DND 5e Halloween One-Shot (Free Adventure Ideas)

If you’re looking for some DND 5e Halloween Oneshot Adventures? You’ve landed on the right website, my friend. This list includes some Halloween events and terrifying encounters for October 31st, Halloween night! If the list of one shots below doesn’t help (I’m …

How to Make D&D Scary this Halloween

Halloween is coming up, and we’ve got a list of ten ways you can make D&D scary for your players. Strap in and get ready to be scared! 1) Spooky Locations You can start anywhere, but a fantastic way to set the …

Dungeons and Dragons: 10 Devious 5e DnD Traps

Are you looking for innovative ways to challenge your players? If so, keep reading. We have ten devious traps and puzzles along with the statistics needed to bring them to life. Each trap or puzzle is easily inserted into an adventure or …

D&D 6th edition: What Fans Want


Is a Dungeons & Dragons sixth edition coming soon? Here’s what some fans want want out of the latest version. If you’re waiting for D&D 6th edition, you’re not alone. While Wizards of the Coast has not announced that it would be …

D&D Random Jungle Encounters (d100)

A serene forest scene with a wooden path surrounded by lush green foliage resembles a setting right out of Dungeons & Dragons. Sunlight filters through the dense canopy, illuminating large tree roots and vibrant leaves, creating a tranquil atmosphere perfect for any TTRPG adventure.

Ready for some interesting and entertaining D&D random jungle encounters? Good! I’ve used GPT-3 from OpenAI to generate these before editing them for your use. Feel free to use any of the random encounters on the table below and change them as …

D&D Fighter Backstory Examples

RPG Weapon Generator

If you’re on the hunt for D&D fighter backstory examples, I’ve got a handful on this page that should give you some interesting ideas. The samples were created by LitRPG Adventures Workshop, a collection of advanced RPG generators and a growing library …

RPG Character Creator Generator Now Online (DALLE3)

Bardic College

Looking for an RPG character generator online? You need to check out LitRPG Adventures if you haven’t yet. I built a couple dozen advanced RPG generators using GPT-3 from OpenAI. Even better, members get access to a library of nearly 10,000 items, …

7 Sensational DND Random Magic Items

Need some table ready D&D random magic items? Good news! I created a powerful set of RPG generators using GPT-3 from OpenAI. You can use LitRPG Adventures to create your own or browse our library of thousands of pre-generated items, backstories, monsters, …

More Random Wilderness Encounters: D&D 5e

random wilderness encounters 5e

If you’ve read our first random wilderness encounters for D&D 5e free sample, get ready for even more interesting, dangerous, and entertaining encounters for your fantasy tabletop RPG campaign. We’ve got a list of another twenty encounters that will give you ideas …

Second Random Tables RPG Book for Fantasy

If you haven’t heard, the second random tables RPG book for fantasy is now available on Amazon in print and ebook. The science-fiction random tables didn’t sell too well, so I haven’t made a print version of it yet, but there’s a …

5 Fascinating DND Monk Backstories

If you’re looking for monk backstories, congratulations. Below are several example backstories created with LitRPG Adventures, a tool I built that’s powered by GPT-3 from OpenAI. You can create monk backstories and much, much more. You can head to LitRPG Adventures now …