of black stars across it.

17) Braids Clan

This clan is located in the Deep Wastes of the Great Desert. The leader is a dwarf female who is loyal to her king. They are known for their miners and artisans. Many believe this dwarven clan is responsible for the construction of some of the ruins in the Wastes. The clan’s symbol is a black circle with a line of mithral stars across it.

18) Ironbanner Clan

This clan is located in the Earthfast Mountains. Their leader is a dwarven fighter/mage with a haughty manner. They have excellent fighters, and are led by a female with a penchant for justice. Their symbol is a black circle with a white symbol in the middle, similar to the symbol for the Earthfast Clan.

19) Adamant Clan

A dwarven clan founded several milenia ago by dwarves who wished to leave their dwarven communities and live in seclusion from their neighbors. Members of this clan are known for their love of solitude. Their leader is a dwarven fighter/sorcerer named Falmar Stoneaxe. They are poor warriors, but make up for this by being expert underground miners and smiths.

They have excellent mining skills, and once everyone in the clan has agreed that someone is to be punished, they are banished in a very special way. Their symbol appears to be a flying dragon with coals for eyes and a pickaxe in its claws.

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20) Embelyon Clan

Lots of these sparely-populated dwarves dwell in an area close to the Pinnacle Mountains but farther south than any other known dwarven clans in the northern areas. Some years back, the Embelyon clan was nearly annihilated by goblins who raided their underground fastnesses.

Having been forced to retreat to parts unknown, the clan left behind a surviving few, who have since returned to the clan’s old home. They speak with a choppy, staccato voice, and are very secretive. They have excellent warriors, and are led by a dwarven fighter named Donel Orgold. Their symbol is a white diamond with a golden anchor in the middle.

21) Earthfast Clan

These dwarves dwell in the Earthfast Mountains, and are friendly to almost everyone. They have excellent warriors and miners, and are led by Milo “I’m Dead” Stonecutter. The clan’s specialty is magic – they excel at conjuring and enchantment magic. Once every generation, they hold a great clan gathering with attendees from other clans. Their symbol is a single circle edged with a double line with a ball on one end.

22) Skymule Clan

The Skymule is a secluded clan that dwells in the Pinnacle Mountains. They have expert warriors and good knowledge of scouting, and are led by Aidge Stonecranter. Their symbol is a black lozenge with a red crescent moon and a single star, on a white background.

23) Hammershield Clan

The vast Skymule Clan inhabits the area just below the Pinnacle Mountains, which they share with the Skymule Clan. Their leader is a dwarven fighter/mage named Jorit Mac Stonecudgel who has a grudge against their neighbor, the Skymule Clan, although she has never disclosed why. They have excellent fighters, and they speak with a slow, deliberate way of talking. Their symbol is a white circle with three black axes in a cross on it. The black axes are crossed, not overlapped.

24) Steelflint Clan

The Steelflint Clan dwells in the Earthfast Mountains, close to the Embelyon Clan. Their leader is a dwarven fighter/sorcerer named Tharil Ironfist. They are close allies of the Embelyon Clan, and are believed to be part of the same clan. They seem to be in opposition to the Circle City dwarves of Mindulgulg. The Steelflints once had a mining community east of their stronghold, but were destroyed in a brutal assault by the Firehair Clan of the Dragonfell Peaks. Their symbol is a black square bordered by an open black circle.

25) Silver Anvil Clan

These dwarves are found in the Earthfast Mountains (east of the Silverhill clan). They are particularly skillful with smithing and enchanting. They are led by a female dwarven fighter/mage named Marater “Strawhammer.” They have inexpensive warriors, and enjoy making elaborate metalwork. They live in a sturdy underground citadel called Heldenring (“Hero’s Ring”). Serendipitously, a small community of surface-dwelling dwarves live nearby as a protectorate of the Silver Anvils, and it seems as if both communities have been rather well off for quite some time. Their symbol is a red circle with a black hammer above it.

Dwarven Clan Names & Symbols
Dwarven Clan Names & Symbols

26) Silverhill Clan

These dwarves dwell in the Earthfast Mountains, close to the Silver Anvil Clans and the Skymule Clans. They have mateship with both of those clans, and no enemies so far as is known. They are led by a dwarven fighter/mage named Prince Frundle “of the Featherless Wing” (Don’t ask!), who is vain and foppish but also makes an impressive dwarven warrior. They have excellent warriors, and provide bony plates for their warriors for extra toughness. The heraldry of the Silverhill Clan is a white serpent in an open white rectangle on a black background.

27) Clan Crystalglow

This dwarven clan is well known for its links to the paladins of Iriaebor, particularly to the Knights of the Hart. They dwell in a village in the Ironstock Mountains, some miles from the town of Heldenring. They have furnished the Heldenring Militia with magical equipment of all sorts, and a number of spells developed by the Crystalglow mages have been handed over for the use of the militia by a paladin of Borag. They helped defend Heldenring from orc incursions and apparently have good ties to the underground community that lives beneath Heldenring. Their leader is a dwarven fighter named Durnhelm “Gorger” Fistquest. The dwarven clan symbol is a white hand brandishing a golden sword in the image of a red diamond on a silver background.

