RPG Legends: Shadowrun

When most people think of role playing games, they think of fantasy settings. After all, the origins of the genre were strongly tinged with fantasy and most of the games that followed tried to copy what was already successful. There have been …

RPG Legends: Spelljammer

At some point during its development, Dungeons and Dragons just got weird. It took a gamble on embracing every aspect of its cosmology and pushing out settings that seem incredibly odd to today’s players. Fortunately, some of these settings ended up being …

Super Mario RPG

Anything can be an RPG. All you really need is stats, a story, and a good system in which everything can take place. There’s no better example of this fact than the existence of the Super Mario RPG series. Yes, Super Mario …

Grimoire: Heralds of the Winged Exemplar

Pigs are strapping on their wings. The devil is enjoying a snow cone. Despite all common sense and reason, one of the legendary unfinished games of the RPG world has finally been released. Grimoire: Heralds of the Winged Exemplar is a game …

RPG Maker VX Ace Overview

Have you ever wanted to make your own video games? If you’ve ever looked into it, you know that it’s not exactly an easy process. You need some very high-level computer skills and a lot of money behind you just to make …

RPG Legends: Greyhawk

Greyhawk D&D Setting

One cannot have Dungeons and Dragons without Greyhawk. Sure, there have been other settings in the history of the game. There have even been settings that have arguably been more successful. At the heart of the game, though, is Greyhawk – still …

Stick RPG 1 & 2

One of the great things about RPGs is that they don’t have to look great. Sure, some of the biggest role playing games on the PC and consoles have boasted incredible graphics, but it’s always been the story that really matters. One …

RPG Legends: Dark Sun

When most people think about Dungeons and Dragons, their minds turn towards epic fantasy. Elves, dwarves, dragons – it’s part and parcel of the role playing game package. However, those who are most familiar with D&D know that there’s far more to …

Pros and Cons of Greyhawk Initiative

Dungeons and Dragons is a game that has changed dramatically over the years. If you are a Fifth Edition player who went back to one of Gygax’s play tests, it’d be fairly hard for you to keep up. What few players understand, …

Our 10 Best D&D Modules of All Time

DND Editions

Ready for our pick of the ten Best D&D Modules of All Time? We’ve made our list of favorite Dungeons & Dragons adventures and checked it twice. Do you agree with our choices? We recently took a quick look at some of the …

Dragon Quest Game Series History

Learn more about the history of the Dragon Quest series of video games in our overview of this classic role playing game. There is a great divide in the world of console RPGs. It’s not just a matter of combat systems or …

Six Worst D&D Modules of All Time?

Worst DND Modules

Dungeons and Dragons is a game of the imagination. While some of the best campaigns that have ever been invented have been based on the ideas of individual GMs, a great deal of the experience related to playing the game is connected …