DND Eldritch Invocations: The Ultimate Guide for New and Veteran Warlocks

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Among the many unique features that set Dungeons & Dragons’ Warlock class apart from other spellcasters, none is quite as distinctive as their DND Eldritch Invocations. These supernatural boons, granted by otherworldly patrons, transform a Warlock from a simple spellcaster into a truly customizable vessel of arcane power. Whether you’re blasting enemies from unprecedented distances or seeing through the deepest magical darkness, invocations define how your Warlock manifests their borrowed might.

Like the pacts that bind them to their patrons, a Warlock’s choice of Eldritch Invocations represents a deeply personal expression of their character’s journey into forbidden knowledge. From the apprentice dabbling in dark arts to the master wielding reality-bending abilities, these customizable features grow alongside your character, opening new tactical and roleplay opportunities at every level.

Understanding Eldritch Invocations

Before diving into specific invocations, it’s essential to understand how these mystical abilities fundamentally alter your Warlock’s potential. Eldritch Invocations are more than just passive traits; they are carefully chosen powers that shape how your character interacts with the world and adapts to challenges. Unlike spells, which are bound by limited spell slots, invocations offer a unique versatility that allows Warlocks to adapt on the fly. With a well-chosen invocation, a Warlock can become adept in stealth, unleash potent ranged attacks, or wield powerful defensive options — all without consuming precious spell resources.

Think of invocations as supernatural enhancements that reinforce and expand your Warlock’s role in the party. These abilities provide powerful effects that don’t just support but actively elevate your playstyle, giving you reliable tools throughout the adventuring day. Whether you’re taking on relentless foes or exploring mysterious landscapes, Eldritch Invocations add new layers of depth and customization to your character, making them one of the defining features of the Warlock class.

What are Eldritch Invocations?

Eldritch Invocations are supernatural abilities granted to Warlocks by their patrons, representing specialized knowledge and forbidden techniques that set them apart from conventional spellcasters. Each invocation embodies the unique and powerful connection between a Warlock and their patron, enhancing their mystical abilities in ways that go beyond traditional spellcasting. These abilities form the backbone of a Warlock’s identity, offering both versatility and potency that can be customized to fit any playstyle.

Starting at 2nd level, Warlocks can select Eldritch Invocations, with more options unlocking as they progress in level. Unlike spells, most invocations require no spell slots and can often be used at will, providing a reliable toolkit that can be counted on in any situation. Some invocations come with level prerequisites, ensuring that Warlocks gain access to progressively more powerful options as they advance.

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  • Available from 2nd level onward, with additional slots as you level up
  • No spell slots required — most invocations can be used freely without limitations
  • Some invocations have level requirements, offering advanced options at higher levels
  • Enhance existing Warlock abilities, particularly Eldritch Blast, for increased effectiveness
  • Flexible builds — invocations can be swapped out when leveling, allowing Warlocks to adapt to their campaign’s needs

These mystical boons are essential to defining your Warlock’s playstyle, giving them access to abilities that transform how they interact with the world. Invocations can turn a Warlock into a stealth expert, an offensive powerhouse, or a utility specialist, providing flexibility and customization that make every Warlock unique. They serve as the foundation for channeling a patron’s power in a way that mere spells cannot replicate, empowering Warlocks with an identity as unique and versatile as the eldritch forces they wield.

The Role of Invocations in a Warlock’s Power

Eldritch Invocations fundamentally solve the Warlock’s limited spell slot challenge by providing reliable, always-available abilities. Unlike other spellcasters who might exhaust their magical resources, your invocations ensure you always have supernatural options at your disposal.

This design brilliantly complements the Warlock’s signature Pact Magic feature. Where your spell slots represent concentrated bursts of your patron’s power, invocations are the constant, subtle manifestations of your otherworldly connection. They’re not just additional abilities – they’re the living proof of your ongoing bargain with forces beyond the material plane.

From a mechanical perspective, invocations offer unparalleled customization within D&D’s class system. No two Warlocks need approach their power the same way, even if they share the same patron or pact boon. A Fiend-pact Warlock focusing on Devil’s Sight and darkness spells plays radically differently from one emphasizing Agonizing Blast and combat superiority.

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The true strength of invocations lies in their ability to define your Warlock’s combat role while simultaneously shaping their approach to exploration and social interaction. Whether you’re focusing on becoming an unstoppable force in combat or a master of supernatural utility, your invocation choices create a unique magical fingerprint that distinguishes your character from every other Warlock in the multiverse.

