Jay Boyce is an avid reader and traveler, explorer of new things. Daughter of a librarian and wielder of words, she is primarily an editor who’s trying her hand at writing. A crazy dreamer, she creates stories in her head all the time, and finally decided to start writing them down and sharing the love. A perpetual learner, she also works at her local university attending classes with deaf students and gleaning knowledge on any random subject she can get her hands on. The best descriptor of her has always been eclectic, because she wants to try most things at least once.
When did you first start writing fiction?
When I was 10 years old, I started writing Harry Potter fanfiction. I had a book series I worked on for years, but eventually gave up for a long time and became an editor. In June 2018, I had to make a lot of life changes because I was diagnosed with an autoimmune, and I decided that life is short and I needed to do what I wanted. So I started writing again. ^_^
What kind of books do you enjoy reading? Paper or eBook?
These days I mostly do eBook, but there’s still something wonderful about having a physical copy in hand. But I really love the search feature…
What’s your favorite under-appreciated LitRPG novel?
Probably Somnia Online by KT Hanna.
Of your books, which is your personal favorite? Why?
I’d have to say Sense. I feel like although it took me the longest to write, it’s also the best quality. I hope to continually improve.
You can make one LitRPG book (not your own) a movie. Which is it and why?
Advent: Red Mage. It’s kind of a copout because I still consider it partially mine because I edited it, but it’s close to my heart. I also think it would be binge watched like crazy right now with the current apocalyptic frenzy.
Do you believe in writer’s block?
I suppose I do. I mostly believe life and health can get in the way, but there are times when I really just struggle to write a scene. I often resort to badgering Xander about my problems as he asks questions or acts as my sounding board until something clicks.
Are you an outliner or pantser?
I am very much a pantser, though I did outline book 3 and partway into 4 because I was asked to. I always have an idea of where I want to go, but I don’t usually have a strict outline, and even then, things change.
What is your writing process like?
Some of my favorite chapters happen because of inspiration from something else in my life. I’ll be in a lecture and something will hit home, or someone will tell me a story and it makes me cry. Those all get included, but honestly, when I sit down to write, I need music playing and I have to try and tune out any social media while I snack and try to put the words in my brain onto paper.
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How many hours a day do you write?
It’s never actually consistent. Some days it’s minutes, some days it’s hours. Just kinda depends on how restless I am, if I have a migraine or energy in general.
Share a photo of your workspace and tell us about it?
So I work from my bedroom. I have a mini-fridge nearby to keep healthier snacks like veggies available so I don’t go for sugar. I had two printed blankets of my first and third book art on my wall because art to me is motivating. Then there’s my wigs and crowns, because it reminds me I can be whatever I want, plus I just like color. And of course, there’s my bowl of dice for rolling events and probabilities. You’ll also notice there’s mugs and a bunch of mio–I try to keep myself hydrated, but I can’t drink straight water very easily, so I flavor it.

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Who are some of your favorite authors of all time?
Anne McCaffrey, Tamora Pierce, and Mercedes Lackey. They were my role models growing up, my escape into fantasy worlds.
Where do you get your ideas?
Really, from just about everything. I get a lot from the lectures and classes I go to at the university, and just watching college students in general. I draw a lot from my past and present experiences in life, and then I also draw from fans and memes. But mostly, my books came from my lucid dreaming, which I do every night. I had a dream about this cool ability, then asked “well, how would that have started?” That was Siphon.
What are your thoughts on how VR will affect the future of humanity?
I’m both excited and terrified for it, because I would love to explore that world, but I’m also kind of lazy. I’d much rather read about worlds than have to go and get hurt. So that pain threshold in the brain is going to be a huge concern for me. But in a world where we seem to lose face to face contact, I feel like in a way, it might actually help with that. But I also think it would be crazily addicting and I wouldn’t want to do much else. Soooooooo…
What kind of research do you do, and how long do you spend researching before beginning a book?
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I don’t research before a book. I research as things come up. However, I never research anything Jade ‘should know.’ If I don’t know it off the top of my head, neither does Jade, since she doesn’t have access to the internet anymore. Which is why she sometimes says things wrong. I’ve had fans correct me on stuff she’s said, and I just had to tell them “it’s what she remembered, right or wrong.”
First video game memory?
Playing legend of zelda on the N64. Or wait, no…. There was Duck Hunt before that. And I used to watch my siblings play some maze hero game on the PC.
What can fans expect from you next?
Well, Sense comes out on the 27th, so there’s that! Audio production should start in late April.
Anything else you would like to add?
What you look for, you will find. I decided a long time ago that my outlook would be to look for the good in life, and to be one of those people that by just being around them, it made other people want to be better. Do good, and look on the bright side. Even if things may seem dark, there’s always light to be found.
Check out Sense, a Touch of Power Book 3!