Here’s a list of 100 D&D random art objects you can use in your fantasy tabletop RPG campaign.
1) A painting of a knight on a dragon. One of the knight’s arms changed into a serpent’s arm, and the dragon’s right foreleg changed into a human hand. The painting weighs half a pound and is about 2′ x 3′.
2) A statue of a god, cast of solid gold. The god is about 4′ tall.It is a halfling god.
3) A tall oil painting of a man fighting a mimic. The painting is signed, “Earl of Zanglord, 1827”.
4) A short statue of a woman holding a bowl. The statue is also an ornate mirror. It has a heavy marble base and weighs about eight pounds.
5) A large tapestry of a cleric. The cleric is sitting and there is a large hole in his chest and blood and gore all over his body and the ground around him. The tapestry is old and is worn and very dirty. It is about 8′ x 10′.
6) A marble statue of a warrior holding a sword and a shield. The statue is life-size and weighs about 300 pounds.
7) A solid gold sculpture of an angel. The angel is about 30″ high.
8) A solid gold statuette of a cleric. The statuette is about 12″ high.
9) A solid gold statuette of a wizard. The statuette is about 12″ high.
10) A bottle of a liquid that is a mauve colour. This liquid is labelled “Turpentine”.
11) A small, brass statue of a warrior. The statue is about 2′ tall.
12) A small, gold statue of a elf. The statue is about 2′ tall.
13) A small, gold statue of a dwarf. The statue is about 2′ tall.
14) A small, marble statue of a wizard. The statue is about 2′ tall.
15) A small, marble statue of a cleric. The statue is about 2′ tall.
16) A small, marble statue of a fighter. The statue is about 2′ tall.
17) A small, marble statue of a halfling. The statue is about 2′ tall.
18) A small, marble statue of a thief. The statue is about 2′ tall.
19) A marble statue of a man with a dragon at his feet. The statue is about 18″ high.
20) A leather-bound book of poetry with the title, “Poems to the Mistress”.It is rather old and is rather bent and worn.
21) A 2′ x 4′ tapestry of a woman riding a lion. The tapestry looks faded and worn.
22) A small, crystal statue of an elven warrior. The statue is about 4′ tall.
23) A small water painting of a bridge. The painting is sort of blurry.
24) This statue is made out of brass and resembles a human warrior with a horse’s head. The statue is about 3′ high.
25) A small 2-sided painting of a battle raging in a forest.
26) A small sand painting of a horse. It is about 12″ x 12″ in size.
27) A painting of a large, black dragon. The dragon is about 3′ in diameter.
28) A sand painting of a castle.
29) A wooden sculpture of a large, bull.
30) A small painting of a horse.
31) A small oil painting of a woman. The painting is rather colorful.
32) A tapestry of a large, green dragon. The tapestry is about 5′ x 7′.
33) A small painting of a bull.
34) An old-looking painting of a woman. The artwork is rather colorful.
35) A large, marble statue of a minotaur. The minotaur is about 6′ tall.
36) A marble statue of a woman holding a cup. The statue is about 4′ tall.
37) A painting of a warrior with a war horse. The painting is sort of scary.
38) A wooden statue of an elven warrior with an eagle at his feet. The statue is about 3′ high.
39) A small wooden statue of an elven woman with a sword.
40) A small, wooden statue of a man with a small dragon at his feet.
41) A small statue of a man with a small dragon at his feet.
42) A marble statue of a male dwarf with a hammer. The statue is about 4′ tall.
43) This statue is made of brass and resembles a human woman with a snake’s head.
44) A 2′ x 4′ tapestry of a woman riding a giant bull. The tapestry looks faded and worn.
45) A small painting of a horse.
46) This statue is made out of brass and resembles a warrior with the head of a horse.
47) A small, wooden statue of an elven woman with a sword.
48) A small painting of a woman.
49) A small stone statue of a gnome riding a dragon.

50) A 6′ x 6′ tapestry of a knight fighting a giant. The tapestry looks faded and worn.
51) A 2′ x 4′ tapestry of a woman riding a giant bull. The tapestry looks faded and worn.
52) A small stone statue of a gnome riding a dragon.
53) This statue is made of brass and resembles a man with the head of an eagle.
54) A small, wooden statue of an elven woman with a sword.
55) A 6′ x 6′ tapestry of a knight fighting a giant. The tapestry looks faded and worn.
56) A clay vase with polished spots.
57) A small, wooden statue of a human woman.
58) A small painting of a horse.
59) A small, wooden statue of a human woman.
60) A clay vase with polished spots.
61) This spectacular glass vase is twisted to resemble a snake.
62) A glass vase with blue-tinted liquid embedded inside.
63) A clay statue resembling a demon with the head of a jackal.
64) A small, wooden statue of a human farmer smiling. It’s crude.
65) This polished mirror is made of silver and easily worth 30 gp.
66) A magical cat figurine made of wood and stone.
Make life as a Gamemaster easier.... If you play Dungeon & Dragons, Pathfinder, or other fantasy tabletop role-playing games, this RPG random tables book is full of encounters, NPCs, and more. Available as an eBook or in a classic print format. Either way, you'll have a wealth of adventure ideas at your fingertips.

67) A painting of a horse. It appears to be worth 25 gp.
68) A bronze statue of a dwarf.
69) A silver statue of a unicorn.
70) A brass statue of a cyclops.
71) A brass statue of a giant.
72) This is a solid gold statue of a human woman.
73) This is a solid gold statue of an elven warrior.
74) A brass statue of a female elf.
75) A bronze statue of a demon.
76) A large, copper statue of an angel.
77) A bronze statue of a halfling.
78) A bronze statue of a cyclops.
79) A brass statue of a dwarf.
80) This is a solid gold statue of a dwarf.
81) This is a solid gold statue of an elf with a bow.
82) These are two brass statues of humans with fish tails.
83) These are two bronze statues of fish with the bodies of men.
84) This is a solid gold statue of a human.
85) These are two bronze statues of demons.
86) These are two brass statues of fish with the bodies of men.
87) These are two bronze statues of fish with the bodies of men.
88) This is a solid gold statue of a human.
89) These are two bronze statues of fish with the bodies of men.
90) These are two bronze statues of fish with the bodies of men.
91) This painting displays a halfling woman with a unicorn.
92) This painting displays a female elf with a dragon.
Make life as a Gamemaster easier.... If you play Dungeon & Dragons, Pathfinder, or other fantasy tabletop role-playing games, this RPG random tables book is full of encounters, NPCs, and more. Available as an eBook or in a classic print format. Either way, you'll have a wealth of adventure ideas at your fingertips.

93) This painting displays a human fighting a dragon.
94) This painting displays an elven woman fighting a giant lizard.
95) This painting displays a dwarven woman fighting a troglodyte.
96) This painting displays an elven woman with a sword.
97) This painting displays an elven warrior with a bow.
98) This painting displays an elf with a sword.
99) This painting displays an elf with a bow.
100) This painting displays an elf with a sword.