Essential Invocations for Low-Level Warlocks

For Warlocks just beginning their journey into eldritch power, certain invocations stand out as particularly valuable choices. These early selections often define your playstyle and remain relevant throughout your character’s progression, making them crucial decisions for any aspiring wielder of otherworldly magic.

Agonizing Blast

Of all the invocations available to low-level Warlocks, Agonizing Blast stands as perhaps the most impactful choice for those seeking to maximize their combat effectiveness. By adding your Charisma modifier to each beam of Eldritch Blast, this invocation transforms your cantrip from a reliable attack into a devastating force on the battlefield.

The mathematical advantages are impossible to ignore – at higher levels, when Eldritch Blast fires multiple beams, each one benefits from this damage bonus. A 17th level Warlock with 20 Charisma adds +5 damage to each of four possible beams, potentially dealing an extra 20 damage per round without expending any resources.

  • Increases damage output significantly with no resource cost
  • Scales exceptionally well as Eldritch Blast gains additional beams
  • Combines effectively with other Eldritch Blast-enhancing invocations
  • Makes your cantrip damage competitive with weapon-based martial classes
  • Particularly potent when paired with Hex or other damage-boosting spells

While some might view this as a “boring” choice, the consistent damage increase proves invaluable for Warlocks working with limited spell slots.

Armor of Shadows

For Warlocks who don’t have access to light armor proficiency or prefer to maximize their mystical defenses, Armor of Shadows provides invaluable protection through the ability to cast Mage Armor at will. This constant access to a 13 + Dexterity modifier AC calculation can significantly improve your survivability.

The true value of this invocation lies not just in the AC bonus, but in its resource-free nature. Unlike other spellcasters who must expend a precious spell slot on Mage Armor, you can recast it whenever needed, ensuring you’re never caught unprepared.

Base AC13 + DEX modifier
Duration8 hours
Cast FrequencyAt will
Resource CostNone
StackingDoes not stack with armor
Special NotesCan be recast before sleep for full duration during long rest

While seemingly simple, this invocation’s reliability makes it a cornerstone of many Warlock builds focused on sustainability and defense.

Devil’s Sight

Few low-level invocations offer as much tactical potential as Devil’s Sight. This supernatural vision enhancement grants you the ability to see normally in both magical and nonmagical darkness up to 120 feet, opening up strategic possibilities that other characters simply cannot access.

The combination of Devil’s Sight with the Darkness spell creates a potent tactical advantage, allowing you to fight effectively while your enemies suffer from the blinded condition. This synergy alone makes it worth consideration for any Warlock build focused on battlefield control.

  • Provides perfect vision in all forms of darkness, including magical
  • Enables devastating combo with the Darkness spell
  • Excellent for exploration in dungeons and caverns
  • Renders many enemy concealment tactics ineffective
  • Valuable for both combat and non-combat situations

Beyond its combat applications, this invocation’s utility for exploration and stealth missions makes it a versatile choice that remains useful throughout your entire career.

Mid-Level Invocations for Enhanced Abilities

As Warlocks grow in power and deepen their connection to their patrons, mid-level invocations offer increasingly sophisticated ways to manipulate arcane forces. These options build upon your foundation of power while introducing new tactical possibilities that can dramatically alter your approach to challenges.

Eldritch Spear

When standard combat ranges prove insufficient, Eldritch Spear transforms your Eldritch Blast into a truly remarkable weapon of war. By extending the cantrip’s range to 300 feet, this invocation allows you to engage threats from distances that most spellcasters can only dream of reaching.

The tactical advantages of such extreme range cannot be overstated. In outdoor encounters, you can begin attacking enemies before they can even perceive you as a threat, potentially ending encounters before they truly begin. This becomes particularly potent when combined with elevated positions or flying abilities.

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Most importantly, this extended range allows you to contribute meaningfully to combat while staying well beyond the reach of most retaliatory attacks. For a class with limited hit points and armor options, this additional safety margin can prove invaluable.

  • Increases Eldritch Blast range to 300 feet
  • Enables sniping tactics from extreme distances
  • Perfect for aerial combat scenarios
  • Combines well with Spell Sniper feat for 600-foot range
  • Excellent for protecting valuable concentration spells

The ability to engage at such extreme ranges fundamentally changes how you can approach combat encounters.

Mire the Mind

By granting access to the Slow spell once per long rest without expending a spell slot, Mire the Mind provides one of the most potent crowd control options available to mid-level Warlocks. This often-overlooked spell can dramatically alter the flow of combat by debilitating multiple enemies simultaneously.

