Welcome to today’s post, adventurers, where we delve into the nitty-gritty of the underutilized, often misunderstood, but unquestionably thrilling mechanic in Dungeons and Dragons (D&D) 5e: Grappling. Aptly described as a game mechanism veering away from the usual stand-still skirmishes, grappling enhances the dynamic combat system of D&D by presenting exciting close-combat melodramas during gameplay.
In the vast battlefield of D&D, engaging in sword fights, casting spells, and throwing projectiles are the stock combat moves. However, when a situation calls for restricting an opponent’s movements – perhaps to prevent them from running away, or to stop them from activating a deadly trap, grappling enters the scene. From a towering Owlbear to a cunning Rogue, there’s really no limit to who or what you can grapple with. Although it doesn’t cause any explicit damage, its ability to immobilize opponents renders grappling an effective tactical move in an array of scenarios.
Comparing the 5e’s grappling mechanic with its previous editions reveal a much simpler and straightforward approach, enabling players to incorporate this into their combat strategies without the daunting complexities. Nonetheless, grappling has always been on the fringes of mainstream D&D tactics, the rules can be a bit tricky and some players get deterred in exploring them. Thus, it remains less traversed and a nuanced avenue in the game.
In today’s discourse, we will demystify grappling in D&D and equip you with a comprehensive understanding of the mechanic – what it is, when to use it, and how to use it. Whether you’re a player or a Dungeon Master, it’s beneficial to understand how this system works. With the right knowledge and judicious application, grappling can make your D&D journey more enriching, exciting, and strategic. Whether you’re preparing for your next D&D session, or simply deepening your understanding of this fantasy role-playing game, let’s dive in, and unfold the power of grappling in D&D 5e.
Basic Mechanics of Grappling in 5e
Initiating a grapple in 5e follows a different set of rules than your standard attack move. This special melee attack action doesn’t rely on your typical attack roll but instead, depends on your strength, whether you’re the one grappling or trying to break free. Grappling has a different dynamic: it emphasizes control and dominance rather than damage. This direct, person-to-person combat creates memorable narratives and opens the job for interesting tactical decisions.
It’s important to note that grappling is not a confrontation of pure brute strength. While strength plays a major role, the flexibility of choice between strength (Athletics) and dexterity (Acrobatics) checks gives vastly different characters the ability to engage in a wrestling match. The grappled creature can choose the type of check for its escape, while the grappler is constrained to strength (Athletics). Let’s examine each mechanic in more depth.
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Initiating a Grapple: Rules and Requirements
Initiating a grapple in 5e requires a successful strength (Athletics) check against the target’s contested strength (Athletics) or dexterity (Acrobatics) check, the target choosing whichever is most beneficial. One of the main considerations in grappling in 5e is that it requires one of your available attacks, and if you possess the multi-attack feature, you can replace one of your attacks with a grapple.
Remember that grappling is not an automatic action. An initiator’s attempt to grapple could be unsuccessful, creating a turn of regret and tactical misjudgment. Being aware of the target’s strength or dexterity can increase the success of a grapple. It’s all about playing your cards right and understanding your opponents.
Furthermore, regardless of your size, you can only grapple creatures that are a maximum of one size larger than yourself. Therefore, a medium-sized character can grapple up to a large-sized creature but would find themselves unable to grapple anything bigger.
The Grappled Condition Explained
The grappled condition in 5e is a unique status inflicted on a creature when a grapple is successful. When a character is grappled, their speed becomes zero, and they cannot benefit from any bonus to speed. The condition confines the target to its current location, eliminating their ability to move away freely.

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However, being grappled does not inhibit the target’s ability to attack, cast spells, or take other actions. They may be restricted in movement, but they’re free to retaliate, making grappled foes as dangerous as before, potentially raising the stakes for the grappler.
A grappled character can use its action to escape. To do so, it must succeed a contest against the grappler’s strength (Athletics) check. Upon a successful escape, the grappled condition ends. Moreover, the condition ceases if the grappler is incapacitated or if an effect removes the grappled creature out of reach.
Strength and Dexterity Checks in Grappling
Intertwined with the mechanics of grappling in 5e are Strength and Dexterity checks. As implied earlier, the initiator (and in case of counter grapple, the holder) of a grapple uses a Strength (Athletics) check to see if their grapple is successful. This underscores the importance of brute force in trying to hold a creature in place and restricting its movement.
