Simon Vale from Magic Dome Books was kind enough to answer a few of our questions over email. Here’s his answers with news about what’s coming up from them in the next few weeks. As always, you can expect great Russian –> English LitRPG translations as they work hard to bring us Americans some LitRPG from overseas.
Games Blog
Games Blog, including board games, roleplaying games, and video games.
What About LitRPG Movies for Gamers?
Someone on social media the other day was asking about good “LitRPG movies.” While Ready Player One won’t be released until March 2018, I’ve put together a collection of some classic movies for gamers. Okay, not all of them are movies, but they’re worth a watch in my opinion. If you love gaming, there’s sure to be something on this list you’ll enjoy.
My Gaming History: Part One
Oh, my. Where to begin. I guess it came with writing my own Zork-like adventure in Basic on an IBM PC clone ordered via phone direct from China. The 80s, … Read more
Why Do I Love the LitRPG Genre?
As a full-time self-published author, I’m always looking at the money side of the business to ensure my lights stay on. With that said, I love the creative writing part … Read more
First Post: LitRPG Blog
Not much to say yet. We’re still setting up the website. Stay tuned for more!