The beauty of Slow lies in its versatility – unlike many control spells, it affects creatures regardless of type or size, making it equally effective against both groups of weaker enemies and powerful solo threats. The combination of reduced movement, limited actions, and defensive penalties creates opportunities for both you and your allies.

Using this invocation effectively requires careful timing and positioning, but the rewards for doing so can turn the tide of otherwise overwhelming encounters.

EffectTactical Advantage
Halved MovementControls battlefield positioning
-2 ACIncreases party damage output
-2 DEX SavesMakes follow-up spells more effective
Limited ActionsReduces enemy threat level
Multiple TargetsExcellent crowd control

Mire the Mind exemplifies how mid-level invocations can provide strategic depth beyond simple damage increases.

Sculptor of Flesh

The power to transform yourself or others using polymorph once per long rest opens up an incredible array of tactical and utility options. Sculptor of Flesh represents one of the most versatile invocations available, serving equally well in combat, exploration, or social scenarios.

Whether you’re turning an ally into a Tyrannosaurus Rex for combat, transforming yourself into a giant eagle for reconnaissance, or polymorphing an enemy into a harmless creature, this invocation provides solutions to countless challenges. The fact that it doesn’t require concentration from you (unlike the spell version cast from Memory of Many Pages) makes it even more valuable.

Most importantly, polymorph’s utility scales with your knowledge of beasts – the more creatures you encounter and study, the more options become available to you through this invocation.

  • Combat transformations provide massive temporary HP pools
  • Flight forms enable group transportation and scouting
  • Aquatic forms solve underwater challenges
  • Small forms excel at infiltration
  • Enemy transformations offer non-lethal solutions

The sheer versatility of this invocation makes it a standout choice for any Warlock seeking to expand their problem-solving toolkit.

High-Level Invocations for Advanced Warlocks

At higher levels, Warlock invocations transcend mere magical enhancements and begin to bend reality itself. These powerful options reflect your character’s mastery over their patron’s gifts and can dramatically reshape your capabilities in ways that few other classes can match.

Ascendant Step

The ability to cast Levitate at will without expending spell slots or requiring concentration represents a fundamental change in how your Warlock navigates the world. Ascendant Step grants you unprecedented mobility options that remain relevant in combat, exploration, and social scenarios alike.

While levitation might seem less impressive than true flight at first glance, the at-will nature of this ability makes it extraordinarily versatile. Your ability to hover safely above danger while raining down Eldritch Blasts creates tactical advantages that many enemies simply cannot counter.

  • Provides permanent access to vertical positioning
  • Perfect for crossing hazardous terrain safely
  • Enables creative solutions to climbing challenges
  • Excellent defensive option against melee enemies
  • Combines well with forced movement effects

The freedom of movement granted by Ascendant Step often proves more valuable than more limited forms of flight.


For Warlocks who have embraced the path of Pact of the Blade, Lifedrinker represents the pinnacle of their weapon mastery. By adding your Charisma modifier to the damage of your pact weapon, this invocation turns your melee attacks into truly fearsome instruments of destruction.

The additional damage applies to every hit, not just once per turn, making it particularly potent for builds utilizing multiple attacks. When combined with other pact weapon enhancements, your damage output can rival or exceed that of dedicated martial classes.

AspectCombat Impact
Extra DamageCHA modifier per hit
FrequencyEvery attack
Resource CostNone
StackingWorks with other weapon buffs
ScalingImproves with CHA increases
TypeNecrotic (rarely resisted)

This sustained damage increase helps bridge the gap between spellcasting and martial combat for blade-focused Warlocks.

Witch Sight

At the highest levels of play, the ability to pierce magical deceptions becomes invaluable. Witch Sight grants you the power to see through shapeshifters, illusions, and transmutations within 30 feet, making you an invaluable asset in situations where appearances cannot be trusted.

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The true power of this invocation lies in its automatic nature – unlike spells like True Seeing, Witch Sight requires no resource expenditure and remains active constantly. This makes you a reliable detector of magical deception in situations where conservation of resources is crucial.

  • Automatically detects shapeshifters and polymorphed creatures
  • Sees through all forms of illusion magic
  • Reveals true forms of transformed beings
  • Perfect for intrigue-heavy campaigns
  • Invaluable against deceptive foes

While more situational than some combat-focused invocations, Witch Sight’s utility in uncovering deception makes it indispensable in higher-level play.

Unique and Flavorful Invocations

Beyond the straightforward combat enhancements and utility powers, certain invocations offer distinctly flavorful ways to express your Warlock’s connection to their patron. These options often provide versatile tools that, while perhaps not as immediately powerful as others, open up unique roleplay opportunities and creative problem-solving approaches.

