Kevin Sinclair, was an author, but decided to become a writer instead, because he can never seem to spell author right at the first time of asking, despite knowing full well how to spell author. An evil curse has clearly been enacted up on him which causes this debilitating facet of his life. After moving on from those turbulent times, he has gone on to create an epic Sci-Fi, Fantasy, LitRPG series: Condition Evolution. Created from his love of the larger questions in life, such as what type of bush is that?
When did you first start writing fiction?
For as long as I can remember. I’ve always loved writing stories. I didn’t realise I wanted to be an author until I was around seventeen or so.
I’d been encouraged at school to focus more on Science and Math related subjects. I wanted to be a scientist for most of that time. I never told anyone why though… Because I wanted to genetically engineer myself into a superhero.
I should have realised then, that my strengths lay in creativity more than science and my school grades ended up reflecting that.
What kind of books do you enjoy reading? Paper or eBook?
It took me a while to come to terms with eBooks. I never thought I’d give up the physical book.
Now I’m probably 70% eBook. It’s just so handy, especially when you have a large screen phone. That’s where I read all my books. It means you can fit in a bit of reading anytime, anywhere. Bus stop, waiting in a queue, sitting on the toilet. Really handy.
However, if you’re lying in bed reading and you fall asleep, a phone dropping in your face hurts a lot more than a paperback.
What’s your favorite under-appreciated LitRPG novel?
I feel the genre as a whole is under – appreciated. I’d like to raise more awareness of it in the UK for certain.
As for a specific book, I couldn’t really put my finger on one. Most of those I’ve read seem to have a good following.
Of your books, which is your personal favorite? Why?
I only have two, and I absolutely love both of them. I’ve had such a good time writing them, they’re like my children and you should never pick a favorite. Maybe in ten books time I might have a better answer for you.
You can make one LitRPG book (not your own) a movie. Which is it, and why?
There’s so many to choose from, but I’m going to choose The Good Guys by Eric Ugland.
I just love the humor, not to mention I love a good OP character.
Do you believe in writer’s block?
I believe in it for other people. But i haven’t encountered it myself yet. If I’m unsure i just start typing any old crap and sooner or later the story just starts flowing. Do I have to delete the first paragraph or completely re-work it? Often.
Are you an outliner or pantser?
I don’t know. I mean, isn’t an outline pantsed in the first place?
In the generally accepted sense of the terms, I’d say I’m a hybrid. It’s kind of like a planned pub crawl. I know where I’m going, I know the stops I’m going to make on the way, but everything else remains a mystery till I’m doing it.
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What is your writing process like?
I write the first draft on my phone on google docs. I just write and write, anywhere and everywhere until I get to the end of the story. Then I take it over on the computer. The word count tends to double at this stage, and I sort out the obvious spelling and grammar.
After that I listen to it, refining and adding as I go before I look for feedback. Then it goes for editing. With a final proofread by me and others, where I still end up messing about with it far too much, and voila, it’s done. Ready to go under the microscope.
How many hours a day do you write?
It still varies massively at the moment. I have a pretty hectic life, so as many as I can fit in on a day to day basis. Hopefully, I will be able to be more consistently focused on writing in the future. As a minimum though I try to get at least two hours that’s at least writing related. There’s been odd days where it’s been sixteen hours. But those are few and far between.

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Who are some of your favorite authors of all time?
The number one of all time for me, and always will be is the late great David Gemmell. I can’t express how much I loved his books. I can honestly say only one book has ever made me shed a tear and it was from this man. Honorable mentions to Joe Abercrombie, Mark Lawrence, Bernard Cornwell, Terry Pratchett, and Brandon Sanderson. All fantastic Authors who have inspired me greatly.
Where do you get your ideas?
A combination of life, books and films and definite seasoning of who the hell knows! My mind is the battleground of crazy scenarios and always has been. I’m just glad to be finally getting them out of my head and onto the screen.
What are your thoughts on how VR will affect the future of humanity?
Hopefully for the better. I know already there has been some really promising developments in VR for therapy particularly for mental health conditions. I touch upon this a lot in book one, and it was interesting to find out how it is already being used.
What kind of research do you do, and how long do you spend researching before beginning a book?
For these books, I researched as I went if I needed to. As they’re pure fantasy Sci-fi, i didn’t need too much other than what was already roiling in my crazy brain.
First video game memory?
Bubble Bobble, on the ZX Spectrum. I remember being absolutely obsessed with it.
What can fans expect from you next?
I want to continue my current series Condition Evolution. It’s a blast to write, and I have it plotted out for around Eight books. That’s not a solid figure yet, as so much can change.
As for what I’ll write next, I’ve started five other series all of which I want to continue with, but I’m having new inspiration all the time.
Anything else you would like to add?
I just want to thank everyone who has helped me follow my dream. There’ve been some really pivotal people who have gone out of their way to help me and you all know who you are.
To readers, I’d just like to ask to leave honest good natured reviews.
Also, EVERYONE READ CONDITION EVOLUTION!!! As Long as you’re over eighteen, can deal with unconventional characters and have a sense of humor. The last one’s really important.