100 Ordinary Objects with Extraordinary Properties (DND Random Tables)

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In a world of fantasy, where heroes and villains clash amidst a backdrop of magic and wonder, it’s easy to overlook the everyday objects that surround us. Yet, even the most mundane items can possess unexpected powers, transforming ordinary experiences into adventures rich with intrigue. Magical objects serve as catalysts for creativity in tabletop RPGs, spurring player imagination and narrative innovation.

Players and dungeon masters can use these unique objects to add depth and variety to their campaigns. Such items might appear deceptively simple, ambushing the unsuspecting hero with their peculiar abilities. An unassuming spoon might carry the wisdom of ages, while an inconsequential stone could secretly guard the secrets of an ancient kingdom.

This catalogue of 100 objects offers players the chance to encounter and employ ordinary items imbued with surprising magic. Use them to craft encounters full of mystery and excitement, to puzzle your players, and to enhance the stories that make any fantasy tabletop RPG unforgettable.

How to Use the Ordinary Objects

With 100 items, we’ve sorted them into sets of d20—making it easy for dungeon masters to roll if they want to introduce a random magical item into their campaign. Each entry describes an otherwise plain object that hides an incredible property, acting as both a puzzle and a boon. These items are meant to serve as narrative tools, pushing the story forward in unexpected directions, while inviting players to think outside the box.

d20 Objects That Challenge Perception (1 – 20)

These ordinary items possess abilities that alter perception, shedding new light on what seems familiar. They’re fantastic tools for players seeking to solve puzzles or explore uncharted territories. These objects might reveal hidden messages or create illusions, challenging players to distinguish reality from the fantastical.

Consider a battered map that shifts its appearance to reveal a hidden path only under moonlight. Or perhaps a pair of worn spectacles that unveil the true nature of a disguised foe. Each item in this collection forces players to question what they see, turning visual information into a pivotal narrative element.

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d20ObjectExtraordinary PropertyD100
1SpectaclesReveal invisible text when worn1
2MapShows secret paths under moonlight2
3Jar of InkUnseen writings appear when used3
4Threaded CloakAlters color to blend into environment4
5Antique MirrorShows true forms of disguised beings5
6Puzzle BoxGlows softly when clues are nearby6
7QuillWrites invisible messages seen only at dusk7
8Piece of GlassProjects illusions of distant places8
9Stone FigurineChanges appearance to mimic nearby creatures9
10Pair of EarplugsCancels distracting sound when worn10
11Polished CoinBriefly reveals true intentions of the holder11
12Book CoverAlters title to reflect reader’s thoughts12
13Rusted KeyMakes hidden doors visible for a short time13
14Tattered BannerShows images of past battles fought nearby14
15Wooden SpoonReveals the taste of any poison15
16Music BoxPlays melodies heard only by the owner16
17Tiny BellRings softly near concealed traps17
18Twisted RopeSignals tight knots beneath the surface18
19Fabric PatchReveals hidden insignias on uniforms19
20CandleholderShows shadowy figures of former owners20

These objects rely on the power of perception to transform ordinary gameplay into a test of awareness. By using these items, players engage with the world in unique ways, fostering a deeper connection to their surroundings and enhancing storytelling with moments of revelation.

d20 Objects That Influence Fortunes (21 – 40)

In this selection, magic comes in the form of altering fate or influencing luck. The objects in this category breathe life into the concept of serendipity, turning the tide of destiny in small but significant ways. For players, these items offer a tantalizing dance with chance, swaying outcomes in their favor or compensating for previous misfortunes.

There might be a simple coin that, when flipped, determines the bearer’s luck for the day. Or an otherwise insignificant ring that temporarily shifts fortune, bringing success when success seems improbable. These objects make situational advantages possible, creating narrative arcs centered on fortune and fate.