Book of Ancient Secrets

Perhaps the most versatile invocation available to Pact of the Tome Warlocks, Book of Ancient Secrets transforms your tome into a living grimoire of ritual magic. This invocation fundamentally alters your utility capabilities by granting access to every ritual spell in the game, provided you can find and transcribe them.

The ability to learn and cast ritual spells from any class list makes your Book of Shadows a repository of magical knowledge that grows alongside your adventures. More than just a mechanical advantage, this invocation represents your Warlock’s dedication to uncovering and preserving forbidden knowledge.

Your role as a keeper of ancient rituals extends beyond mere utility – you become a walking library of magical lore, capable of solving problems through careful preparation and esoteric knowledge.

  • Can learn and cast any ritual spell found in your travels
  • Starts with two 1st-level ritual spells from any class
  • No spell slot cost for ritual casting
  • Scales with the number of rituals discovered
  • Excellent for downtime activities and preparation
  • Provides unique solutions to common challenges

The value of this invocation grows exponentially with your ability to collect new rituals.

Fiendish Vigor

The power to cast False Life at will might seem modest compared to more flashy invocations, but Fiendish Vigor’s reliability makes it a surprisingly potent choice for Warlocks seeking enhanced durability. This constant access to temporary hit points can significantly improve your survivability over an adventuring day.

The true strength of this invocation lies not in the amount of temporary hit points granted, but in the ability to replenish them whenever needed. Unlike similar abilities that require resource expenditure, you can maintain this buffer of extra health indefinitely.

Temp HP Amount1d4 + 4
Cast FrequencyAt will
Duration1 hour
Action Cost1 action
Resource CostNone
StackingOverwrites lower rolls

While the numbers might seem small, the consistency and reliability of this protection can make a crucial difference in survival.

Thief of Five Fates

Representing a more sinister application of your patron’s power, Thief of Five Fates grants you the ability to curse your enemies with Bane once per long rest. This often-overlooked spell can dramatically impact challenging encounters by reducing your opponents’ effectiveness across multiple types of actions.

The psychological impact of forcing enemies to subtract a d4 from attacks and saving throws should not be underestimated. In crucial moments, this penalty can mean the difference between a successful enemy action and a catastrophic failure.

  • Affects multiple enemies simultaneously
  • Impacts both offensive and defensive capabilities
  • Particularly effective against enemies with multiple attacks
  • Combines well with save-or-suck spells
  • Creates opportunities for team synergy

Beyond its mechanical benefits, this invocation adds a delightfully sinister flavor to your Warlock’s arsenal of supernatural abilities.

Tips for Choosing Eldritch Invocations

Selecting the right invocations for your Warlock requires thoughtful consideration of multiple factors: your character’s role within the party, the abilities of your fellow adventurers, and the nature of your campaign. Every invocation choice you make contributes not only to your Warlock’s mechanical effectiveness but also to how your character uniquely wields their otherworldly power. These invocations can transform a Warlock from a straightforward spellcaster into a versatile, unpredictable force, adapting to both combat and non-combat challenges with ease.

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Beyond raw power, invocations add nuance and depth to your Warlock’s persona. Whether you focus on eldritch sight, amplified spellcasting, or stealth-based tactics, each choice shapes your character’s approach to wielding arcane forces. Thoughtful selection allows you to refine a distinctive playstyle, making your Warlock feel as if they truly embody the mysterious gifts of their patron — gifts that can be as varied and complex as the patron’s own agenda.

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Balancing Combat and Utility

While the temptation to focus entirely on combat effectiveness can be strong, the most successful Warlocks often maintain a careful balance between battle prowess and utility powers. Your limited number of invocation slots makes each choice particularly significant.

A well-rounded selection of invocations ensures you can contribute meaningfully both in and out of combat situations. Remember that even utility-focused invocations often have creative combat applications when used imaginatively.

  • Consider your party’s existing capabilities and fill gaps
  • Maintain at least one reliable combat option
  • Look for invocations that serve multiple purposes
  • Think about both immediate needs and long-term utility
  • Remember that not every problem requires a combat solution

The key is finding synergies between different invocations that complement your playstyle.

Building Unique Warlock Themes

Your choice of invocations provides an excellent opportunity to reinforce your character’s theme and relationship with their patron. Whether you’re creating a shadow-wielding infiltrator or a commanding presence on the battlefield, your invocations should tell a story.