However, the creature being grappled has a choice, it can match the grapple initiator’s Strength (Athletics) check or it can opt for a Dexterity (Acrobatics) check, portraying its attempt to wriggle free or dodge the grapple attempt. This gives more nimble and agile creatures, often with lower Strength, a chance to resist the grapple. This flexibility makes the grapple mechanic in 5e accessible and balanced across a variety of D&D characters.
It’s important to understand that these checks are not one-time events. In case of a successful grapple, the grappled creature can use its action to escape the grapple, and another contested Strength/Dexterity check happens, this time for the grappled to break free. The dynamic of strength and agility persists, bringing an exciting tug of power in the middle of a battlefield.
Limitations and Size Considerations
Grappling in 5e isn’t without its limitations. As thrilling as it might be to imagine a gnome grappling a dragon, creature size plays a significant role in the grapple mechanic. One can only grapple a creature that’s a maximum of one size larger. This means a Medium-sized adventurer can grapple Large creatures but not Huge ones.
Size results in a travel speed reduction as well. While you’re dragging or carrying the grappled creature, your speed is halved unless the creature is two or more sizes smaller than you. Additionally, successfully grappling a creature doesn’t leave it defenseless. A grappled creature may not be mobile, but they’re still capable of attacking, casting spells, and taking other actions.
Lastly, removing one hand from the grappled creature ends the grappled condition. This means maintaining a grapple requires an ongoing commitment and it limits actions that require both hands. Exceptions notwithstanding, the grappler is essentially dedicating one of their hands to maintain the grapple. This ongoing action and the concentration it implies adds a level of immersive realism to the thrill of the D&D 5e grapple.
Strategies for Effective Grappling
As with any combat strategy in D&D, successful grappling is about more than just understanding the rules. It’s about finding the right moments, exploiting your enemy’s weak points, and coordinating with your allies to come out on top. With that said, allow me to introduce some strategical concepts that can power up your grappling game.
Choosing the Right Targets to Grapple
While the thought of immobilizing your enemies sounds tempting, it’s essential to remember that not all targets are beneficial or even viable to grapple. Ideally, the best grapple targets are those who rely heavily on mobility. The “hit-and-run” combatants or spellcasters who need to maintain distance for effective casting could be devastated if their movement is restricted.
However, grappling a target with high Strength or Dexterity may only lead to a futile effort and a wasted opportunity. Certain monsters have Legendary Resistance or high saving throws, making them poor choices as grapple targets. Therefore, deciding who to grapple should be a calculated decision based on target attributes and potential effects on the battlefield.

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Combining Grappling with Other Attacks (e.g., Prone)
Where grappling really shines is when you use it in combination with other attacks or conditions. Take the “prone” condition, for example. If you can knock an enemy prone while they are grappled, they essentially become sitting ducks for melee attacks. As standing up requires movement, and a grappled creature’s speed is zero, a prone enemy cannot stand up until the grapple is broken.
Melee attacks against a prone creature have advantage, and ranged attacks have disadvantage – perfect if you have a group primarily composed of melee fighters. In this scenario, your allies can wail on your prone, grappled enemy, finding it easier to land their hits.
Considerations for Player Characters and Monsters
The ability and effectiveness of grappling vary widely among different D&D characters and monsters. Characters with high Strength and access to the Athletics skill will naturally be better at initiating grapples. Meanwhile, characters and creatures with high Dexterity will have an easier time avoiding and breaking free from grapples.
Monsters and NPCs that are large with high Strength scores (like giants) can be exceptional threats with their grappling, capable of immobilizing even the hardiest fighters. As a player, it’s crucial to understand your character’s strengths and limitations when incorporating grappling into your combat strategy.
Escaping a Grapple: Options and Tactics
If you find your character on the receiving end of a grapple, fear not, for you have options. You may contest the grapple using your Strength (Athletics) or Dexterity (Acrobatics), flexing your brawn or agility to free yourself. Results may vary with your class and stats, so choose the option with higher proficiency.
Additionally, your allies can also intervene to help you break free by grappling the creature grappling you or using forced movements like the “Shove” action, spells with push or pull effects, or teleportation magic to separate you two.
Remember, escaping a grapple uses your action, so weigh your options. Sometimes, it might be more strategic to stand your ground and fight back, especially if the enemy isn’t posing much of a threat by themselves.
In conclusion, a good grappler in D&D does more than just understand the rules of grappling. They see the battlefield as a chess match, always calculating the potential consequences of their actions and staying two steps ahead of their enemies. Integrated with the game’s other elements, grappling can become a powerful tool capable of turning tides in complex scenarios.