28) Clan Palledorf

These dwarves dwell in a small colony in the Field of Bones, the area of cliff faces and earth mounds that lie between Mithril Peak and the village of Oakwystle. They have good alliances with Oakwystle and the Woodlands, but seemed to have no ties to the Heldenring militia. They are close to both Clan Armordorf and Clan Hammerboots and have apparently come under attack from the Black Dwarves of Geluuluk and have suffered casualties. Their leader is a dwarf named Dornhelm “Gorger” Fistquest, who is a dwarven cleric. The symbol of the Palledorf Clan is a black hand laying upon a white diamond on a red background.

29) Clan Hammerboots

This clan dwells far to the North in the Earthfast Mountains. Their leader is a dwarven cleric, who has not yet been named. This clan has come under suspicion of taking part in recent orcish raids in the Northernmost Hills. The symbol of the Clan Hammerboots is a red hand resting atop a white diamond on an open red background.

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30) Armordorf Clan

This dwarven clan dwells in the Earthfast Mountains, near the village of Oakwystle, and is led by a dwarven cleric named Dornhelm “Gorger” Fistquest. This clan has close ties to Oakwystle and to Clan Palledorf, and it was on their watch that many of the Black Dwarves out of Blackmule Pass attacked the Palledorf Dwarves and put them under siege. They are very close to Clan Hammerboots, and the two clans led a large force of dwarves into the Hills of Ethengar to engage the orcs who were under the command of the green dragon Moroshtan. It is not known whether they were victorious or not as reports from that expedition have not yet been received.

31) Clan Armordorf

This dwarven clan dwells in the Field of Bones, near the village of Oakwystle, and is led by a dwarf named Dornhelm “Gorger” Fistquest. They have strong ties to Oakwystle and Clan Palledorf and have come under question for aiding the Black Dwarves of Geluuluk against the dwarves of Clan Hammerboots. The Clan Armordorf image is a gold hand on a silver diamond with a red background.

32) Skymule Clan

These dwarves dwell near the Deepwash River and the Field of Bones on the edge of the Mistymire Forest. They have good ties with both Oakwystle and the Woodlands, but are rarely seen in Heldenring save for a few travelling merchants who sell fine dwarven wares. They are led by a dwarf named Clangobble “Gorger” Fistquest, who is apparently related to the Gorgers of Icewind Dale in some way. The Clan Skymule symbol is an open white circle on a blue background.

33) Silver Anvil Clan

These dwarves are skilled with metal and have strong ties with the dwarves of the Hall of Mists under the Northway. They have trade agreements with the underground dwarven merchants near Heldenring, but do not associate often with the surface dwarves of Heldenring itself. Their leader is a dwarf named Cloud “Gorger” Fistquest, who has presumably recently succeeded his father, who dropped down dead suddenly after eating a strange black mushroom during a feast in Heldenring (He was not the only one, either). The symbol of the clan is a gray hand on a silver background.

34) Clan Hotfoot

These dwarves dwell near Heldenring and were briefly allies of the Heldenring militia during the orcish campaigns against that region. Unfortunately, they broke their bonds with the Heldenring militia following a dust-up with the local militia, who attacked a group of trolls who had been harassing their villages. This almost saw war erupt between all of the Hammersong Clan and all of the Heldenring militia, but when it was pointed out that having trolls to kill gave both dwarves and humans something to do they quickly confronted their differences and joined forces again. The Clan Hotfoot symbol is a black boot on a yellow diamond on a green background.

35) Clan Axeheft

These dwarves live in caves near Old Horn Pass and have been trading with the humans and elves of the area for many years. They appear to be allied with the Clan Bearfriend in the town of Buckford to the north in the Manshakaar Valley, but their ties to the foe of the Axeheft clan, the Clan Pickboot, are far closer.

The reason for this is that the Pickboot dwarves torched outcroppings of iron that the Axeheft dwarves had discovered in the Yatil Mountains near the site of a battle with a major orc band that had been led by Orog Gazremsh (who was killed). The leader of Clan Axeheft is a dwarf named Gorush “Gorger” Fistquest. The clan crest is a green hand on a golden axe blade on a dark blue background.

36) Clan Bearfriend

This clan lives in caves near Rauvin Dale and has traded with the humans, elves and dwarves in that region for many years. They appear to be allied with Fraser and Company, as well as with the Clan Axeheft. The leader of Clan Bearfriend is a dwarf named Cloud “Gorsh” Fisthammer. The symbol of this clan is a brown bear on a golden sunburst on a dark blue background.

37) Clan Pickboot

This clan dwells in the Yatil Mountains and has always been hostile to the human and elven inhabitants of that region, and with good cause. They appeared to be more friendly with the orcs that dwelt in that same region than most other clans of dwarves, and have therefore earned their hatred as well.