d20ObjectExtraordinary PropertyD100
1Lucky CoinFlipped to receive good luck for the day21
2Silver CharmProvides protection from minor accidents22
3Spinning TopForetells favorable outcomes briefly23
4Wooden DiceRerolls one unsuccessful action24
5Horsehair BraceletEnhances skill in a single task temporarily25
6Whispering ShellWhispers warnings of impending danger26
7Scribbled PagesTurns misfortune into a future advantage27
8Feather QuillDraws maps of prosperous opportunities28
9Threaded BraceletTemporarily binds luck to courage29
10Carved AmuletRepels misadventure for a short period30
11Tiny HourglassShifts minor events to a more favorable timeline31
12Rustic CupMakes a drinker feel confident32
13Tarnished RingWards off negative influence momentarily33
14Leather PouchKeeps valuable items safe from theft34
15Painted TokenSummons brief positive energy35
16Twisted HairpinEnhances charm or diplomacy abilities36
17Worn Out BeltAvoids one impending mishap37
18Amethyst AnkletBalances an atmosphere of negativity38
19Stone PendantEstablishes clearer foresight39
20Forged TalismanAttracts goodwill over long phases40

These objects act as wildcards in the hands of adventurers, reshaping the flow of events in surprising ways. Players get to play the architect of fate, nudging their fortunes toward fortuitous outcomes, making campaigns more dynamic and filled with unexpected turns.

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d20 Objects That Shape Communication (41 – 60)

Communication is an art that forms the backbone of society. This set of magical objects enhances that art, facilitating conversations and building connections that transcend normal boundaries. Whether bridging distances or unveiling hidden messages, these items amplify storytelling by enhancing interactions between characters.

Imagine an old locket that allows the bearer to hear words unsaid, or a pair of candlesticks that let people see impressions of written correspondence. Such objects seamlessly become parts of narratives that explore themes of unity, secrecy, and discovery through enhanced communication.

d20ObjectExtraordinary PropertyD100
1Old LocketAllows hearing of unspoken thoughts41
2Candlestick PairReveals impressions of letters sent42
3Gemstone EarringTransmits whispers over distance43
4Etched GobletCauses words to echo with clarity44
5Woven BasketAbsorbs and conveys sentiments45
6SpyglassAids in reading lips from afar46
7Tin DrumAmplifies voice to distant locations47
8Copper StickpinCreates an invisible bond of communication48
9Glowing LanternTranslates spoken language temporarily49
10Gull FeatherAllows writing in invisible ink50
11Small BellRings true when words deceive51
12Singing BowlProduces a calming voice charm52
13Oil LampReveals clues in overheard conversations53
14Knitted MufflerProjects voice through nearby walls54
15Stone ChaliceEncourages communal confidence55
16Leatherbound TomeShares thoughts written simultaneously56
17Brass KeyUnlocks minds to propose probabilities57
18Frosty MirrorReflects innermost intentions to friends58
19Silk RibbonWeaves tales into vivid dreams59
20Ancient FluteMordantly catches whispers of the past60

These objects broaden the scope of interactions between characters, allowing adventurers to experience campaigns with deeper involvements and more engaging dialogue. By leveraging items that enhance communication, players can break down barriers and amplify narratives through enriched interpersonal connections.

d20 Objects That Empower Transformation (61 – 80)

The idea of transformation fascinates adventurers, with the magic of change forever woven into the fabric of fantasy tales. This assembly of objects empowers characters to adapt and alter themselves or their environment, inspiring narratives that revolve around metamorphosis and evolution.

An old, dented cup might, when drunk from, enable a person to change form for brief periods. Or imagine a cloak that allows its wearer to become as insubstantial as fog. With these tools, players can explore new facets of character growth, identity, and understanding, as objects redefine what is possible.

d20ObjectExtraordinary PropertyD100
1Dented CupEnables brief transformation61
2Silken CloakTurns wearer into mist temporarily62
3Iron RingBestows animal traits briefly63
4Painted MaskAlters facial features temporarily64
5Cracked MirrorReflects an alternate self65
6Ivory CombTemporarily shifts hair color66
7Timber CaneMorphs into different instruments67
8Broken SpindleSpins ordinary string into golden thread68
9Emerald HornMimics creature calls accurately69
10Willow WandEnables plant manipulation for a short time70
11Jade BandExpands self-awareness temporarily71
12Wool MittenChanges weather within a small area72
13Beaded NeckletImitates accents and speech patterns73
14Clay GobletAlters taste sensations74
15Pebbled ChokerFits smoothly into tight spaces75
16Bronze BucklerProvisional imitation of armored strength76
17Flame StaveConjures controlled fire harmlessly77
18Feathered CapIllusions of flight within dreams78
19Quiet TalismanRenders wearer nearly silent79
20Woven RugChanges small room’s atmosphere80