The Grappler Feat in 5e
One of the ways to enhance your character’s grappling prowess in 5e is through the Grappler feat. A select option available to characters as they level up or during character creation, this feat specifically targets those who wish to specialize in grappling their foes, adding an extra layer of depth to the grappling rules.
Prerequisites and Benefits of the Grappler Feat
The Grappler feat requires a Strength of 13 or higher, reflecting the physical demand of mastering such a skill. This prerequisite makes the feat accessible mainly to characters who are already inclined towards physical roles, such as Fighters, Barbarians, or even certain builds of Rangers and Paladins.
The Grappler feat offers two primary benefits. First, it grants you an edge in your grappling endeavors, allowing you to have advantage on attack rolls against a creature you are grappling. Second, it allows the character to pin a grappled creature to render both the grappler and the target restrained.
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Strategies for Using the Grappler Feat
Earning the Grappler feat changes your tactical landscape. Having advantage on attacks against a grappled creature significantly increases your chances of landing successful hits, making each round more impactful for you. This can be particularly effective when paired with classes or builds that have features or abilities that trigger on a hit, or that can otherwise take advantage of a vulnerable target.
The ability to pin a creature is another strategic element. Pinning doesn’t just restrain the target, but also the grappler. While this condition undoubtedly escalates the risk, it enhances the reward too by offering your allies repeated advantage on attacks against a target that can hardly fight back effectively.
Pros and Cons of the Grappler Feat
Despite its strategic advantages, the Grappler feat is not without its drawbacks. While having advantage on attack rolls is beneficial, it’s limited to just one creature you’re grappling. Likewise, restraining an opponent can give your party a serious edge in combat, but it also restrains you. If you and the creature are in the thick of a battle, you’re essentially a sitting duck.
Also, the feat depends heavily on the application of grapples, meaning its benefits might not be helpful in every battle scenario. Fighting against multiple foes or a single large enemy may present challenges to a character relying heavily on the Grappler feat.
Character Concepts that Benefit from the Grappler Feat
The Grappler feat fits well into the hands of any physically strong character that has a preference for close combat. Barbarians and Fighters often make the most out of the feat due to their higher hit points and strong melee abilities. It also shines in the hands of a character who functions as a ‘tank’ for the party – drawing attention and damage away from less robust party members. A grapple-specialized tank can lock down key threats and control the battlefield to the party’s advantage.
Brawny Rogues (you cannot wear that armor it is too heavy) or Monks might also find the Grappler feat attractive. It can set up situations that favor sneak attacks or deliver powerful blows with advantage. Characters styled after professional wrestlers or gladiators would also provide a fun, thematic fit for the feat.
With creativity and strategic planning, the Grappler feat can become a central piece of a character’s combat style, offering an exciting alternative path to those eager to leave their mark in the world of D&D 5E.
Grappling in Different Campaign Settings
Grappling can be particularly engaging when Dungeon Masters integrate it into new campaign settings, environments, and cultures—a real opportunity to add some in-depth verisimilitude to a game. With a rich variety of environments, cultures, and monsters in D&D, there lies an expansive array of scenarios for grappling to add a unique flair to combat encounters.
How Grappling Works in Various Environments
The overarching principle of grappling remains the same across all campaign settings—tying an enemy down to limit their mobility. However, environments can affect grappling tactics and strategies significantly. For example, grappling near a cliff edge can add the possibility of threatening to throw an enemy off the edge, or alternatively, grappling underwater could introduce new challenges to movement and provoke relevant ability checks related to swimming or holding one’s breath.
In a barroom brawl scenario, grappling might involve more non-lethal strategies, flipping opponents onto tables, or pushing them into bystanders. Comparatively, a slippery ice cavern might make both initiating and maintaining a grapple more challenging due to the terrain. Properly leveraging the environment can add layers of challenge, immersion, and depth to the use of grappling in your campaign.
Cultural and Historical Perspectives on Grappling
In many D&D settings, different races have various cultural practices and combat styles, and these can drastically impact the perception and usage of grappling. A Goliath tribe, for instance, might value grappling as a show of strength, using it in ritual combat or to resolve disputes. They might have developed unique wrestling techniques, passed down through generations.
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Elves could apply their graceful moves into a series of agile dodges and locks, akin to Aikido, turning opponent’s strength against them. A rogue Thieves’ Guild might stress stealth and evasion over direct confrontation but might train their members in grappling as a last resort for silent takedowns.

