2023 Guide to DnD 5e Alignments for Characters and Creatures

In the imaginative realms of Dungeons & Dragons (D&D), characters are defined not only by their magical abilities or martial prowess but also by their moral compasses and adherence to order or chaos. Alignments in D&D are a fascinating facet of character creation and development, providing a foundation for players to understand and role-play their characters’ ethical and societal attitudes.

Alignments serve as a subtle undercurrent to the storytelling process, offering a two-axis system that classifies characters based on their morality (good, evil, or neutral) and their lawfulness (lawful, chaotic, or neutral). This categorization helps players and Dungeon Masters (DMs) alike to predict or plan character behavior and interactions with the world around them, making it a vital tool in the craft of collaborative storytelling.

During character creation and throughout the gameplay, alignments are meant to be descriptive, shaping how a character is likely to think and act. However, they are not prescriptive, allowing for growth and change. The importance of alignments lies not in locking a character into a set path but in providing a starting point for their journey and a way to enrich the game with consistent and compelling character arcs.

As we delve into the world of alignments, it’s essential to remember that these categories are flexible. They are meant to serve as guidelines rather than strict, unchanging labels. Characters, much like real individuals, are complex and multi-dimensional, capable of change and inconsistency. Alignments should aid in the role-playing experience, not confine it.

With this understanding in mind, let’s explore the spectrum of DnD alignments and their significance in the grand tapestry of a D&D adventure.

Understanding the Alignment Grid

When diving into the multifaceted world of Dungeons & Dragons, a fundamental component for character development is the alignment system. This system is a crux for role-playing, affecting how characters perceive the world and interact with it. Understanding this grid is vital for both players and Dungeon Masters (DMs), offering a guideline for character behavior and decision-making. Let’s explore the dimensions of the alignment grid in detail.

The Nine Distinct DnD Alignments

The alignment system in D&D is composed of nine unique alignments, each representing a different combination of ethical (good to evil) and moral (lawful to chaotic) perspectives. These nine alignments are:

  1. Lawful Good – The crusader who acts with honor and compassion within society’s laws.
  2. Chaotic Good – The free spirit who does good as they deem fit, unbound by laws.
  3. Neutral Good – The altruist who does good whether within or outside the law.
  4. Lawful Neutral – The order upholder, who values structure over moral dilemmas.
  5. Chaotic Neutral – The free agent, who values personal freedom and acts on whims.
  6. True Neutral – The balanced observer, who sees value in all sides of the ethical and moral spectrum.
  7. Lawful Evil – The dominator, who uses law and order to fulfill selfish desires.
  8. Chaotic Evil – The destroyer, who seeks to indulge in their own whims without regard for others.
  9. Neutral Evil – The ultimate egoist, who will do whatever it takes to benefit themselves, regardless of the rules.

Good vs. Evil: Moral Intentions

The good-to-evil axis on the alignment grid speaks to the character’s moral compass:

  • Good characters are altruistic, often putting the needs of others before their own, and acting with kindness and compassion.
  • Evil characters are typically self-centered, willing to harm others to achieve their goals, and act with malice or selfish intent.

Lawful vs. Chaotic: Societal Values

Lawfulness and chaos deal with a character’s worldview regarding society and order:

  • Lawful characters adhere to a code or system, whether it’s the law of the land, a personal code of honor, or some other structured system.
  • Chaotic characters reject external structures and follow their own hearts and desires, placing a high value on personal freedom and individuality.

The Place of Neutrality

Neutrality is the middle ground, where characters may either see the value in balance or simply act without strong inclination towards any particular moral or ethical direction.

  • Neutral characters often navigate the world pragmatically, doing what seems best at the moment without a strong pull towards the strictures of law or the rebellion of chaos.

The alignment system is a fundamental framework within the D&D universe, but it is not a rigid script that characters must follow to the letter. Instead, it serves as a compass, guiding players as they breathe life into their characters and embark on epic adventures.

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Detailed Examination of Each DND 5e Alignment

In the tapestry of Dungeons & Dragons, alignment is a thread that colors a character’s identity, influencing their decisions, their morality, and their interaction with the multifaceted world they inhabit. This detailed examination will provide insight into each alignment, presenting a comprehensive guide for players who wish to fully embody their chosen path.

Lawful Good

Within the alignment spectrum, Lawful Good characters are the paragons of order and righteousness. These individuals are committed to upholding justice and are bound by a strict code of conduct. They believe in the power of law and order to achieve the greater good and are often seen as the cornerstone of any morally upright group.