Different patrons naturally suggest different thematic groupings of invocations. A Fiend patron might favor abilities that intimidate and control, while a Great Old One Warlock might focus on mind-affecting abilities and supernatural perception.

  • Choose invocations that reflect your patron’s nature
  • Build around a central theme or concept
  • Consider how combinations create unique effects
  • Let your character’s background influence choices
  • Look for opportunities to subvert expectations creatively

The best Warlock builds often emerge from a strong thematic foundation rather than pure optimization.

Adapting Invocations to Campaign Needs

The most effective Warlock builds are carefully tailored to meet the unique challenges and themes of their campaign setting. In DND, no two campaigns are alike — some may plunge players into dark, dungeon-crawling quests full of undead and fiendish creatures, while others could emphasize political intrigue, urban exploration, or wilderness survival. Each campaign type calls for a different approach to invocation selection, allowing Warlocks to become specialists who thrive in their environment.

Selecting invocations that complement the campaign’s specific demands not only enhances your Warlock’s functionality but also reinforces their connection to the story. In a combat-heavy campaign, for instance, invocations that amplify offensive spells or bolster defensive tactics can turn your Warlock into a formidable frontline or ranged support character. On the other hand, a campaign centered on investigation or diplomacy may call for invocations that boost perception, charisma-based skills, or stealth capabilities. By aligning your invocation choices with the campaign’s unique flavor, you’ll create a Warlock whose abilities feel naturally woven into the world and challenges around them, making for a richer and more immersive gameplay experience.

Campaign TypeRecommended Focus
Dungeon CrawlExploration and survival invocations
Political IntrigueSocial and detection abilities
Wilderness AdventureMobile combat and utility options
Urban CampaignStealth and social manipulation
Combat-HeavyDamage and battlefield control
InvestigationDetection and information gathering

Your invocation choices should evolve as you learn more about your campaign’s challenges.

Final Thoughts on Eldritch Invocations

Eldritch Invocations stand as one of the most defining and versatile features of the Warlock class, providing a wealth of customization options that allow you to shape your character’s powers in ways few other classes can match. These supernatural abilities grant Warlocks a unique flexibility, empowering them to tackle challenges with a distinctly personal approach. The art of mastering these invocations lies not simply in selecting the most powerful abilities but in thoughtfully combining options that create a cohesive and compelling character concept, tailored to your chosen playstyle and campaign needs.

Whether you’re building a devastating combat specialist, a utility-focused spellcaster, or a cunning trickster with abilities as mysterious as their motives, your invocation choices reflect your Warlock’s journey into the depths of otherworldly power. Each invocation is a step in the path carved by your Warlock’s bond with their patron, embodying both their strengths and the eerie allure of the pact they’ve made. This freedom of choice makes Warlocks one of the most adaptable classes, giving you the reins to construct a character whose strengths lie in subtlety, raw power, or unconventional tactics.

What’s more, as your character advances and your campaign unfolds, the ability to swap out invocations allows your Warlock to evolve, adapting to new challenges, plot developments, and party dynamics. This flexibility is invaluable, enabling you to refine your strategy based on what you encounter, keeping your Warlock an effective force within the party. With each level gained, you can adjust your invocations to suit your Warlock’s growth, ensuring they remain a relevant, formidable, and captivating presence throughout your group’s adventures.

In this way, invocations are more than just abilities; they are the framework of your Warlock’s unique story. Each one reflects the dark knowledge and forbidden techniques imparted by their patron, setting the Warlock apart from any other spellcaster. By selecting invocations that align with your character’s personality and goals, you weave a narrative that mirrors your Warlock’s descent into the arcane unknown, shaping a powerful and mysterious figure who continuously surprises allies and unnerves enemies. This constant evolution makes your Warlock more than just a caster; they become an embodiment of eldritch mystery, a testament to the potent and eerie power of their pact, ever ready to face whatever trials await.

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Kiera Mensah

LitRPG Author Kiera Mensah

Kiera Mensah is a bright star in the gaming journalism universe. With a smile that disarms and a wit that charms, Kiera's reviews and articles for the latest RPGs are a treasure trove of clever insights and pro-gamer tips. Her passion for storytelling shines through every piece, engaging readers with her lively analysis and captivating narratives. Kiera's pen is her sword, her keyboard her shield, as she navigates the digital realms with ease. She champions the inclusive spirit of gaming, always ready to highlight indie gems or deep-dive into the cultural impact of the medium. Whether it's a nostalgic look back at classic 8-bit adventures or a critical take on the newest VR experience, Kiera's words resonate with gamers of all backgrounds.

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