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This is where the diversity of D&D truly shines—each culture can bring a unique flavor to grappling that not only impacts the mechanics and gameplay but also deeply enriches the world-building aspect of the game.
Unique Monsters and Challenges for Grappling
Witnessing a halfling character fearlessly initiating a grapple on a burly Ogre is as suspenseful as it sounds. With numerous different monsters in D&D, there are myriad creative and challenging ways grappling can be spotlighted during combat encounters.
One such challenge might be foes that are dangerous to touch, like creatures with a damaging aura, thorny skin, or burning bodies. Another might be ethereal or incorporeal enemies who can pass through physical barriers. Creatures with extra limbs or high strength scores could present more traditional, but nonetheless challenging, grappling scenarios.
Take a creature like a Gelatinous Cube, a monster that engulfs and grapples its opponents by default. Or consider facing a Roper, with its six vine-like tendrils each capable of grappling an opponent. Magical beasts, otherworldly entities, undead enemies, all can add gripping dimensions to the grappling mechanic.
Creatures with grappling-specific abilities not only make combat terrifying and exciting but also create a plausible rationale for player characters to level up their grappling techniques in response. Remember, D&D is not only about mastering the mechanics and defeating monsters, it is also a game of creatively responding to the challenges that these equally creative monsters present.
Tips for Dungeon Masters
Here’s some final tips for DND grapple 5e!
Integrating Grappling into Encounters and Storylines
As a Dungeon Master, you have the power to incorporate any gameplay mechanic into your encounters and stories, including grappling. Use it to provide a thrilling turn of events, or to increase the depth and complexity of your encounters. For instance, you could create an encounter with a criminal gang, with one member specifically designed to grapple and immobilize the party’s strongest character.
Grappling can also become an important tool for character development. A character who routinely uses a grapple may eventually find renown as a wrestler, bringing with it invitations to local tournaments, challenges from aspiring combatants, or even a romantic entreaty from an enamored fan. Remember, every successful grapple can be a stepping-stone to an interesting storyline.
Creating NPCs and Villains with Grappling Abilities
The fun part about being a DM in D&D is that you get to create a diverse array of characters, each with their unique abilities. While magical abilities and special powers are always enticing, consider adding characters with exceptional physical skills into the mix. Try creating a character who’s renowned as a master grappler, capable of handling any opponent.
Villains having grappling skills can make combat both challenging and interesting. Suppose you have a villain who’s more of a thug or a Brute, with strength and resilience as their forte. Grappling can be their signature attack, adding to their fear factor and resonance with players.
While integrating grappling into your D&D campaign can be interesting, it is necessary to balance it with other combat mechanics. Balance in this context pertains not to the adjustment of numerical values but more to the story and encounter design.
Grapples should represent a viable tactical option for PCs and NPCs, but not so powerful that they render other actions pointless. For instance, a grapple should always come with its set of costs and rewards. If an NPC grapples a player, they’re also putting themselves at risk. While this might work out if they’ve a sturdy defense, a frail caster might want to think twice before trying to bind a Barbarian in close combat.
We have covered the various aspects of grappling, ranging from its basic definition to mechanics, and even how DMs can use it in their campaigns. Remember, in 5e you initiate a grapple with a Strength (Athletics) check, the target resists with Strength (Athletics) or Dexterity (Acrobatics) check. Grappling is limited by size, with a character able to grapple one size larger, and it halts a creature’s movement but doesn’t leave it helpless. The grappled creature can still attack and take actions, and escape a grapple with a similar contested check.
Grappling opens a plethora of tactical combat options and exciting narratives for characters. Whether you’re a player hoping to add diversity to your character’s combat repertoire, or a DM looking to spice up combat encounters, grappling offers a lot of untapped potential. So, don’t be hesitant to test the waters and experiment with grappling in your future D&D games.
In the end, D&D boils down to creating stories of adventure, camaraderie, and epic battles, and grappling is another tool to add variety and color to those stories. Whether as a DM or player, remember the ultimate goal is to enjoy the game and have fun!
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Finally, a salute to all D&D players, Dungeon Masters, and enthusiasts like yourselves who make the world of Dungeons and Dragons so engaging. Your drive and passion make it all worthwhile! Roll your dice, start your encounters, narrate your epic tales, and keep on adventuring in the captivating world of D&D. Let your adventures be legendary!