Fun Games To Download On Your Phone

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Looking for a way to bust through the boredom? We all know how frustrating it can be at times to be sat on the train, waiting for your partner to get ready, or simply killing time without anything to do. Instead of spending all your time scrolling through Facebook and Instagram this week why not consider downloading a game or two to play

Today we want to take a look at some fun mobile games that you can download this week to kill the boredom and give you something more fun to do. There are loads of amazing games out there and our selection features just a few of the ones you can try this year. 

The Simpsons: Tapped Out 

The Simpsons have always been a titan of entertainment and they are easily the most famous family on the planet. But as well as on our TV screens, they can entertain us in other ways. The Simpsons: Tapped Out is a town-building game that occurs as Homer accidentally blows up Springfield causing you to rebuild it and unlock characters as you go. There are lots of events in-game and ways to spend your time and this game can easily become addictive. 

Pokemon Go 

If you have not yet joined the hype of Pokemon on your phone, now is the time to do it. Gen 6 is slowly being released at the moment allowing players to finally get their hands on fan favourites such as Panchem and Greninja. You can use APK apps download to download the app to your phone and consider joining a local discord server too to get the latest spawn news as well as event news. There are so many ways to enjoy Pokemon Go and now that we are entering the summer it is a great excuse to get out and about and enjoy the weather.

Real Racing 3

If you are a fan of driving games and you have been looking for a great one for mobile then you don’t need to look any further. Real Racing 3 allows you to either play on your own or against your friends and random people around the world in real time. Real Racing’s graphics are what truly sets it apart from other games of its kind and you will be awed by the reflections and quality of the game in front of you. 

Among Us

Last year in lockdown a small and relatively unknown game suddenly took over the internet. Thanks to both Pewdiepie and Corpse Husband, Among Us dominated the world and it is a game you should definitely try yourself. The aim of the game is to find out who in your crew is an imposter before they are able to kill your crewmates. Its a race against time and a fun way to spend a few hours with your friends.

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Try a few of these games on your phone this week and give yourself a new form of entertainment. There are lots of amazing games out there you can try this year but these are a great place to start. 

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Paul Bellow

LitRPG Author Paul Bellow

Paul Bellow is a LitRPG author, gamer, RPG game developer, and publisher of several online communities. In other words, an old school webmaster. He also developed and runs LitRPG Adventures, a set of advanced RPG generators powered by GPT-3 AI. Here at LitRPG Reads, he publishes articles about LitRPG books, tabletop RPG books, and all sorts of DND content that's free to use in your personal tabletop campaign - i.e. non-commercial use. Enjoy your stay and reach out on Twitter or Discord if you want to make contact.

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