RPG Legends: Al-Qadim

As Dungeons and Dragons began to find some success with its more popular settings, there was a sense that players wanted more. Most of the settings only concentrated on small … Read more

RPG Legends: Spelljammer

At some point during its development, Dungeons and Dragons just got weird. It took a gamble on embracing every aspect of its cosmology and pushing out settings that seem incredibly … Read more

RPG Legends: Greyhawk

Greyhawk D&D Setting

One cannot have Dungeons and Dragons without Greyhawk. Sure, there have been other settings in the history of the game. There have even been settings that have arguably been more … Read more

RPG Legends: Dark Sun

When most people think about Dungeons and Dragons, their minds turn towards epic fantasy. Elves, dwarves, dragons – it’s part and parcel of the role playing game package. However, those … Read more

RPG Legends: Dragonlance

Memorable Dragonlance Characters

The early era of Dungeons and Dragons didn’t quite have the unified backstory of today’s games. While the mechanics were all in place, there wasn’t a true world in which … Read more

The Legend of Gord the Rogue

Gord the Rogue, you ask?

If you love the fiction of Dungeons and Dragons, there are a few names you probably know by heart.

Drizzt Do’urden. Artemis Entreri. Wulfgar.

If you’re an old-school fan, there are a number of others names that you might know by heart, like Elminster.

If you’ve been around since the beginning, though, you know that there’s one oft-forgotten name that deserves to live on in that pantheon. He’s forgotten by many, but he’s still important.

That name, of course, is Gord the Rogue.

Gord’s legend is fantastic, both on and off the page. He’s a great character, but he’s also a huge part of D&D’s early history. If you don’t already know him, get ready – he’s going to be a big part of your D&D education. Sit back while we reminisce about the immortal Gord the Rogue series.

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