Characteristics and Behavior: Lawful Good characters are known for their honesty, trustworthiness, and discipline. They respect authority, tradition, and the rule of law. In their eyes, the stability provided by an organized society is paramount for the prosperity and safety of all.

Role-playing as Lawful Good: When role-playing a Lawful Good character, players should consider actions that reflect integrity and honor. These characters would likely step forward to defend the innocent, challenge injustice, and act with altruism. They may struggle with dilemmas that pit their moral compass against their lawful beliefs.

Potential Classes and Character Examples: Classic examples of Lawful Good characters include Paladins, who combine their righteous zeal with a strict adherence to their oath, and many Clerics, who serve their deities through ordered good deeds. A character like Superman from comic lore epitomizes the Lawful Good alignment, always striving to do the right thing within the constraints of the law.

Chaotic Good

The rebels with a cause, Chaotic Good characters, operate on their own moral compass, prioritizing the greater good but without the constraints of law or tradition. They are the mavericks who are willing to break the rules if it means doing what’s right.

Characteristics and Behavior: Those of the Chaotic Good alignment are fiercely independent, valuing personal freedom and the autonomy to make the right choices. Their unpredictability doesn’t stem from a desire for chaos but rather from their flexible approach to achieving a positive outcome.

Role-playing as Chaotic Good: Embodying a Chaotic Good character means making decisions that are aligned with good intentions, even if it means going against the grain. Such characters might liberate an unjustly imprisoned individual or defy a corrupt authority to aid the oppressed.

Potential Classes and Character Examples: The 5e Ranger and Druid often exemplify the Chaotic Good alignment, as they are guided by the laws of nature rather than those of civilization. Robin Hood is a quintessential Chaotic Good character, fighting an unjust system to help others, unconcerned with the laws he breaks along the way.

In the journey of defining your character’s essence, these alignments serve as a compass, guiding their beliefs, actions, and their place within the broader strokes of the D&D universe. Whether you choose the staunch reliability of Lawful Good or the well-meaning defiance of Chaotic Good, the true depth of your character will come from how they express their alignment through the unfolding story.

Neutral Good

The Neutral Good alignment represents the embodiment of pure good without the constraints of order or the impulsiveness of chaos. Characters of this alignment are dedicated to helping others based on their need, rather than any particular law or code.

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Characteristics and Behavior: Neutral Good characters make choices that are kind, altruistic, and beneficial. They value life and the happiness of others, aiming to spread goodness without bias or prejudice. Such characters often find themselves in the role of the mediator, seeking harmony and the best outcome for all involved.

Role-playing as Neutral Good: When role-playing a Neutral Good character, it’s important to consider the moral implications of each decision. These characters are the ones who would go out of their way to aid strangers, give selflessly to those in need, and make sacrifices if they believe it serves the greater good.

Potential Classes and Character Examples: Many Bards and Monks can fall into the Neutral Good alignment, as they often pursue a balance between law and chaos, focusing instead on the welfare of individuals. The character Samwise Gamgee from “The Lord of the Rings” is a great example of a Neutral Good character, driven by a desire to do good and help his friend, regardless of the rules or the consequences.

Lawful Neutral

Lawful Neutral characters live by a code or a system, whether it’s the law of the land, a personal code of conduct, or an unyielding sense of order. They value structure in society and in their own lives, believing that order is necessary for existence.

Characteristics and Behavior: Individuals of the Lawful Neutral alignment are often concerned with law and order, but not necessarily with whether the outcomes are good or evil. They believe in the system, in hierarchy, and in organized, predictable behavior.

Role-playing as Lawful Neutral: Role-playing as a Lawful Neutral character involves making decisions that adhere to law, order, and structure. Such characters are likely to uphold the letter of the law, whether it is just or not, and may sometimes struggle when the law conflicts with what might be morally right.

Potential Classes and Character Examples: Fighters and some Wizards may adopt the Lawful Neutral alignment, as they often follow a strict code or set of rules regarding their craft or magic. A character like Judge Dredd from the eponymous series is an iconic Lawful Neutral character, upholding the law without question or favor.

Chaotic Neutral

Chaotic Neutral characters follow their whims, holding their personal freedom above all else. They have a strong belief in the importance of individual choice and tend to reject rules, laws, and order unless they happen to align with their current desires.

Characteristics and Behavior: These characters are unpredictable and act according to their own sense of logic, unfettered by society’s restrictions. They are not inherently selfish, but their actions are primarily motivated by their own will or benefit. They value their independence and the ability to make their own choices.

