On Finishing my First LitRPG Novel

The book cover features a warrior in armor holding a sword, set against a background of trees. The title reads Tower of Gates: Book Two - Human by Paul Bellow, with a +500 EXP text overlay.

Wow. It’s been a strange, crazy trip so far. Most people have been helpful as I switch to the LitRPG genre. Others are protective of the money they’re making in the genre and haven’t been as welcoming, but I understand their position.

As I finish my first LitRPG book, it’s a bittersweet moment. I’m anxious to get the book out to more readers, but I’m also sad that the first one is ending. This isn’t something that’s happened with a lot of the novels I’ve written in other genres.

LitRPG Interview: Magic Dome Books

Book covers for New Releases in the LitRPG genre. Titles: From Bestselling Authors, Video Game Plotline Tester, The Way of the Outcast, The Phantom Castle. Authors: Vasily Mahanenko, Michael Atamanov, Alexey Osadchuk. Orange background.

Simon Vale from Magic Dome Books was kind enough to answer a few of our questions over email. Here’s his answers with news about what’s coming up from them in the next few weeks. As always, you can expect great Russian –> English LitRPG translations as they work hard to bring us Americans some LitRPG from overseas. 

What About LitRPG Movies for Gamers?

A group of three cartoon characters stands in a medieval village. On the left, a large bearded figure holds a sword, in the middle, a green-skinned character with pointy ears, and on the right, a mustached figure in a futuristic outfit.

Someone on social media the other day was asking about good “LitRPG movies.” While Ready Player One won’t be released until March 2018, I’ve put together a collection of some classic movies for gamers. Okay, not all of them are movies, but they’re worth a watch in my opinion. If you love gaming, there’s sure to be something on this list you’ll enjoy. 

My Gaming History: Part One

An ASCII art styled RPG game screen showing options and stats: HP, ATK, MP, and Gold. A quest to Destroy the raiders in the Rogue Camp is listed. Options include locations like Grassy Fields, Blacksmith, and Tavern.

Oh, my. Where to begin. I guess it came with writing my own Zork-like adventure in Basic on an IBM PC clone ordered via phone direct from China. The 80s, …

Why Do I Love the LitRPG Genre?

As a full-time self-published author, I’m always looking at the money side of the business to ensure my lights stay on. With that said, I love the creative writing part …

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