They are led by a dwarf named Clangobble “Gorger” Fistquest, who is apparently related to the Gorgers of Icewind Dale. It is their symbol that has recently been spotted in many places around Heldenring, and they seem to be in league with Clan Hotfoot. The clan crest of the Pickboot clan is a red boot on a yellow sunburst on a green background.

38) Clan Berne

These dwarves dwell in the Last Hills of Yatil and were apparently overrun by orcs long ago, although no one knows how long ago. They no longer exist as a clan.

39) Clan Snowstrike

These dwarves dwell in Yatil’s End and are allied with the orcs of that region. Their symbol is a blue hand on an open white circle on a black background. This dwarven clan is relatively new, but they’re growing their numbers quickly. Nobody quite knows how or why.

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40) Clan Smokebellow

These dwarves dwell in Yatil’s End as well and have apparently never been allied with the orcs of that region. They are led by an angry dwarf named Erog Undermountain. Their dwarven clan symbol is a black hand on an open yellow diamond on a white background.

41) Clan Hammerboots

This clan dwells in Sruth O’Crag in Yatdl. Their leader is an old dwarf named Unker Boltthrower. The dwarven clan’s symbol is a red hand on a golden northwesterly oriented square on a green background.

42) Clan Pickpockets

This clan dwells in Sviftmont in Yatdl and is allied with the orcs of that region. They are led by an infamous dwarf named Stocky Bottom. That’s not his real name, but not many know his real name. He runs a tight group, and his clan is well known throughout the lands. Their symbol is a black hand on a golden “westnorthwesterly” oriented square on a white background.

43) Clan Longlance

This clan formerly dwelt in the town of Jaztule in Yatdl, but were forced to attack it and were driven off by Lok Sannar and his warriors of the Alliance of Casters. The survivors fled west into Yatdl’s End, where the orcs of that region drove them from that region as well.

Some are rumored to be dwelling in northern Yatdl’s End, but the only for certain reports of their existence are in the Elven Woods to the west. The leader of Clan Longlance is an unnamed dwarf. Their symbol is a green spear on a red square on a yellow background.

44) Clan Cuttingsword

This clan is rumored to dwell in the south of Yatdl, but no one knows with any certainty even where they dwell, much less any other details. Their leader is an unnamed dwarf. Their symbol is a white sword on a red circle on a golden background.

45) Clan Banker

This clan dwells in the dungeons beneath the ruins of the city of Lyrabar in Turmish. They were apparently driven there by invaders, and the clan has since degenerated into nothing but a gang of brigands and outlaws. No one knows the leader of Clan Banker or the clan symbol, nor for that matter does anyone know why these degenerate dwarves are called Clan Banker.

It is rumored that these dwarves employ such tactics as intimidating more law abiding dwarves into providing them with gold from towns and cities, then returning the gold to the lawful leaders to cover the fees for their services in securing the gold.

46) Clan Glistening

This clan dwells in the deep caverns beneath the Stonefangs. Elected by their leader, the Glistening Clan always follows the accepted dwarven tradition of naming the first-born son of a princess heir to the position of clan leader. Their leader is an unnamed dwarf. Their symbol is a white diamond on a red circle on a green background.

47) Clan Saltbeard

This clan dwells in the dolomite caverns of the Deepwash in Tethyr. They were driven from their home by invaders and they long to return there. They have been on the verge of open rebellion against the humans of Tethyr for several years. They are led by an unnamed dwarf, who is apparently related to the unnamed dwarves of Clan Snowstrike. Their symbol is a white beard on an open hand on a blue background.

48) Clan Oldbuck

This clan dwells in the dolomite caverns of the Deepwash in Tethyr. They were driven from their home by invaders and they long to return there. They are led by an unnamed dwarf, who is apparently related to the unnamed dwarves of Clan Snowstrike. Their symbol is a white fairy on a blue circle on a green background.

49) Clan Shyney

This clan dwells in the dolomite caverns of the northern Mountains. They are led by an unruly dwarf named Uncle Jammer. The clan’s symbol is a yellow fairy on a dark blue diamond on a white background.

50) Clan Ironface

This dwarven clan dwells in the southern mountains. Their symbol is a red diamond on a white circle on a yellow background.

Individual Dwarven Clan Names?

If you have enough dwarven clan names, I’ve also got a free dwarf name generator you can check out to come up with dwarves to include in your clan! I hope you’ve enjoyed this list of dwarven clan names. Look below for some links to other articles on this site.

Be careful. It’s easy to lose an hour or more with all the great content we’ve built up over the last 4+ years. Thanks again for reading. If you want (and let me know on Twitter), I might publish more dwarven names that you can use.

Paul Bellow

LitRPG Author Paul Bellow

Paul Bellow is a LitRPG author, gamer, RPG game developer, and publisher of several online communities. In other words, an old school webmaster. He also developed and runs LitRPG Adventures, a set of advanced RPG generators powered by GPT-3 AI. Here at LitRPG Reads, he publishes articles about LitRPG books, tabletop RPG books, and all sorts of DND content that's free to use in your personal tabletop campaign - i.e. non-commercial use. Enjoy your stay and reach out on Twitter or Discord if you want to make contact.