Avoiding the “Murder Hobo” Stereotype: The term “murder hobo” refers to characters that go from place to place, killing and looting without considering the moral or story implications. To avoid this stereotype, Chaotic Neutral characters should be played with depth and motivation beyond mere anarchy. Their actions, though self-serving, can still have a code or philosophy they adhere to, even if it’s not understood or accepted by society at large.

Potential Classes and Character Examples: Rogues and Sorcerers often fit the Chaotic Neutral mold, as they tend to rely on their instincts and personal freedom. Han Solo from “Star Wars” initially represents the Chaotic Neutral alignment well, driven by personal gain but with a good heart that sometimes leads him to altruistic actions.

True Neutral

The True Neutral alignment is often misunderstood, but it essentially centers on a balanced view of the axes of good vs. evil and law vs. chaos. True Neutral characters may believe in the ultimate balance of forces, or simply act in a way that is natural or necessary.

Characteristics and Behavior: True Neutral characters tend to see the value in all points of view and act in a way that maintains the status quo. They don’t feel compelled to choose sides, instead doing what seems best at the time. They may seem indifferent or detached, but they often act out of a deeper philosophical commitment to balance.

The Balance Between Extremes: Playing a True Neutral character can be challenging, as it requires a nuanced understanding of the game’s moral and ethical landscape. These characters often seek the middle ground, ensuring that no one ideology or power dominates. They may work against both good and evil forces if they believe it will maintain equilibrium.

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Potential Classes and Character Examples: Druids are the quintessential True Neutral class, striving to maintain balance between nature and civilization. Characters like Doctor Who can be considered True Neutral, as they operate based on a principle of non-interference and balance, rather than choosing sides based on moral judgments.

Lawful Evil

Characters aligned as Lawful Evil are the embodiment of order through control and dominance, often using the letter of the law to achieve their nefarious ends. They are manipulative, methodical, and might believe in a strict hierarchical system.

Characteristics and Behavior: Lawful Evil characters are typically concerned with power and control, using laws and structures to advance their own interests. They might adhere strictly to a personal code or a set of rules but interpret them in a way that benefits their agenda. They respect authority and tradition but are not above twisting them for their own gain.

Role-playing as Lawful Evil: To effectively role-play a Lawful Evil character, one should focus on goals and how the existing system can be exploited to achieve them. Such characters often have a grand vision that they believe justifies their ruthless actions. They are the villains with a cause, cold and calculating in their methods.

Potential Classes and Character Examples: A Paladin sworn to a tyrannical deity or an oath of conquest could be an example of a Lawful Evil character, as could a Warlock bound to a fiendish patron. In popular culture, Darth Vader from “Star Wars” and Tywin Lannister from “Game of Thrones” exemplify the Lawful Evil alignment.

Chaotic Evil

Chaotic Evil characters are driven by their own anger, greed, and lust for power. They are unconstrained by laws or morality, committing acts of violence and betrayal to satisfy their desires or simply for the pleasure of causing mayhem.

Characteristics and Behavior: These characters revel in chaos and destruction. They have no qualms about breaking rules or making others suffer for their personal gain. Their unpredictability makes them very dangerous adversaries.

The Challenge of Playing Chaotic Evil: Role-playing as Chaotic Evil can be difficult because such characters often clash with those who have more altruistic or orderly intentions. Players must find ways to be disruptive without ruining the game’s collaborative nature. It’s about creating a complex character who is more than just a force of destruction.

Potential Classes and Character Examples: Barbarians and Assassins are common classes for Chaotic Evil characters, capitalizing on their strength and stealth to achieve their ends. Characters like the Joker from “Batman” are archetypical Chaotic Evil, thriving in the downfall of structure and the ensuing panic.

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Neutral Evil

Neutral Evil characters are solely out for themselves, without the nuances of obeying or rebelling against rules. They will do whatever they need to advance their own interests or pleasure, regardless of the consequences to others.

Characteristics and Behavior: These characters have no scruples about harming others to get what they want. They are self-serving and often malicious, but unlike Chaotic Evil characters, they might use order or chaos when it suits them.

Role-playing as Neutral Evil: Playing a Neutral Evil character requires a focus on self-interest and the willingness to do whatever it takes to further personal power or status. They often make effective, dangerous villains in a story, as their lack of allegiance makes them unpredictable.

Potential Classes and Character Examples: Thieves and Necromancers are typical classes that might align with Neutral Evil, using their skills for personal gain with little regard for the well-being of others. In literature and media, characters like Littlefinger from “Game of Thrones” fit the Neutral Evil alignment with their manipulative and self-centered nature.

