D&D Memes: Rogue Edition

Truth be told, Gord the Rogue is likely one of our favorite rogues due to nostalgia, but D&D is full of all sorts of rogues. In the earliest D&D edition, …

LitRPG: My Journey From Adult to PG

Enjoy this new Guest Post by Prax Venter. Multiple authors and fans have expressed interest in my experience with self-publishing both Erotic-Harem and Non-Erotic Non-Harem novels. They are referring to …

Author Interview with Jeremy Fabiano

Jeremy Fabiano is an emerging author of several exciting genres which include: LitRPG, Fantasy, Science Fiction, Post Apocalyptic, Medieval Post Apocalyptic and Non-Fiction. He read his first fantasy book at …

Best D&D Books with Rogues

D&D novels with rogues

The rogue is one of the building blocks of a good D&D party. They can sneak, disarm traps, pick locks, and take care of many of those pesky social checks …

Fantasy RPG Random Tables Books

Make life as a Gamemaster easier....

Paul Bellow LitRPG BookPaul Bellow LitRPG Book Paul Bellow LitRPG Book Paul Bellow LitRPG Book Paul Bellow LitRPG Book