With these transformational objects, players can shift both themselves and their world, uncovering new gameplay dynamics and personal growth. By embracing transformation, campaigns become more fluid, with pathways open to change and transcendence—where adaptability is both a skill and an adventure.

d20 Objects That Affect Emotions (81 – 100)

At the heart of every story are emotions, driving characters to extremes and linking them to powerful feelings. The final group of objects taps into this realm, granting users the ability to influence feelings, thus creating emotional landscapes that define the tapestry of their journey.

An otherwise plain handkerchief might bring tears to the eyes when touched, while a simple string might bind emotions together, creating empathy where none existed before. Such emotionally charged items offer players newfound depth to explore, enabling campaigns to resonate on a truly human level.

d20ObjectExtraordinary PropertyD100
1Plain HandkerchiefElicits brief emotional release81
2Brittle Harp StringBinds emotions to foster empathy82
3Quartz HeartRadiates peaceful contentment83
4Ceramic MugInstills a sense of warmth84
5Leather DrumAmplifies courage with each beat85
6Brass GobletInduces mirth and laughter86
7Amber BraceletGlows with love when held87
8Glass BeadCenters chaotic emotions88
9Bronze RingInvokes a sense of nostalgia89
10Velvet RibbonTies delicate bonds of friendship90
11Pewter PinChannels stoic determination91
12Woven BraceletCommunicates small joys92
13Silk VeilEngenders gentle longing93
14Paper CraneFosters thoughts of hope94
15Small LocketHides personal dreams and fears95
16Horn MedallionCreates trust unbidden96
17Patchwork QuiltWraps souls in comfort97
18Stone PendantAmplifies sorrow slightly98
19Painter’s PaletteElicits creative ambition99
20Needle and ThreadSew shadows of cherished memories100

Through these emotionally charged objects, players engage at deeper levels, exploring character motivations and relationship dynamics. As emotions influence decisions, campaigns gain richness, turning quests into stories told through the heart.

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By integrating extraordinary properties into ordinary objects, storytellers and players alike open their tabletop RPG experiences to realms of imagination and emotion. These items create layers within campaigns, adding complexity to interactions, possibilities for character growth, and opportunities for storytelling. As adventurers discover magic weaved into the mundane, they unfold tales of connection, transformation, and shared wonder—at the heart of every enduring fantasy.

100 Ordinary Objects with Extraordinary Properties

Fantasy worlds are often filled with grand gestures and epic quests, but sometimes the most memorable moments come from the unexpected twists in the ordinary. Introducing everyday objects with extraordinary properties into a tabletop RPG not only adds depth to the narrative but also instills a sense of wonder and amusement. These magical items compel players to look beyond the superficial, encouraging them to think creatively and interact with their surroundings in innovative ways.

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As players encounter these unsuspecting treasures, they discover that magic doesn’t always manifest in explosive spells or wild adventures. Instead, it lingers quietly in a simple wooden spoon or a seemingly ordinary piece of glass. These items remind us that every adventure, whether grand or humble, has its own charm and significance. They forge stories that highlight the whimsical side of a world where enchantment lies dormant within the commonplace.

By weaving these objects into the grand tapestry of your campaign, you create richer experiences, filled with new dimensions and possibilities. Players learn to value subtlety and nuance, recognizing that even small, magical touches can lead to profound, transformative journeys. Through these magical items, we remember that in fantasy realms, just like in life, there is always more than meets the eye. Embrace the magic nestled in each simple object, and let them guide your adventurers to unexpected revelations and heartfelt tales.

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Kathy Stone

LitRPG Author Kathy Stone

Kathy Stone has been in love with words (and games) since she was a child. Kathy’s favorite books growing up were from the Sweet Valley High series, Nancy Drew, and the Goosebumps series. She loved playing the Nintendo and later the Super Nintendo. She is a mother of one and is living in Indianapolis, IN. Kathy loves a good book, a good laugh, and has been occasionally known to partake in a D&D session or three.

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