Choosing and Using Alignments in Your Campaign

Alignments are more than just a label for a character’s moral compass; they are a tool for storytelling and character development. Here’s how to use them effectively both as a player and as a Dungeon Master (DM).

When you create a character, consider how their alignment will affect their interactions with the world and other characters. Do you want a hero with a clear moral code, or a complex antihero whose morals are more ambiguous? Consider your character’s background, their goals, and how they perceive the world when choosing an alignment. Remember, alignment is descriptive, not prescriptive—it should be a reflection of the character’s beliefs and actions, not a straitjacket that limits role-playing.

Use your character’s alignment as a guide for decision-making in complex situations. Would your Lawful Good paladin compromise their values for the greater good? How does your Chaotic Neutral rogue feel about the political unrest in the kingdom? Your alignment can inform your actions and add depth to your role-playing, but it shouldn’t be a rigid framework that restricts creative play.

As a DM, you can use alignments to quickly define an NPC’s or monster’s disposition and likely actions. Alignments can help you maintain consistency in NPC behavior and can inform players about potential friends or foes. However, avoid stereotypes; not every Chaotic Evil creature is a mindless beast, and not every Lawful Good NPC is a saint. Allow for nuances and complexity in your characters to make them more engaging and believable.

Recognize that alignments can change. As characters evolve, face challenges, and reconsider their values, their alignment might shift. This fluidity can lead to interesting character arcs and plot developments. Encourage players to explore their characters’ growth and don’t be afraid to adjust an alignment to better suit the story you’re telling together.

Using alignments as a framework, players and DMs can craft intricate narratives that are consistent, yet flexible enough to allow for character development. Always prioritize the story and the fun of your gaming experience above adhering strictly to alignment rules. After all, the heart of D&D is collaborative storytelling, and the alignment system is just one of many tools to enhance that experience.

Common Misconceptions and Pitfalls

A common pitfall in D&D is reducing characters to their alignment, leading to one-dimensional portrayals. For example, not all Lawful Good characters are self-righteous and inflexible, nor are all Chaotic Evil characters mindlessly destructive. Players and DMs should avoid this by recognizing that each character is a sum of their experiences, motivations, and personality traits, not just an alignment.

Another misconception is the belief that alignments strictly dictate a character’s actions in every situation. This is not the case. Alignments guide and influence decisions but don’t eliminate free will or the complexity of moral dilemmas. A character might act against their alignment if the situation calls for it, which can lead to interesting character development.

Lastly, alignments can sometimes oversimplify the moral complexity of the D&D world. The traditional Good versus Evil spectrum doesn’t always capture the nuanced motivations behind actions. It’s crucial to remember that alignments are a starting point for understanding a character’s or creature’s worldview, not a comprehensive moral judgment.


Alignments are a valuable aspect of D&D as they provide a foundational element for character development and narrative depth. They help players and DMs think about their characters’ worldviews and can facilitate engaging role-play and storytelling. When used thoughtfully, alignments can add richness to the game and provide a lens through which to explore complex themes.

The true spirit of D&D lies in creativity and flexibility, and this extends to how alignments are used. Encourage players to interpret their alignments in a way that feels true to their characters’ stories and motivations. As a DM, be open to characters’ alignments evolving over time, reflecting the changes they undergo through their adventures. By using alignments not as rigid rules but as fluid, guiding principles, players and DMs can create a truly dynamic and immersive gaming experience.

Remember, the primary goal is to create a fun and engaging story for everyone involved. So whether you’re a noble Paladin on a quest for justice or a cunning Rogue with a personal agenda, let your alignment enhance your journey, not define it.

Isaac Hanson

LitRPG Author Isaac Hanson

Isaac Hanson is the wizard behind the curtain when it comes to understanding and dissecting the complex magic systems of Dungeons & Dragons. With a background in mathematics and a love for all things arcane, Isaac has dedicated himself to exploring the mechanics of spellcasting, magical items, and mystical lore. (And rogues. But who doesn't love a thief!) I am Spartacus! I am a wage slave! I am Paul Bellow! At LitRPG Reads, Isaac's articles delve into the nuances of magical classes, spell optimization, magical theory, and much more when he's interested in the topic. His analytical approach brings a scientific edge to the fantastical world of D&D, helping players maximize their magical prowess and understand the underlying principles of their favorite spells. Outside of his writing, Isaac is an avid gamer, both on the tabletop and online. He's also a member of various magic-themed communities and enjoys experimenting with homebrew magical systems. His mantra: "Magic is not just fantasy; it's a science waiting to be understood."